Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities agenda
May 19, 25, 26 and 27, 2021
Date and location
May 19, 25, 26 and 27, 2021
Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall
On May 27, 2021, Council approved item 6, 7, and 9 and postponed decision on item 10. Granville Street Promenade - A People First, Pedestrian Friendly, Summer 2021 Pilot (Member's Motion B.7) until the Council meeting on June 8, 2021.
Following updated guidance issued on December 4, 2020, and extended on February 5, 2021, in-person participation for local government meetings and public hearings is currently not permitted under the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) Order on Gatherings and Events.
We recommend participating in meetings by sending comments to City Council online. If you prefer to speak at the meeting, you may attend by phone. We will contact you with instructions on how to attend when we receive your request.
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- Read the minutes
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May 19, 2021, May 25, 2021, May 26, 2021, May 27, 2021
- Download the voting record: May 19, 2021, May 25, 2021, May 26, 2021, May 27, 2021
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1. Contract Award for Supply and Delivery of LED Luminaries and Intelligent Street Light Controls System
2. Contract Award for Construction Services for 2021 Gas System Expansion and Upgrades at the Vancouver Landfill
3. Contract Award for Processing and Marketing of Scrap Metal
4. Business License Panels – July to December 2021
At the Council meeting on May 18, 2021, Council referred the following motions to the Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities meeting on May 19, 2021, in order to hear from speakers, followed by debate and decision.
5. Reducing Barriers and Deepening Affordability for Non-Profit, Co-op and Social Housing in Every Neighbourhood (Member's Motion B.2)
6. Saving Lives With a World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Waiver (Member's Motion B.3)
7. Prioritizing Commercial Drive as a Pedestrian-First High Street (Member's Motion B.4)
8. Accessible Washrooms and Elevators on Millennium Broadway Line Extension (Member's Motion B.5)
9. Mitigating and Managing Nuisance Graffiti in Vancouver (Member's Motion B.6)
10. Granville Street Promenade - A People First, Pedestrian Friendly, Summer 2021 Pilot (Member's Motion B.7)
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A Council meeting will be convened immediately following the Standing Committee meeting.
1. Standing Committee of Council on Policy and Strategic Priorities
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Approval of recommendations and actions.
1. By-law to amend Zoning and Development By-law to rezone an area to CD-1 re: 118-150 Robson Street
Subject to approval of By-law No. 8 on the May 18, 2021, Council meeting agenda
(All Council members, except for Councillors Carr and De Genova, will need to review the proceedings to be eligible to vote)
By-laws 2-3 below added on May 14, 2021
2. A By law to amend Building By law No. 12511 regarding 2021 housekeeping and miscellaneous amendments
3. A By law to amend Electrical By law No. 5563 regarding 2021 housekeeping amendments
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