Council meeting agenda
May 28, 2024
Updated: May 29, 2024
Date and location
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
9:30 am
Council Chamber
Third Floor, City Hall, 453 West 12th Avenue
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• This meeting is to be convened in person and via electronic means as authorized by Part 14 of the Procedure By-law.
PROCLAMATION – Italian Heritage Month
THAT Council will go into meetings later this week which are closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2(1) of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraphs:
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city;
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of an activity, work or facility that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the Council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city if they were held in public.
2. Public Hearing – May 7, 2024
3. Council (Policy and Strategic Priorities) – May 8, 2024
4. Special Council (Provincial Housing Targets Order – 6 Month Interim Report) – May 14, 2024
1. 2023 YVR Annual Update
Tamara Vrooman, President and Chief Executive Officer, along with Corey Sue, Board Director, to present on the above-noted matter.
1. Arbutus Greenway – Establishment of City Land for Street and Public Space Purposes
2. New Agreements for the following Childcare Centres: 3 Corners Childcare Centre, International Village Children's Centre and Learning Tree Daycare and Lease Amendment for the following Neighbourhood House: Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House
Recommendations A and B require 8 affirmative votes of all Council members under section 206(1) of the Vancouver Charter.
3. Grant to Amicae Co-op for Below Market Lease at 1047 Barclay Street
Recommendation requires 8 affirmative votes of all Council members under section 206(1) of the Vancouver Charter.
4. 515 & 521 Hawks Avenue – Notice on Title
5. Business Licence Hearing Panels - September to December 2024
1. Amendments to Restricted Zones (RT-7, RT-9, CD-1 371 and CD-1 463) to Comply with Bill 44 - Provincial Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) Legislation
2. Amendments to the First Shaughnessy District Schedule and Heritage Conservation Area Official Development Plan (HCA ODP) to Comply with Bill 44 – Provincial Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) Legislation
1. A By-law to Amend the Street Vending By-law No. 10868 2024 regarding Water Street Pedestrian Zone Pilot
2. A By-law to amend the Licence By-law No. 4450 regarding continuous flame butane lighters
3. A By-law to amend the Ticket Offences By-law No. 9360 regarding continuous flame butane lighters
(Subject to approval of By-law 2)
4. A By-law to amend Zoning and Development By-law No. 3575 to rezone an area from R1-1 to RM-8AN (7057–7075 Oak Street and 1015 West 54th Avenue)
(Councillor Fry and Mayor Sim were absent for this item at the Public Hearing and will need to review the proceedings to be eligible to vote)
5. A By-law to amend Subdivision By-law No. 5208 (7057–7075 Oak Street and 1015 West 54th Avenue)
(Subject to approval of By-law 4)
6. A By-law to amend Zoning and Development By-law No. 3575 to rezone an area to CD-1 (4426-4464 Knight Street and 1406 East 28th Avenue)
(Councillors Klassen, Meiszner, Montague, Zhou and Mayor Sim not on Council at the time of Public Hearing and will need to review the proceedings to be eligible to vote)
7. A By-law to amend Subdivision By-law No. 5208 (657-685 East 18th Avenue)
8. A By-law to amend Subdivision By-law No. 5208 (5995-6015 Dunbar Street)
9. A By-law to amend Subdivision By-law No. 5208 (6218-6230 Oak Street)
10. A By-law to amend Subdivision By-law No. 5208 (550-606 East King Edward Avenue)
11. A By-law to amend Subdivision By-law No. 5208 (2126 West 34th Avenue, 5025 Arbutus Street and 2109-2129 West 35th Avenue)
12. A By-law to amend Subdivision By-law No. 5208 (3575-3655 Kaslo Street, 3580-3644 Slocan Street and 2755 East 21st Avenue)
13. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 2596-2660 East 41st Avenue
14. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 163 Milross Avenue
15. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 3231-3245 Fraser Street and 675 East 17th Avenue
16. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 3132-3150 Rosemont Drive
17. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 2406-2484 Renfrew Street
1. Approval of Form of Development: 192 North Renfrew Street (formerly 2901 East Hastings Street)
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