
April 27, 2004



Mark Vulliamy


Phone No.:



RTS No.:



CC File No.:



Meeting Date:

May 20, 2004


Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets


General Manager - Parks and Recreation


2004 Park Board Capital Budget



Park Board's annual Capital expenditure requires Council approval.


Capital Plan

On October 8, 2003 Council approved the 2003 - 2005 Park Board Capital Plan totaling $45,500,000, plus $240,000 for debenture costs, derived from the following funding sources:

On May 15, 2003, Council approved the Park Board's 2003 basic Capital Plan Budget of $8,080,000 and $4,000,000 in additional allocations, including $600,000 in donations from partner organizations of the Park Board to specified capital projects, for a total parks and recreation capital spending program of $12,080,000.

On February 24, 2004, Council approved allocation of $2,030,000 towards current Park Board Capital projects, in advance of the 2004 Capital Budget.

Adjustments to Capital Plan Funding

At its meeting of April 20, 2004, Council approved a number of adjustments to the 2003-2005 Capital Plan funding allocations, in order to address escalating construction costs on a number of major capital projects. The following adjustments were approved to the Park Board Capital Plan Allocations:

At the April 20, 2004 meeting Council also approved funding for the grant to the Millennium Sports Facility project (subsequently confirmed at $1.1 million) from the $20 million of borrowing authority approved by the voters in 2002 for the City share of cost shared capital projects.
Previous Year Budget Allocation

The approved 2003 Park Board Capital Budget is shown in column E of the appended spreadsheet. These allocations enabled the following significant park and facility capital projects to be undertaken:

The Capital Plan expenditure allocated in 2003 was augmented by $600,000 in contributions to specific projects made by partner organizations to Park Board. The West End Community Association contributed $180,000 towards the creation of the new multipurpose room at the Centre. The Renfrew Community Centre Association committed $390,000 towards the rebuild of Renfrew Pool. The Meraloma Club matched the $30,000 allocation of the Park Board to enable a fire suppression system to be installed in Connaught Park Fieldhouse. These funds were included in the 2003 Capital Budget as approved by Council and the Board.


This report outlines a proposed 2004 Park Board Capital Budget for Council approval, and includes information on the effect of the cost escalation measures on the 2004 Budget for Council's information. This report also recognizes and seeks approval for the receipt by Park Board of contributions made by three community centre associations to capital projects at their respective facilities. All relevant figures with respect to this report can be found in the spreadsheet attached to this report as "Appendix A."

The proposed distribution of the 2004 Parks capital budget is outlined in Appendix A, Column H, which sums the original Capital Plan allocation proposed for this year and the adjustments and additions approved by Council last month in relation to project cost escalation measures. The net gain to the Parks Capital Budget is $680,000 in additional City-wide DCL funds.
The total budget advanced for Council consideration totals $20,593,000, with breakdown of funding sources as follows:

CITY FUNDING Total: $14,306,000
-Capital from revenue $ 3,030,000
-Debenture Funding $10,276,000

-Additional Debenture ($20 Million Fund)* $ 1,000,000


OTHER FUNDING Total: $6,287,000
-City-Wide Development Cost Levy $4,480,000
-Bayshore Development $1,250,000
-Transfer from previous Capital Plans $ 557,000

Highlights of proposed capital spending for 2004 are as follows:

In 2004, as in preceding years, some capital projects have benefited from contributions from Association partners. The details of contributions are outlined in Column I in Appendix A and summarized in the following table:




Kits CC Lobby and Dance Room Renovations


Kitsilano Association

Renfrew Pool


Renfrew Association

False Creek CC expansion and windows replacement


False Creek Association




Park Board will continue to liaise with the Millennium Sport Facility Society and to monitor the development of their new facility on a site approved by Park Board in Nat Bailey Stadium Park. Construction is about to commence, with a total project budget of $4,750,000, including $1,100,000 in City funds approved by Council for this purpose, derived from the "$20 Million" Cost Sharing Projects Debenture Fund.

The remaining column in Appendix A, Column J, identifies the capital funds for allocation in 2005. These funds will be the basis of the Capital Budget reports to Board and Council next year, and are shown at this time for information only.


Council is asked to approve the 2004 Park Board Capital Budget of $20,593,000, along with partner contributions to capital projects totaling $487,850, as outlined in this report. Information on 2003 Capital projects and Capital funds remaining for allocation in 2005 is provided for information.

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