Vancouver City Council |
Date: June 7, 2004
Author/Local: C. Gray/7207
RTS No. 04280CC File No. 5104
Meeting Date: June 22, 2004
Vancouver City Council
The Director of the Housing Centre in consultation with the Director of Social Planning
Housing/Youth Service Partnership: 1134 Burrard St.
A. THAT, subject to issuance of the necessary Development and Building Permits, Council approve the lease of 1134 Burrard St. (PID:007-074-531: Lot G, Block 90, District Lot 541, Plan 18877) to Family Services of Greater Vancouver for the renovation of the existing building on the site for an integrated youth service centre on the terms and conditions contained in the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Vancouver and Family Services of Greater Vancouver dated June 1, 2004, attached as Appendix A, including:
- a lease term of 5 years, with the option to renew for a further 5 years; and
- a rent of $68,500/year with a rent review if the option to renew is exercised;
B. THAT Council approve In Principle the partnership between the City of Vancouver and Family Services of Greater Vancouver for the future redevelopment of 1134 Burrard St. for low-income housing and an integrated youth service centre as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Vancouver and Family Services of Greater Vancouver dated June 1, 2004, attached as Appendix A;
C. THAT no legal rights or obligations shall arise or be created from the approval of A or B until all legal documentation has been fully executed on terms and conditions to the satisfaction of the City's Director of Legal Services;
D. THAT Council advise Human Resources Development Canada and the Supporting Community Partnerships Initiatives Steering Committee that Family Services of Greater Vancouver's proposed integrated youth service centre at 1134 Burrard St. is a City priority for funding through the 2004 SCPI proposal call;
E. THAT the Ministry of Family and Child Development be asked to provide 24 hours/day and 7 days/week operating funding for the integrated youth services centre proposed for 1134 Burrard St; and
F. THAT the Property Endowment Fund be reimbursed for 75% of the $3,600,000 purchase price of the 1134 Burrard St., with the source of funds to be the Development Cost Levies allocated to replacement housing in Downtown South.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
In October 1989, Council resolved that the City adopt the objective of "maintaining, upgrading and increasing the existing stock of core-need housing in the Downtown". In May 1991, when dealing with the rezoning of Downtown South, Council confirmed the policy of 1:1 replacement of SRO's in that area and indicated that the replacement housing would be achieved through purchase of SRO buildings and building new non-market housing. In October 2001, Council confirmed the housing objective to "maintain and expand housing opportunities in Vancouver for low and modest income households with priority being given to families with children; seniors on fixed incomes or in need of support; SRO residents; and the mentally ill, physically disabled, and others at risk of homelessness."
In 1995 Council adopted City Plan to provide direction, among many issues, on access by the public to community services. This policy direction included "targeting services to those most in need, increasing opportunities for users to participate in service planning and delivery and developing innovative funding, partnerships and support for non-profit organizations that deliver services. In March 1995, the Civic Youth Strategy stated as it's first objective the assurance that youth have `a place' in the City and proposed that this objective be met by: (a) enhancing existing facilities/services so that they are more user-friendly, (b) assisting youth to develop youth-dedicated spaces/programs and (c) assisting in the enhancement of required specialized services for youth at risk.
This report seeks Council approval to lease 1134 Burrard St. to Family Services of Greater Vancouver (FSGV) who would renovate the existing improvements on the site to accommodate a downtown integrated youth service centre, and seeks Council approval In Principle to the future development of 1134 Burrard St. for a joint low-income housing and integrated youth services project.
On February 24, 2004, Council approved the purchase of 1134 Burrard St. for the development of housing to replace SRO hotels and rooming houses in accordance with the City's commitment to maintain the stock of low-income housing in Downtown South, with the possibility of the short-term use of the site by Family Services of Greater Vancouver for an integrated youth service centre. FSGV has recently been selected by the Ministry of Children and Family Development to develop and operate a downtown Vancouver integrated youth service centre and was seeking a site. The location of 1134 Burrard St. is shown on Figure 1.
