Updated: September 16, 2008
DATE: | Tuesday, September 16, 2008 |
TIME: | 2:00 p.m. |
PLACE: | Council Chamber |
View a complete video stream of this meeting
- Agendas and reports are available on the City of Vancouver web site at http://vancouver.ca/meetingschedule approximately one week before the meeting date.
- Minutes of this meeting.
For information, or to register to speak, please call Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator at 604.871.6353, e-mail laura.kazakoff@vancouver.ca or Tarja Tuominen, Meeting Coordinator at 604.873.7191, e-mail tarja.tuominen@vancouver.ca.
RECOGNITION – Employee Recognition
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THAT Council will go into a meeting later this day which is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2(1) of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraph(s):
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city;
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of an activity, work or facility that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the Council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city if they were held in public.
Video Clip of this Item
1. Regular Council (Transportation and Traffic) – July 22, 2008[PDF ]
2. Regular Council – July 22, 2008[PDF ]
3. Regular Council (City Services and Budgets) – July 24, 2008[PDF ]
4. Regular Council (Planning and Environment) – July 24, 2008[PDF ]
5. Business License Hearing – July 24, 2008[PDF ]
Video Clip of this Item
1. 2009-2011 Capital Plan: Final Plan Approval Video Clip of this Item
Ken Bayne, General Manager, Business Planning and Services, will present a Report Reference on the final allocation of the 2009-2011 Capital Plan, and Catherine Knauss, Ipsos Reid, will provide a presentation on the public opinion survey.
The attached Administrative Report dated September 8, 2008,[PDF ] refers.
Appendix B (Ipsos Reid report)[PDF ] of Administrative Report dated September 8, 2008.
Administrative Report dated May 20, 2008[PDF ] entitled “2009 - 2011 Capital Plan: Draft Plan” is resubmitted for reference (Limited Distribution to Council Members only).
1. Business License Hearing Panels – September and October 2008[PDF ]
2. Chauffeur’s Permit Appeal Panel – October 2008 [PDF ]
3. New Public Street Name: Thornton Street - WITHDRAWN
4. Appointment of Deputy Positions[PDF ]
5. 2008 Community Service and Cultural Capital Grant Allocations[PDF ]
Requires eight affirmative votes
6. Lease Terms for City-owned Social Housing Site at 1237 Howe Street (McLaren Housing Society)[PDF ]
Requires eight affirmative votes
7. 2009 Interest Rate of Property Tax Arrears[PDF ]
8. Form of Development: 1700 Manitoba Street[PDF ]
9. Form of Development: 99 West 2nd Avenue[PDF ]
10. Consulting Contract – Sustainable and Ethical Purchasing Policy (SEPP) Phase II - WITHDRAWN
11. Local Improvement Reballot from June 12, 2008, Court of Revision[PDF ]
12. Award of Contract PS08086 – Bird Control Service at the Vancouver Landfill[PDF ]
13. 118 Alexander Street – Heritage Façade Rehabilitation Program – Façade Grant[PDF ]
Requires two-thirds affirmative votes of those present
14. Rent Subsidy Grant for 685 East Broadway[PDF ]
Video Clip of this Item
Pacific Community Resource Society - Broadway Youth Resource Centre
Requires eight affirmative votes
15. Lease Terms and Other Arrangements for City-owned Social Housing Site at 1005 Station Street[PDF ]
Requires eight affirmative votes
16. 2009 Engineering Fees Report[PDF ]
17. Vancouver Police Department – Civilian Staffing Requirement – CAD System Administrator[PDF ]
18. Financial Services Staffing[PDF ]
Video Clip of this Item
19. Streetohome Vancouver[PDF ]
Requires eight affirmative votes
20. 2010 Olympics Street Banner Program[PDF ]
Video Clip of this Item
