Updated: March 31, 2008




DATE: Tuesday, April 1, 2008
TIME: 2:00 p.m.

Council Chamber
Third Floor, City Hall


For information, please call Tarja Tuominen, Meeting Coordinator at 604.873.7191, e-mail tarja.tuominen@vancouver.ca or Laura Kazakoff, Meeting Coordinator at 604.871.6353, e-mail laura.kazakoff@vancouver.ca.




THAT Council will go into a meeting later this day which is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 165.2(1) of the Vancouver Charter, to discuss matters related to paragraph(s):

(a)      personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the city or another position appointed by the city;

(c)      labour relations or other employee relations;

(e)      the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the city.



Council approved appointments to the following Advisory Bodies:

  • Vancouver Heritage Foundation Board
  • Vancouver Economic Development Commission
  • Vancouver City Planning Commission

Names of those appointed can be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office.

ADOPTION OF MINUTES (Video Clip of this Item)

1.       Regular Council (Transportation and Traffic) – March 11, 2008

2.       Regular Council – March 11, 2008

3.       Special Council (Public Hearing) – March 11, 2008

4.       Regular Council (City Services and Budgets) – March 13, 2008

5.       Regular Council (Planning and Environment) – March 13, 2008

Late Distribution

6. Special Council (Public Hearing) - February 14, 19, March 10 & 27, 2008



MATTERS ADOPTED ON CONSENT (Video Clip of this Item)



1.       2008 Interim Budget Estimates Update and Public Consultation Results (Video Clip of this Item)

Estelle Lo, General Manager of Corporate Services, and Annette Klein, Director of Budget Services, will provide an update on the interim budget estimates for the 2008 Operating Budget.  Jami Koehl, Mustel Group, will present the results of the public consultation process.

The Administrative Report dated March 18, 2008 [PDF Downloadable PDF], refers.

The following reports refer to specific recommendations put forward in the above-noted Administrative Report dated March 18, 2008:

Non-Police Funding Requests:

  1. Administrative Report Vancouver Economic Development Commission: 2008 Business Plan and Budget [PDF Downloadable PDF], dated November 21, 2007, and attached memorandum, dated December 6, 2007 [PDF Downloadable PDF], from the Manager of Financial Planning;
  2. Administrative Report Planning Department Resource Proposals dated November 21, 2007 [PDF Downloadable PDF];
  3. Administrative Report Office of the Chief Building Official Resource Proposal – Green Building Engineer [PDF Downloadable PDF]Position dated November 16, 2007;
  4. Administrative Report Carnegie Centre – Cashier Positions and Outreach Program [PDF Downloadable PDF]dated November 14, 2007;
  5. Administrative Report Emergency Management Priorities dated November 14, 2007 [PDF Downloadable PDF];
  6. Administrative Report Corporate Services – Real Estate Services Reorganization [PDF Downloadable PDF]dated November 16, 2007;
  7. Administrative Report Facilities Design and Management Reorganization dated November 14, 2007 [PDF Downloadable PDF];
  8. Administrative Report Human Resources Services Staffing Request dated November 27, 2007 [PDF Downloadable PDF];
  9. Administrative Report Enhanced Enforcement of Street Usage at Construction Sites Through Additional [PDF Downloadable PDF]Staffing and Technological Improvements dated November 15, 2007;
  10. Approved Motion Support Street Cleaning in the Downtown Eastside [PDF Downloadable PDF];
  11. Policy Report Northeast False Creek Update and BC Place Stadium Work Request dated January 21, 2008 [PDF Downloadable PDF].

Police Funding Requests:

  1. Administrative Report Granville Entertainment District dated October 30, 2007 [PDF Downloadable PDF];
  2. Administrative Report Vancouver Police Department Operational Review dated December 5, 2007 [PDF Downloadable PDF].



Late Distribution

1. CD-1 REZONING/HRA/HERITAGE DESIGNATION: 3238 Granville Street and the Westerly Portion of 1402 McRae Avenue (Video Clip of this Item)

On February 14 and 19, and March 10 and 27, 2008, Council heard from speakers at the Public Hearing to consider the proposed Rezoning, Heritage Revitalization Agreement and Heritage Designation of the site at 3238 Granville Street and the westerly portion of 1402 McRae Avenue.

