Updated: June 10, 2013






DATE: Tuesday, June 11, 2013
TIME: 9:30 am

Council Chamber
Third Floor, City Hall


For information please call Terri Burke, Meeting Coordinator, at 604.871.6399 or e-mail teresita.burke@vancouver.ca or Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator at 604.871.6353 or e-mail laura.kazakoff@vancouver.ca




WELCOMEVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item




RECOGNITION – Federation of Canadian Municipalities ConferenceVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item


“IN CAMERA” MEETING Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

THAT Council will go into a meeting later this day and/or on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, which is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2(1) of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraphs:

(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city;

(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of an activity, work or facility that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the Council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city if they were held in public.

ADOPTION OF MINUTES Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

1. Chauffeur's Permit Appeal Hearing – May 21, 2013PDF

2. Regular Council – May 28, 2013PDF

3. Regular Council (Planning, Transportation and Environment) – May 29, 2013PDF




MATTERS ADOPTED ON CONSENTVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item



1. Mayor's Engaged City Task Force Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

At the Regular Council meeting on May 28, 2013, Vancouver City Council postponed decision on a pending motion regarding the recommendations of the Engaged City Task Force to the next Regular Council Meeting to be held on June 11, 2013.

The attached Memorandum dated May 30, 2013PDF, refers.

The linked Report of the Engaged City Task ForcePDF, also refers.

Request to speak to this item has been received.


2. Oakridge Centre Rezoning - Issues and Directions Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

At the Standing Committee on Planning, Transportation and Environment meeting held May 29, 2013, Vancouver City Council heard from speakers on the above-noted matter and postponed further discussion and decision on the Policy Report dated May 21, 2013, entitled “Oakridge Centre Rezoning - Issues and Directions”, to the Regular Council meeting to be held on June 11, 2013, as Unfinished Business.

The following documents refer:

• Policy Report dated May 21, 2013, entitled “Oakridge Centre Rezoning - Issues and Directions”PDF (previously distributed); and
Minutes of the May 29, 2013, Planning, Transportation and EnvironmentPDF meeting.



1. Closure and Sale of a Portion of Lane South of Ferndale Street, Adjacent to 2050 Ferndale StreetPDFVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item



Referral to Public Hearing

1. Miscellaneous Text Amendments to the Zoning and Development By-law and to the CD 1 By-laws for 800 Griffiths Way and 982 Howe StreetPDFVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

2. CD-1 Text Amendment: 777 Richards Street and 520 West Georgia Street (Telus Block)PDFVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

3. CD-1 Text Amendment: 1650 West 1st AvenuePDFVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

4. CD-1 Rezoning – 508 Helmcken StreetPDFVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item


5. Proposed Amendments to the Zoning and Development By-Law to Accommodate Lounges as an Accessory Use to Breweries and DistilleriesPDF Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item






BY-LAWS Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item


1. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the West Broadway Business Improvement Area

2. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Cambie Village Business Improvement Area

3. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Chinatown Business Improvement Area

4. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Collingwood Business Improvement Area

5. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Commercial Drive Business Improvement Area

6. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Area

7. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Dunbar Village Business Improvement Area

8. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Fraser Street Business Improvement Area

9. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Gastown Business Improvement Area

10. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Hastings Crossing Business Improvement Area

11. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Hastings North Business Improvement Area

12. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Kerrisdale Business Improvement Area

13. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Kitsilano Fourth Avenue Business Improvement Area

14. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Marpole Business Improvement Area

15. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Mount Pleasant Business Improvement Area

16. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Point Grey Village Business Improvement Area

17. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Robson Street Business Improvement Area

18. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the South Granville Business Improvement Area

19. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Strathcona Business Improvement Area

20. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Victoria Drive Business Improvement Area

21. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the West End Business Improvement Area

22. A By-law to levy rates on qualifying real property in the Yaletown Business Improvement Area

23. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 1500 East Hastings Street

24. A By-law to enact a Housing Agreement for 611 Main Street


A. Administrative Motions

1. Closure and Sale of a Portion of Lane South of Ferndale Street, Adjacent to 2050 Ferndale StreetPDFVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

MOVER: Councillor
SECONDER: Councillor

Subject to approval of Administrative Report A1


B. Motions on Notice

1. Request for Leave of Absence – Mayor Gregor RobertsonPDFVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

MOVER: Councillor
SECONDER: Councillor

2. Request for Leave of Absence – Councillor Heather DealPDFVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

MOVER: Councillor
SECONDER: Councillor

3. Request for Leave of Absence – Councillor Tim StevensonPDFVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

MOVER: Councillor
SECONDER: Councillor

4. Support Renters with PetsPDFVideo Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item

MOVER: Councillor Tim Stevenson
SECONDER: Councillor

Request to speak to this item has been received.





Video Clip of this Item Video Clip of this Item


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