Regular Council agenda
December 18, 2018
Updated: December 14, 2019
Date and location
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
9:30 am
Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall
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THAT Council will go into meetings later this week which are closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2(1) of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraphs:
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the city or another position appointed by the city;
(d) the security of the property of the city;
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the city;
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of an activity, work or facility that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the Council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city if they were held in public.
1. Regular Council (Policy and Strategic Priorities) – November 14, 15, 18 and 28, 2018
2. Regular Council – December 4, 2018
1. 2019 Capital and Operating Budget
Video Clip of this Item - Part I
At the Special Council meeting on December 11, 2018, Council received a presentation, heard from speakers regarding the 2019 Operating Budget, and referred discussion and decision to the Regular Council meeting on December 18, 2018, as Unfinished Business.
The following previously-distributed documents refer:
a. 2019 Annual Review of Water Rates and Water Works By-law Amendments
b. 2019 Annual Review of Sewer Rates and Environmental Updates Under the Sewer & Watercourse By-law
c. 2019 Solid Waste Utility (SWU) Fees & By-law Changes
d. 2019 Engineering Fees
e. False Creek Neighbourhood Energy Utility (“NEU”) 2019 Customer Rates
f. 2019 Capital and Operating Budget
• Administrative Report dated November 16, 2018
• Appendix 1 – Draft 2019 Budget and Five-Year Financial Plan
• 2019 Capital and Operating Budget – Appendices A, B and C
• Appendix 2 – Budget Resolution
The following previously-distributed additional documents refer:
• Memorandum dated November 27, 2018, from the Executive Director, Vancouver Police Board
• Memorandum dated December 10, 2018, from the General Manager, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation
Added - December 18, 2018
- Updated Recommendations
NOTE: Due to declared conflict of interest, the recommendations for the 2019 Capital and Operating Budget has been separated. No changes to the recommendations.
2. Building a Family Friendly Vancouver: Affordable Child Care
Following the Standing Committee on City Finance and Services meeting on December 5, 2018, Vancouver City Council referred discussion and decision on the above noted motion to the Regular Council meeting on December 18, 2018.
The attached motion refers.
1. 2019 Council Meetings Schedule Revision
1. Funding Application to the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (“DMAF”)
2. Social Policy Grants for Social Innovation, Childcare, Neighbourhood-based Projects and Greenest City
Recommendations A to J require 2/3 affirmative votes of all Council members per Vancouver Charter S. 206(1).
3. Vancouver Heritage Register Annual Update
4. Business Licence/Chauffeur's Permit Hearing Panels - January to May 2019
Added Item below – December 12, 2018
5. Costs of Consultation, Time Constraints and Impacts of Pursuing By-law Amendments to Remove Two-family Dwellings (Duplex) from RS Zones
1. Miscellaneous Amendments - Parking By-law, Protection of Trees By-law and Zoning and Development Policies and Guidelines
Referral to Public Hearing
2. Miscellaneous Amendments - Zoning and Development, Downtown Eastside/Oppenheimer Official Development Plan and Sign By laws
1. A By-law to amend Southeast False Creek Official Development Plan By-law No. 9073 (1715 Cook Street – Southeast False Creek Area 1B)
2. A By-law to amend Noise Control By-law No. 6555 (1715 Cook Street)
3. A By-law to amend Parking By-law No. 6059 (424 West Pender Street)
4. A By-law to amend Parking By-law No. 6059 (454 West Pender Street)
5. A By-law to amend Parking By-law No. 6059 Regarding Miscellaneous Housekeeping Amendments
6. A By-law to amend Zoning and Development By-law No. 3575 to rezone an area to CD-1 (8378-8432 Oak Street)
(Councillors Bligh, Boyle, Dominato, Fry, Hardwick, Kirby-Yung, Swanson, Wiebe, and Mayor Stewart not on Council at the time of the relevant meetings)
7. A By-law to authorize Council entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owner of Heritage Property (3123-3129 West Broadway Street – Hollywood Theatre)
(Councillor Swanson not on Council at the time of the relevant meetings; Councillors Bligh, Boyle, Dominato, Fry, Hardwick, Kirby-Yung, and Mayor Stewart not on Council at the time of the relevant meetings, however on December 4, 2018, they had all advised they had reviewed the proceedings; Councillor Wiebe not on Council at the time of the relevant meetings, however on December 4, 2018, he declared conflict of interest on this matter, and is ineligible for the vote)
Added By-laws below - December 14, 2018
8. A By-law to amend Energy Utility System By-law No. 9552 regarding fees and other miscellaneous matters
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
9. A By-law to amend Water Works By-law No. 4848 regarding administrative fees and housekeeping amendments
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
10. A By-law to amend Solid Waste By-law No. 8417 regarding 2019 fee increases and miscellaneous amendments
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
11. A By-law to amend the By-law Notice Enforcement By-law No. 10201 regarding 2019 fee increases and the addition of priority congestion management roadways
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
12. A By-law to amend Crossing By-law No.4644 regarding 2019 fee increases
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
13. A By-law to amend Encroachment By-law No. 4243 regarding 2019 fee increases
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
14. A By-law to amend Granville Mall By-law No. 9978 regarding 2019 fee increases
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
15. A By-law to amend Street Distribution of Publications By-law No. 9350 regarding 2019 fee increases
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
16. A By-law to amend Street and Traffic By-law No. 2849 regarding 2019 fee increases and the addition of priority congestion management roadways
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
17. A By-law to amend the Street Utilities By-law No. 10361 regarding 2019 fee increases
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
18. A By-law to amend Street Vending By-law No. 10868 regarding 2019 fee increases
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
19. A By-law to amend Building By-law No. 10908 Regarding Non-potable Water Systems and New Requirements for Other Water Systems
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business Item 1
20. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 55-79 Southwest Marine Drive
21. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 87-115 Southwest Marine Drive
22. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 936 Main Street
A. Administrative Motions
1. Approval of Form of Development: 8398 Oak Street
Subject to approval of By-law 6
Added Motion below - December 14, 2018
2. 2019 Budget Resolution
Subject to approval of Unfinished Business 1
B. Motions on Notice
1. Weddings at Vancouver City Hall
2. Improving Resident Participation at City Council
3. Request for Leave of Absence
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