Agenda Index City of Vancouver





Vancouver City Council


Director, Office of Cultural Affairs


Temporary Postponement, Chinatown Public Art Process




Council adopted a Public Art Program in 1991 (revised 1994). Budgets for art works are recommended by staff and the Public Art Committee, but approved by City Council.


On May 18, 1999, City Council approved a public art budget of $100,000 for Keefer Triangle, a plaza-like street allowance at Keefer and Columbia St. in Chinatown. Staff worked closely with Planning, Engineering, and Chinatown representatives to define the project terms of reference, which were distributed in an artist call on July 5. Artists were asked to propose ideas for the site based on the concept of a place marker/gathering place. Artists were also asked how they would incorporate elements commemorating Chinatown pioneers, including veterans and railway workers.

Meanwhile, unknown to staff and their advisors, discussions between a private donor and Park Board were underway to install a seven-story pagoda at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Gardens, directly across from the art site. At the request of the donor, these discussions had been conducted in complete confidence and were unknown even to the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Gardens representative on the advisory committee. Park Board accepted the Pagoda on July 19,1999.

The Chinatown advisory committee and staff welcome the gift of the pagoda. But the 100-foot high ceremonial structure will be a commanding place marker in its own right, and exert a significant influence on the art site. Consequently, we have postponed the artist call until details of the new structure, and its effect on the function of the adjacent art site, can be incorporated into a revised terms of reference. We have begun meetings with the pagoda architect.

The Chinatown-based group advising staff (the Chinatown Memorial Square Beautification Committee) includes representatives from Chinatown Merchants Association; Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans; Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver; Chinese Benevolent Association of Canada; Chinese Freemasons/Dart Coon Club; Yue Shan Society; Chau Luen Society of Vancouver; Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Gardens Society; and Wongs Benevolent Association. Liaison is also maintained with the Chinese Cultural Centre and CHAPC. At a meeting on July 14, this group generally agreed to a revised schedule, while expressing the hope the new process could begin as soon as possible.

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