21. Report Back on VEDC Blue Ribbon Council Recommendations[PDF ]
22. Grant Request: Church and Affordable Housing Conference[PDF ]
Requires eight affirmative votes
23. Award of Tender PS08064 – The Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Bulldozers[PDF ]
1. CD-1 Text Amendment at 322 Davie Street (Opus Hotel)[PDF ]
2. Miscellaneous Text Amendments: Zoning and Development By-law, Sign Bylaw and CD-1 By-laws[PDF ]
3. CD-1 Text Amendment: 333 East Pender Street[PDF ]
4. CD-1 Text Amendment: 201 Burrard Street (1011 West Cordova Street)[PDF ]
5. CD-1 Plan Amendment: 201 Burrard Street (1001 Canada Place)[PDF ]
6. False Creek North Official Development Plan Amendments: BC Place Stadium – 777 Pacific Boulevard[PDF ]
(Linked to By-laws) [PDF ]
Video Clip of this Item
1. A By-law to amend Fire By-law No. 8191 regarding family fireworks permitting
2. A By-law to amend Noise Control By-law No. 6555 (re 311 West 2nd Avenue)
3. A By-law to amend Vancouver City Planning Commission By-law No. 5064 regarding membership
4. A By-law to authorize the Boundary Road maintenance agreement between City of Vancouver and City of Burnaby
5. A By-law to provide for the imposition of interest on delinquent property taxes for 2009
(Subject to approval of A7)
6. A By-law to authorize Council entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owner of Heritage Property (re 133 Keefer Street)
(Councillors Ball and Louie ineligible to vote)
7. A By-law to designate certain real property as protected heritage property (re 133 Keefer Street)
(Councillors Ball and Louie ineligible to vote)
8. Heritage Taxation Exemption By-law (re 133 Keefer Street)
Requires two-thirds affirmative votes of those present
9. A By-law to authorize Council entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owner of Heritage Property (re 512 Glen Drive, 520 Glen Drive and 1106 East Pender Street)
(Councillors Ball and Louie ineligible to vote)
10. A By-law to designate certain real property as protected heritage property (re 512 Glen Drive, 520 Glen Drive and 1106 East Pender Street)
(Councillors Ball and Louie ineligible to vote)
11. A By-law to amend Zoning and Development by-law No. 3575 (re 1342 Southwest Marine Drive)
(Councillor Chow ineligible to vote)
12. A By-law to amend By-law No. 9633 regarding housekeeping amendments to fine provisions (re breaches of certain by-laws and related provisions and housekeeping changes)
A. Administrative Motions
B. Motions on Notice
NOTE FROM CLERK: Due to time constraints, all of the following Motions on Notice were postponed to the Regular Council Meeting following the City Services and Budgets meeting to be held on Thursday, September 18, 2008, at 9:30 a.m.
1. Reconsideration of the Minutes of June 26, 2007[PDF ]
MOVER: Councillor Raymond Louie
SECONDER: Councillor George Chow
2. Amendment to Minutes of June 26, 2007[PDF ]
MOVER: Councillor Raymond Louie
SECONDER: Councillor George Chow
Subject to approval of Motion B.1
3. BC Green Party at the 2008 Union of British Columbia Municipalities Convention[PDF ]
MOVER: Councillor Kim Capri
SECONDER: Councillor Peter Ladner
4. Update on Housing in the Downtown Eastside[PDF ]
MOVER: Councillor Peter Ladner
SECONDER: Councillor
Note: Request to speak on Motion B.4 has been received.
5. Request for Leave of Absence – Councillor Stevenson[PDF ]
MOVER: Councillor
SECONDER: Councillor
6. Request for Leave of Absence – Councillor Ball[PDF ]
MOVER: Councillor
SECONDER: Councillor
7. Metro Vancouver's Solid Waste Management Planning [PDF ]
MOVER: Councillor David Cadman
SECONDER: Councillor
Note: Request to speak on Motion B.7 has been received.
8. 2008 BCSC 661err1 PHS Community Services Society v. Attorney General of Canada[PDF ]
MOVER: Councillor Raymond Louie
SECONDER: Councillor Heather Deal
* * * * *