Vancouver City Council |
Motion on Notice
Submitted by Councillor Ladner for Regular Council meeting of Tuesday, May 4, 2004
3. Thin Streets
MOVER: Councillor Ladner
SECONDER: Councillor
WHEREAS the majority of land in the City of Vancouver is occupied by single family zoning;
WHEREAS the sustainability of the city depends on finding creative ways to increase density while respecting the integrity and character of single family neighbourhoods;
AND WHEREAS the affordability of single-family housing in the city is improved by increasing supply;
AND WHEREAS various neighbourhoods involved in the CityPlan Visioning process have asked for a funding source for their neighbourhood projects;
AND WHEREAS a proposal known as Thin Streets would convert half a paved street in a selected RS-1 block into two single family 33-foot-wide lots, thus achieving the goals of:
· adding housing stock to RS-1 zones without compromising single-family neighbourhoods
· converting surplus road space into housing
· creating a new capital base and tax revenue stream for the City of Vancouver
· preserving all existing functioning of city services, including fire-fighting access, and access to sewer, water and power lines
· calming traffic without blocking traffic flowAND WHEREAS this proposal has been presented to the Vancouver City Planning Commission and met with their approval;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council instruct Directors of Engineering Services and Planning to to report back within 60 days with a proposed work program, timing, and resources to undertake a pilot Thin Street project based on the proposal presented to the Vancouver City Planning Commission, including:
· a process for choosing a site in agreement with the neighbourhood and adjoining property owners
· no disruption of sewer, water, power, or emergency access
· design guidelines, possibly including non-single-family uses that would be acceptable to the neighbourhood
· financial implications: options for dispersing the proceeds of the newly-created lots, compensating adjoining property owners if necessary and covering city costs
· an assessment of the potential for future Thin Street infills on other sites* * * * *