Vancouver City Council |
MOVED BY Councillor
SECONDED BY Councillor
1. The City of Vancouver is the owner of all the streets and lanes lying within the limits of the City of Vancouver;
2. The owners of certain privately owned lands in the False Creek Flats propose to consolidate their holdings into a single parcel;
3. The proposal requires the closure and conveyance of a portion of road, west of Vernon Drive, adjacent to Lot C, Block 77, District Lot 264A, Plan 9531;
4. The said portion of road was dedicated by the deposit of Plan 538 on April 4, 1891;
5. The said portion of road is no longer required by the City for municipal purposes;
6. Council originally approved the closure and conveyance of said portion of road on October 9, 1914 and reconfirmed their support on November 30, 1999;
7. The said portion of road to be closed and conveyed to the abutting owners is to be consolidated with:
a) PID: 016-607-261
Lot 16 (Explanatory Plan 4483), Group 1, New Westminster District, except Parts in Plans 13823, LMP11216 and BCP6033, Block I (Reference Plan 1341), District Lot 2037;
b) PID: 016-549-767
That Part of Block 68 Lying West of Vernon Drive shown on Plan filed under DF 43392, except the North 59 Feet, District Lot 264A, Plans 185 and 1771;
c) PID: 015-251-292
Lot 14, Block 69, District Lot 264A, Plans 533 and 1771;
d) PID: 015-251-306
Lot 15, Block 69, District Lot 264A, Plans 533 and 1771;
e) PID: 015-251-322
Lot 16, Block 69, District Lot 264A, Plans 533 and 1771;
f) PID: 015-251-331
Lot 17, Block 69, District Lot 264A, Plans 533 and 1771;
g) PID: 015-251-349
Lot 18, Block 69, District Lot 264A, Plans 533 and 1771;
h) PID: 015-251-357
Lot 19, Block 69, District Lot 264A, Plans 533 and 1771;
i) PID: 015-251-365
Lot 20, Block 69, District Lot 264A, Plans 533 and 1771;
j) PID: 015-251-373
Lot 21, Block 69, District Lot 264A, Plans 533 and 1771;
k) PID: 015-251-381
Lot 22, Block 69, District Lot 264A, Plans 533 and 1771;
l) PID: 015-251-390
Lot 23, Block 69, District Lot 264A, Plans 533 and 1771;
m) PID: 016-552-229
That Part of Block 76 Lying West of Vernon Drive shown on Plans filed under DF 38852 and 43392, except (A) Lot A (Reference Plan 952), (B) That Part comprising 2,306 Square Feet shown outlined in red on Plan filed under DF 43392 and (C) Part in Plan 13823, District Lot 264A, Plans 185 and 1771;
n) PID: 016-550-595
Lot A (Reference Plan 952) of That Part of Block 76 Lying West of Vernon Drive shown on Plans filed under DF 38852 and 43392, District Lot 264A, Plans 185 and 1771;
o) PID: 009-632-948
Lot C, Block 77, District Lot 264A, Plan 9531;
p) PID: 016-554-621
Block 77A, except Part in Plans 13823 and BCP6033, District Lot 264A, Plans 185 and 1771; and
q) PID: 008-016-542
Lot F, District Lots 264A and 2037, Plan 13823,
to form a single parcel.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT all that portion of road dedicated by the deposit of Plan 538 adjacent to Lot C, Block 77, District Lot 264A, Plan 9531, the same as shown heavy outlined on the Reference Plan of Survey, completed on the 31st day of May, 2004, attested to by Grant Butler, B.C.L.S., and marginally numbered LRT214-W-7-RD1, a reduced print of which is attached hereto, be closed, stopped-up and conveyed to the abutting owners; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT all that portion of road so closed be consolidated with the abutting lands to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services.
(Closing a portion of road dedicated by the deposit of Plan 538, west of Vernon Drive, adjacent to Lot C, Block 77, District Lot 264A, Plan 9531 as per Council authority November 30, 1999).
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