Vancouver City Council |
March 26, 2004
Robert Waite
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
April 20, 2004
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Engineering Services
Payment-in-Lieu of Parking Application
640 West Pender StreetRECOMMENDATION
A. THAT Council approve in principle, for the deposit into the Payment-in-Lieu of Parking Reserve, the offer of payment-in-lieu in the amount of $116,000 by Paul Merrick Architects Ltd. for the waiver of 8 parking spaces required by Section 4.1.2 of the Parking By-Law provided that SFU implements an approved Transportation Management Plan to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services (thereby decreasing the required parking from 11 to 8 parking spaces.)
B. THAT the Director of Legal Services be requested to bring forward a by-law to amend Schedule A of the Parking By-law pursuant to Section 4.12.5 to effect this waiver.
In 1986, Council approved payment-in-lieu parking provisions.
An application pursuant to Section 4.12 of the Parking By-law has been received to waive the number of parking spaces required by Section 4.1.2 of the By-law and to make payment-in-lieu. The particulars of the application are as follows:
Address: 640 West Pender Street
Applicant: Paul Merrick Architects Ltd. for Simon Fraser University
Zoning: DD
DE No. 407019
Type of Development: To renovate, refurbish and add to the existing Heritage "A" building (Bank of Montreal), to contain the SFU Centre for Graduate Management Studies
Use: School - University
Legal Description: Parcel F, Block 33, DL 541, Plan BCP2081
Parking Required: 11
Parking Provided: 0
No. of Spaces for Payment-in-lieu: 8
Recommended Amount/Space: $14,500Total Payment-in-Lieu Amount: $116,000 *
A review of this application found that payment-in-lieu is appropriate, given the site constraints and the lack of opportunity to provide parking by another means.
* The normal Parking By-Law requirement is for 11 parking spaces. However, when considering the application, the Development Permit Board approved a condition to be met prior to the issuance of the Development Permit as follows:
"2.4 submission of a detailed transportation management plan for faculty and staff, noting the parking shortfall;
Arrangements shall be made ,to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services, Director of Legal Services, and Director of Financial Services, for the waiver of parking requirements for payment-in-lieu relief; and
Note to Applicant: Upon receipt and review of the transportation management plan, staff will determine whether any parking relaxation will be granted for the required 11 parking spaces. Payment-in-lieu relief will be required for either the full 11 spaces, or a reduced number, based on any supported parking relaxation that results from analysis of the plan."
The applicant has submitted a Transportation Management Plan, and staff have now given consideration on the DP Board instruction. On the condition that the applicant implement the Transportation Management Plan, including a U-Pass program, the Director of Planning in consultation with the General Manager of Engineering Services supports a relaxation of the parking requirement from 11 spaces to a minimum of 8 parking spaces.
* * * * *