The Public Hearing on this application was concluded and Council agreed to refer the staff summation, discussion and decision on this matter to the next Regular Council meeting on April 1, 2008.

Accordingly, the following materials (limited distribution) are resubmitted for reference:

Minutes 6 refer.


1.       Local Improvements by Initiative – June 12, 2008 - First and Second Step Report [PDF Downloadable PDF]

2.       Health By-law No. 9535 & Vehicles for Hire By-law No. 6066: Smoking Regulations [PDF Downloadable PDF]

3.       Demolition of City-owned Building at 5370 Elgin Street; the establishment of the South 17 feet of the Lot for road purposes; and the sale of the residual portion of the lot [PDF Downloadable PDF] (Video Clip of this Item)

4.       Fleet Additions – Sewer Operations Branch [PDF Downloadable PDF]

5.       Award of Contract for RFP #PS07128, Professional Services for the Implementation of the SAP E-Recruitment modules – Version 6.0 ERP [PDF Downloadable PDF]

6.       2008 Community Services Grants and Rent Subsidy Allocations [PDF Downloadable PDF] (Video Clip of this Item)

Requires eight affirmative votes

7.       Sub-lease for Child Care Facility at 1188 West Pender Street [PDF Downloadable PDF]

Requires eight affirmative votes

8.       Award of Contract on Request for Proposal PS07132 – The Supply and Deployment of Computer Equipment and Hardware Maintenance [PDF Downloadable PDF]

9.       Report Back on the Transition of Services from Vancouver Coastal Health to Community Services and Related Resources Proposals [PDF Downloadable PDF] (Video Clip of this Item)

10.     801 West Georgia Street (Hotel Georgia) – Replacement of the Heritage Revitalization Agreement [PDF Downloadable PDF]

11.     Legal Agreements for Air Space Parcel to be Acquired by the City at 788 Richards Street [PDF Downloadable PDF]

12.     Funding Allocations for the Olympic and Paralympic Community Celebrations Program [PDF Downloadable PDF] (Video Clip of this Item)





LINK TO BY-LAWS [PDF Downloadable PDF] (Video Clip of this Item)

1.       A By-law to amend Zoning and Development By-law No. 3575 (re miscellaneous text amendments)

(Councillors Capri, Ladner, Louie and Stevenson ineligible to vote on By-law 1)

2.       A By-law to amend Sign By-law No. 6510 (re miscellaneous text amendments)

(Councillors Capri, Ladner, Louie and Stevenson ineligible to vote on By-law 2)

3.       A By-law to amend CD-1 By-law No. 9116 (re miscellaneous text amendments)

(Councillors Capri, Ladner, Louie and Stevenson ineligible to vote on By-law 3)

4.       A By-law to amend CD-1 By-law No. 9588 (re miscellaneous text amendments)

(Councillors Capri, Ladner, Louie and Stevenson ineligible to vote on By-law 4)

5.       A By-law to amend Vancouver Development Cost Levy By-law No. 8149 regarding community energy centres

6.       A By-law to amend Area Specific Development Cost Levy By-law No. 9418 regarding community energy centres

7.       A By-law to amend CD-1 By-law No. 9454 (re the Olympic Village)

(Councillors Deal and Lee ineligible to vote on By-law 7)

8.       A By-law to authorize Council entering into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the Owner of Heritage Property (re 801 West Georgia Street)

(Subject to approval of Administrative Report A10)


A.      Administrative Motions

1.       Form of Development:  5909 - 5989 Oak Street - WITHDRAWN

B.       Motions on Notice

1.       Request for Leave of Absence – Councillor Stevenson [PDF Downloadable PDF] (Video Clip of this Item)

MOVER:  Councillor

SECONDER:  Councillor

2.       Supporting Public Safety through ID Scanning Software [PDF Downloadable PDF] (Video Clip of this Item)

MOVER:  Councillor Kim Capri

SECONDER:  Councillor

3.       Increase Protection for Renters [PDF Downloadable PDF] (Video Clip of this Item)

MOVER:  Councillor Tim Stevenson

SECONDER:  Councillor Heather Deal

(Video Clip of this Item)



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