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50¢City of Vancouver Land Use and Development Policies and Guidelines
Community Services, 453 W. 12th Ave Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4 _ 604.873.7344 fax 873.7060

Adopted by City Council February 19, 2002
Amended , 2004



1 Application and Intent 1

2 General Design Considerations 1

3 Internal Design and Facilities 2

4 Bulk Storage Areas 4

5 Circulation 4

6 Safety Features 4

7 Open Space 5

8 Parking and Loading 5

Note: These guidelines are organized under standard headings. As a consequence, there are gaps in the numbering sequence where no guidelines apply.

1Application and Intent

2 General Design Considerations

2.1 Neighbourhood Compatibility

2.2 Site Selection

2.3 Building Characteristics

2.4 Access

3 Internal Design and Facilities

3.1 Unit Size and Design

3.2 Common Areas

3.2.1 Common Dining Room and Kitchen

3.2.2 Common Lounges/Rooms

3.2.3 Laundry

3.2.4 Reception/Administration

4 Bulk Storage Areas

5 Circulation

6 Safety Features

7 Open Space

8 Parking and Loading


Further relaxations may be considered where heritage preservation is a factor.

50¢City of Vancouver Land Use and Development Policies and Guidelines
Community Services, 453 W. 12th Ave Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4 _ 604.873.7344 fax 873.7060

Adopted by City Council September 27, 1983
Amended July 25, 1989, February 4, 1992 and , 2004

These guidelines are to be used in conjunction with a district schedule of the Zoning and Development By-law or with an official development plan by-law for conditional use approval of the following types of special needs residential facilities:

· Special Needs Residential Facility - Community Care - Class B;
· Special Needs Residential Facility - Group Living;

The above facilities are defined in the Zoning and Development By-law. References to "special needs residential facility" in these guidelines mean any or both of the types of facility listed above.

The guidelines are intended to ensure that a special needs residential facility is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood. They outline various factors which the Director of Planning, Director of Social Planning and other relevant Civic Departments will take into consideration in assessing a development permit application for a special needs residential facility, and they note certain restrictions or conditions which may be applied to all applicants or to specific applicants to ensure compatibility.

(1) In a predominantly residential area, a special needs residential facility should be spaced at least 200 metres (656 feet) from another special needs residential facility. Exceptions may be made:

(2) In assessing an application for a special needs residential facility, the Director of Planning, in consultation with the Director of Social Planning, will take into account the existing mix of special needs residential facilities and client types in a local area. Additional facilities will be discouraged from locating in a local area or part of a local area where there is a concentration of several facilities located closer to one another than 200 metres. Further, a facility for a specific client type, with the exception of community care facilities for seniors, will be discouraged from locating near concentrations of facilities serving the same client type.

(3) In assessing an application for a special needs residential facility, the Director of Planning, in consultation with the Director of Social Planning, will consider program characteristics such as staffing and supervision, hours of operation, client type, facility capacity, referral and intake procedures, length of stay, and amount and type of traffic generated and parking demands, and will consider physical characteristics such as the site area, distance between proposed facility and adjacent dwellings or other uses, existing traffic patterns on adjacent streets, and any other factors which may have a bearing on the compatibility of the facility with the surrounding neighbourhood.
(4) In determining the suitability of a location for a special needs residential facility, its relationship with other uses and community facilities in a neighbourhood will be considered.
(5) In general, the capacity of any special needs residential facility located in a converted dwelling will be determined by the Director of Planning, in consultation with relevant Civic Departments, based on requirements of the Health, Fire, and Building By-laws. Notwithstanding the assessment of capacity based on physical characteristics, the Director of Planning may request a reduction in the proposed number of residents in cases where he has concerns about the compatibility of the facility or client type with the neighbourhood.
(6) Any special needs residential facility serving a client type or providing a type of program which is considered by the Director of Planning, after consultation with the Director of Social Planning, to be potentially disruptive to neighbours will be encouraged to locate in commercial or mixed commercial residential areas.
(7) Development permits for special needs residential facilities may be granted for limited periods of time, with the understanding that permits to continue use may be granted as long as operations prove compatible with neighbourhood life.
(8) As a condition of a development permit, operators of special needs residential facilities may be required to name a liaison person who is satisfactory to the Director of Social Planning and to whom neighbourhood residents can refer for exchange of information and expression of concern regarding the facility, both while an application for a development permit is being processed, and while the facility is in operation.
(9) Operation of the proposed facility shall only commence when necessary permits and licenses have been approved and all requirements fulfilled.

NOTE: Applicants are advised to read carefully and follow the attached "Application Procedure for Special Needs Residential Facility Development Permits".


Application Procedure for Special Needs Residential Facility Development Permits

(1) The applicant should contact the Zoning Counter, Planning Department, prior to filing application.

(2) As part of the development permit application, the applicant must prepare a fact sheet describing the proposal in terms of sponsorship and program; target group; number, type and turnover of clients; number of staff; level of supervision; hours of operation; referral process; and funding. The applicant should also discuss alterations to any existing building, parking provisions and any other physical changes/provisions to be made. This fact sheet will be included in the official notification to neighbours and may also be used by the applicant as part of the applicant's initial contact with neighbours. If the fact sheet is to be distributed to neighbours prior to the City's official notification, it must be discussed with the Planning and Social Planning Departments before distribution.

(3) The Planning and Social Planning Departments may recommend that the applicant contact neighbours in the "official notification area" (to be determined by the Plan Checker) prior to the official City notification. In such cases, contact should be made in person and the fact sheet should be accompanied by a verbal description of the facility and the proposed use. A follow-up written contact should be made to ensure that all neighbours in the notification area are informed. The applicant may wish to solicit written and signed approval from neighbours for the proposed facility at this time.
(4) The Planning Department will formally notify all residents within the official notification area and ask for their comments. (Neighbours are to be given a minimum of ten working days from the date of mailing in which to respond.) The City's notification letter will be prepared in consultation with the Director of Social Planning.

(5) The Development Permit Board or the Director of Planning, as the case may be, may consider the development permit application at this point.
(6) The Development Permit Board or the Director of Planning, as the case may be, may refer the proposal to the Community Services Committee of City Council or to Council for information and advice. In such a case, the required staff report to Committee or Council will be coordinated by the Planning Department and will include all relevant particulars of the proposal, a summary of the notification responses and comments from the Social Planning and other City Departments.

Applicants should be aware that development permit applications take a minimum of six to eight weeks to process.

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