City of Vancouver

Creekside Landing
On Southeast False Creek

Staff report to Council

Letter to the Mayor and Members
of the Property Endownment Fund Steeting Committee

Executive Summary
Purpose of the Study
Present Situation
City Objectives Pertaining to Development of the Lands
Potential Development Concepts
Creekside Landing:
No Development

Terms of Reference

Present Situation
Current Zoning
City-owned Lands
Land Ownership History
Historical Land Use
Environmental Site Issues
Current Market Land Value
Existing City Tenancies

City Objectives pertaining to the lands

Land use
Shoreline, public waterfront walkway, and access to water
Provision of park, social housing, daycare, school site, public art and library levy.
False Creek Policy Broadsheets
Retention of a heritage listed building
Retention of view along First Avenue to Science Centre
Street car
Sustainable Development
To achieve an economically viable development
Potential Development Concepts
Sustainable Development
Potential Development Concepts
No Development
Industrial/Office Park Development
Creekside Landing
Description of the Creekside Landing Concept
Economic Analysis of the Creekside Landing Concept
Summary of the three previously discussed scenarios


Cash Flow and Capital Requirement
Significant Funding Commitment
Market Condition
A Favourable Scenario
An Unfavourable Scenario




Index of Tables and Spreadsheets Included in the Report
Table 1: Summary of City Land Ownership
Table 2: Summary of Soil Issues
Table 3: Tenancies on City Lands
Table 4: Workshop Participants
Table 5: Economic Proforma of No Development for 16 Year Time Frame
Table 6: Economic Proforma of No Development (NPV)
Table 7: Economic Proforma: Industrial /Office Park Concept
Table 8: Major Project Statistics Compared with Creekside Landing
Table 9: Economic Proforma for Creekside Landing
Table 10: Comparison of the Returns of Three Development Scenarios
Table 11: Cash Flow and Capital Requirement for Creekside Landing
Table 12: Current Market Conditions Summary
Table 13: Scenario Analysis for Creekside Landing

Index of Figures and Illustrations Included in the Report
Illustration 1: Context Plan Creekside Landing
Illustration 2: Model View From Northwest
Illustration 3: Concept Plan Creekside Landing
Illustration 4: "Ontario & First Avenue Perspective" Creekside Landing )
Illustration 5: Model View from Southeast
Illustration 6: "Mews Perspective" Creekside Landing
Illustration 7: Model View from Southwest
Illustration 8: Concept Plan Creekside Landing
Figure 5: Illustration of Industrial/Office Park Concept
Figure 6: Gantt Chart: Industrial/Office Park Concept
Figure 7: Gantt Chart: Creekside Landing Concept
Creekside Landing Concepts "Park System"
Creekside Landing Concepts 'Land Use"
Creekside Landing Concepts "Water Features"
Creekside Landing Concepts "Urban Structure"
Creekside Landing Concepts "Pedestrian Routes"
Creekside Landing Concepts "Building Height; Peaks & Valleys"
Creekside Landing Concepts "Inland Public Views"
Creekside Landing Concepts "Traffic Calming"
Creekside Landing Concepts "Grade Level Service Access"
Illustration of a Mixed Residential and Industrial/Office Park Development
A Three Dimensional Perspective of a Mixed Residential and Industrial/Office Park Development
Illustration of a Lower Density Residential Development
A Three Dimensional Perspective of a Lower Density Residential Development
Illustration of a Convential Residential Development
A Three Dimensional Perspective of a Convential Residential Development

Appendix A
Appendix B

Please contact the City Clerks' Office to obtain copies of the illustrations, drawings and spreadhsheets that are included in this report.

Comments or questions? You can send us email.
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Last modified: April 8, 1997
(c) 1997 City of Vancouver