Vancouver City Council |
April 7, 2004
Brian Emlyn
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
April 20, 2004
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Engineering Services
Tender No. 2004 - 01: Construction of Concrete Curbs and Gutters and Asphaltic Concrete Pavement on Sundry Streets
A. THAT Tender No. 2004-01 Construction of Concrete Curbs and Gutters, and Asphaltic Concrete Pavement on Sundry Streets be awarded to Columbia Bitulithic Paving Ltd., the low bidder, in the amount of $1,470,896.79 (inclusive of all taxes) with funding provided as part of the Local Improvement Process.
B. THAT a Construction Services Agreement with Columbia Bitulithic Ltd. Contract No. 2004-01 Construction of Concrete Curbs and Gutters and Asphaltic Concrete Pavements on Sundry Streets be executed by the Director of Legal Services on the basis that no legal rights are hereby created and none shall arise until execution of an Agreement drawn to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Legal Services.
Construction contracts over $300,000 are to be awarded by Council.
The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval to award Tender No. 2004-01 for the construction of curbs and gutters and pavements on sundry streets
The street projects forming this report were approved at the Local Improvement Court of Revision on February 11th, 2004.
Tenders for the construction of Concrete Curbs and Gutters and Asphaltic Concrete Pavement on Sundry Streets (Tender No. 2004-01) were opened on March 14th, 2004 and referred to the General Manager of Engineering Services for tabulation.
All tenders were checked for completeness and accuracy and any miscalculations or omissions corrected. Tabulations of the amount bid, with the lowest bid underlined, are shown below:
Contractor=s Bids (Summary of Schedule 2): Bids are inclusive of all Taxes;
Columbia Bitulithic Ltd. $1, 470, 896.79
Imperial Paving Ltd $1,500, 140. 00
Jack Cewe Ltd. $1,520, 791. 00
Winvan Paving Ltd. $1,575, 545. 58FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS
The Engineer's Estimate for this contract was $1, 200, 000. 00. Noting that the construction industry has become increasingly busy it is believed that the low bid, as well as the other submissions are consistent with reports from outside agencies which indicate increases in construction costs. Based on this latest information the low bid is considered reasonable. The total estimated cost for construction of the streets in this tender is $ 2, 200, 000. 00, this estimated cost not only contains the contracted street work but also provision for sewer, waterworks, electrical and utility adjustments, catch basin adjustments, and unanticipated extra work. Funding for the City=s share of this work has been approved by Council as part of the Local Improvement approval process.
The low bid is balanced and consistent with the trend of contract unit price bids. Although higher than the Engineers estimate the low bid reflects the current busy state of the construction industry. The General Manager of Engineering Services recommends that Contact 2004-01 be awarded to Columbia Bitulithic Ltd.
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