Regular Council agenda
December 4, 2018
Updated: December 3, 2018
Date and location
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
9:30 am
Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall
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THAT Council will go into meetings later this week which are closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2(1) of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraphs:
(c) labour relations or other employee relations;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the city;
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of an activity, work or facility that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the Council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city if they were held in public.
1. Regular Council – November 13, 2018
2. Court of Revision (Local Improvements) – November 22, 2018
1. Perspectives on a New City Plan: How Might Young People Stay and Thrive in Vancouver? SFU Semester in Dialogue at CityStudio
Gil Kelley, General Manager of Planning, Urban Design and Sustainability, along with CityStudio students, to present on this matter.
Added UB Item – November 30, 2018
1. Protecting Tenants from Renovictions and Aggressive Buy-Outs
On November 28, 2018, Vancouver City Council, at its meeting immediately following the Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities, referred debate and decision on the above-noted motion to the Regular Council meeting to be held December 4, 2018, at 5 pm, as Unfinished Business.
- Motion
(revised November 26, 2018)
- Memo to Mayor and Council
- Letter to BC Rental Housing Task Force
- Memo dated December 3, 2018
Video Clip of this Item
1. 2019 Council Meetings Schedule Revisions
1. 2018 Temporary Modular Housing Homelessness Action Week Grants
Recommendation A requires an affirmative vote of 2/3 of all Council members, pursuant to section 206(1) of the Vancouver Charter
2. Capital Grant for 1495 West 8th Avenue (Vancouver Masonic Centre) for Social Housing
Recommendation A requires an affirmative vote of 2/3 of all Council members, pursuant to section 206(1) of the Vancouver Charter
3. 2019 Land Assessment Averaging: Notice to BC Assessment Authority
1. Reconsideration of Referral for Amendments to Zoning and Development By-law for RT 7 and RT-8 Zones (Kitsilano) and RT-10 and RT-10N (Kensington-Cedar Cottage)
1. A By-law to designate certain real property as protected heritage property (3123-3129 West Broadway Street – Hollywood Theatre)
(Councillors Bligh, Boyle, Dominato, Fry, Hardwick, Kirby-Yung, Swanson, Wiebe, and Mayor Stewart not on Council at the time of the relevant meetings)
2. A By-law to designate certain real property as protected heritage property (150 Robson Street – Northern Electric Company) - WITHDRAWN
3. A By-law to designate certain real property as protected heritage property (1853-1857 East 11th Avenue – Karme Residence)
(Councillors Bligh, Boyle, Dominato, Fry, Hardwick, Kirby-Yung, Swanson, Wiebe, and Mayor Stewart not on Council at the time of the relevant meetings)
Added By-laws – November 30, 2018
4. A By-law to amend Zoning and Development By-law No. 3575 to rezone an area to CD-1 (1715 Cook Street)
(Councillors Bligh, Boyle, Dominato, Fry, Hardwick, Kirby-Yung, Swanson, Wiebe, and Mayor Stewart not on Council at the time of the relevant meetings; Councillor De Genova absent for the Public Hearing)
5. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 616 East Cordova Street
A. Administrative Motions
1. Approval of Form of Development: 410 West Georgia Street (Formerly 400 West Georgia Street)
2. Approval of Form of Development: 3838 Rupert Street (Formerly 3868-3898 Rupert Street and 3304-3308 East 22nd Avenue)
3. Approval of Form of Development: 7433 Cambie Street (Pearson Dogwood Parcel A)
4. Approval of Form of Development: 5733 Alberta Street
B. Motions on Notice
1. Conflict of Interest Rules
2. Lobbyist Registry for the City of Vancouver
3. Possible Amendments to By-law 6066 to Allow for Safe and Licensed Ride Sharing in Vancouver
4. Building a Family Friendly Vancouver: Affordable Child Care
5. Land Value Capture in the City of Vancouver
6. Motion Calling for 600 More Units of Modular Housing in 2019
7. Call for the ABC Plan for an Accountable, Bold and Comprehensive Poverty Reduction Plan for British Columbia
8. A Proposed Alternative to Provincial Encroachment on the City of Vancouver’s Municipal Tax Base
9. Mayor’s Office Budget Review
10. Creating a ‘Baseline Review’ Task Force
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