Date: March 26, 2004
RTS No.: 4148

Meeting Date: April 20, 2004


1. Annual Report for 2003

The Special Advisory Committee on Seniors was created by a resolution of Vancouver City Council on July 23, 1983. A list of the volunteer members who served on this Committee during 2003 is attached as Appendix A.

The Committee's mandate is to contribute to the well-being of the older citizens of Vancouver and to endeavour to improve their quality of life. The Committee

_ advises Council on issues of concern to seniors;

_ acts as a means of communication or liaison between Council, other Council-appointed bodies and other groups;

_ provides support to groups endeavouring to initiate and develop projects assisting seniors;

_ disseminates pertinent information obtained and evaluated by Committee members to appropriate agencies and groups throughout the City.

As a result of the Civic Advisory Body Review, City Council, at its meeting of December 11, 2003, re-established and re-named this Committee as the Advisory Committee on Seniors' Issues.

This annual report covers the year 2003.

Guest Presenters

Names of Presenters


Paul Teichroeb, Director of Licenses & Coordinator, Enforcement/Chief License Inspector and Pam Hayes, Vehicle for Hire Inspector

Securing of wheelchairs in taxi vehicles.

Marcy Cohen, Phil Lyons and Yuri Cvitkovich, Seniors Health & Housing Coalition

Creation of Seniors Advocacy offices in British Columbia municipalities.

Larry Beasley, Director of Current Planning, Bill Boons, Co-manager, Processing Centre-Development and Lynda Challis, Rezoning Planner

Seniors Committee input into rezoning and development applications pertaining to seniors' issues.

Anne Kloppenborg, Social Planner

Zoning and Development Bylaw amendment re congregate housing.

John Digiovanni, ICBC

ICBC policies re senior drivers license renewal process.

Joanne Van Snellenberg, Special Projects Coordinator, 411 Seniors Society

Senior Citizens Counselling Program

Winston Chou, Traffic Management

Safety of flashing yellow lights at pedestrian crossings.

Lillian Nakashima and Judy Hanazawa, Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens Association

BC Human Rights Code - Seniors are not protected from Age Discrimination under the current legislation.

Malcom and Trevor White, SN Transport Ltd.

Proposed new transportation option for seniors and people with disabilities.

Maria Hudspith, VCHAC, Coordinator, Community Development and Riverview Redevelopment Project

Mental health project.

Dr. A. Yassi, Director, and Dr. H. de Boer, Director of Operations, Institute of Health, Promotion and Research, and Dr. R. VanWynsberge, Asst Professor, UBC

Mandate of the Institute of Health

Myrna Hall, Policy Development Consultant, Assisted Living Act, and Susan Adams, Registrar of Assisted Living

Assisted Living Act

Significant Activities

Significant Topics Considered

_ Health

_ Housing

_ Transportation

Future Directions

The newly constituted Advisory Committee on Seniors' Issues will develop a strategic plan for 2004 after Council confirms membership, and all members have received appropriate orientation and training to be provided by the City Clerk's Department.


The City Manager RECOMMENDS that Council thank the members of the Advisory Committee on Seniors' Issues for their volunteer public service and accept the 2003 Annual Report for information.

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Year 2003 Members of the Special Advisory Committee on Seniors

Mary Bosze (Co-Chair)
Bruce Chown (Co-Chair/Chair of Transportation Subcommittee )
Sophie King (Vice Chair)
Cynthia Ramsay
Gillian Fullerton (Chair of Housing Subcommittee)
Jacqueline Coinner
Wyn Gladman
Harry Lazar
Beatrice Leinbach
Josephine Mallek
Simon Oosterhuis (Chair of Health Subcommittee )
James Pau
Joseph Polisky
Carol Smith
Beverley Thomas
Anna Welbourn
Miriam Yu
Carmen Zajac

Council Liaison

Councillor Ellen Woodsworth

Park Board Liaison

Commissioner Loretta Woodcock

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