Following the City's purchase of 1134 Burrard St., the City and FSGV have put together a short and long-term partnership for the use and development of the site. The partnership is set out in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dated June 1, 2004, attached as Appendix A. The MoU addresses the short term use of the site and the existing building for FSGV's integrated youth services centre, and the redevelopment of the site in the future for a combination low-income housing and integrated youth services project.
An integrated youth services centre (IYSC) provides counselling and support, health services, life skills training, and other services to street-involved youth. FSGV provides components of an IYSC through Dusk-to-Dawn located in St. Paul's Hospital at Comox and Nelson Sts. and through Street Youth Services located at Seymour and Helmcken Sts. These services would be consolidated and combined with additional services to create FSGV's downtown Vancouver IYSC.
In the short term, FSGV would renovate the existing one storey 8,600 sq. ft. building on the site. It was used for medical purposes and FSGV's architects advise that it can accommodate an IYSC without difficulty. The City would lease the site and building to FSGV for 5 years with an option to renew for a further 5 years. FSGV would pay the City $68,500/year in rent which is the same rent as it is paying now for its Dusk to Dawn and Street Youth Services operations. The rent would be reviewed if FSGV exercises their right to renew the lease. It is recommended that Council approve a lease to FSGV for up to 10 years on the terms and conditions set out in the MoU. The lease would be subject to the issuance of the necessary development and building permits.
In the longer term, the intent of the partnership is to redevelop the site for both low-income housing and an IYSC. The existing zoning can accommodate an IYSC of up to 12,000 sq. ft. and residential uses would occupy the remaining 48,000 sq. ft. in development potential, sufficient to accommodate 80-100 units of housing for low-income singles currently living in the Downtown South rooming houses and residential hotels. Neither FSGV nor the City have funding to redevelop the site now, and the intent is for both to have the funding in place by the end of the first 5-year term of the lease, or sometime during the second 5-year term, so that a joint project can proceed. At this time, approval In Principle only is sought for the longer term partnership set out in the MoU.
FSGV has undertaken extensive public consultation around the location and operation of the proposed IYSC. An advisory committee of businesses, residents, service providers and youth was established and has met eight times, both as a committee and individual forums to discuss location criteria, management protocols and community relationships. On April 13, 2004, a public information meeting was held to discuss the IYSC and the proposal to locate an IYSC at 1134 Burrard Street with immediate neighbours. Family Services has followed up with the immediate neighbours and continues to have on-going discussions with them about the new facility. The Advisory Committee has indicated support for the concept and location subject to the Development Permit Process. The lease will incorporate the `good neighbour' conditions that a Development Permit would require, such as being accessible and available to respond to neighbours and their issues. Ideally, the IYSC would operate 24 hours/day and 7 days/week to minimize the street activity. Funding is not available at this time for an around-the-clock operation, but FSGV is continuing its efforts to secure the funding required. It is recommended that the Ministry of Family and Child Development be asked to provide 24/7 funding for FSGV's proposed IYSC.
FSGV has funding from Human Resources Development Canada's (HRDC) Supporting Community Partnerships Initiatives (SCPI) program for the public consultation and to cover the cost of preparing the plans and making application for a development permit for the proposed IYSC. The cost of the renovations is estimated at $600,000, of which FSGV has $325,000 in place now. FSGV will apply to HRDC's 2004 SCPI proposal call for the remaining funding required to pay for the renovations. It is recommended that Council advise HRDC and the SCPI Steering Committee that FSGV's IYSC at 1134 Burrard St. is a City priority.
The acquisition of social housing sites is funded through the Property Endowment Fund. Social housing sites are leased for 60 years and the PEF is reimbursed by 75% of the acquisition costs when the social housing project proceeds, usually within a couple of years of site acquisition. As the social housing project proposed for 1134 Burrard St. will not proceed for five or more years, it is appropriate for the PEF to be reimbursed now. Consequently, it is recommended that the PEF be reimbursed for 75% of the $3,600,000 cost of the site, with the source of funds to the Downtown South Development Cost Levies allocated to replacement housing. FSGV will pay $68,500 in annual rent (including a $15,000 annual grant from Social Planning) and the rent will be credited to the PEF.
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