Vancouver City Council |
February 5, 2004
Terry Brunette
Phone No.:
RTS No.:
CC File No.:
Meeting Date:
Vancouver City Council
Director of Current Planning
Heritage Designation of 450 West 2nd Avenue "Nye Building"
A. That Council amend the Vancouver Heritage Register to add the Nye Building at 450 West 2nd Avenue in the "B" category.
B. THAT Council by by-law designate the exterior of the Nye Building at 450 West 2nd Avenue as municipally Protected Heritage Property.
C. THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forth the by-law to designate as municipally Protected Heritage Property the exterior of the Nye Building.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B and C.
Council's Heritage Policies and Guidelines state that buildings "identified in the Vancouver Heritage Register have heritage significance" and that "the City's long-term goal is to protect through voluntary designation as many resources on the Vancouver Heritage Register as possible." Council's policy on heritage designation states, in part, that "legal designation will be a prerequisite to accepting certain relaxations and incentives".
This report seeks Council's approval to add the Nye Building at 450 West 2nd Avenue to the Vancouver Heritage Register and to designate the exterior as Protected Heritage Property.
The triangular site of the Nye Building at 450 West 2nd Avenue is formed by the intersection of 2nd and 5th Avenues at the Cambie Street bridgehead. (See Appendix A.) The Zoning District is C-3A.
A development application has been submitted by Hancock Bruckner Eng & Wright Architects that affects both this site owned by the Nye family and the adjoining site to the east owned by the Bastion Development Corporation. The application requests the Development Permit Board (DPB) support a development limitation covenant for the two sites, thereby enabling the unused conditional permitted density from the Nye site to be used in the proposed mixed-use development on the Bastion site. Allowing this shift in density removes redevelopment pressure from the heritage site and generates immediate economic value making it viable for the Nye family to rehabilitate and designate the Nye Building. Two of staff's recommended conditions of DPB approval are the owners agreeing to designation and a registered covenant to secure the rehabilitation of the building.
Note: The development application will be reviewed by the Development Permit Board on February 16, 2004. In the interest of expediting the application as good customer service, this report is submitted before the Board's decision. Staff will report the Board's decision at Public Hearing (or withdraw the agenda item if appropriate.)
Heritage Value: This building was originally the Nye's service station built in 1923. The building has been owned and well maintained by the Nye family since that time. It commemorates the early industrial history of the area. The distinctive porte cochere (originally a gasoline service station) marks the apex of the triangular site, functions as a gateway to the industrial area immediately to the east, and provides a distinctive neighbourhood landmark. Following the City's methodology for evaluating a building's heritage merit, staff and the Heritage Commission concluded the building rates in the "B" category.
Conservation Approach: The proposed rehabilitation work will restore the porte cochere, remove paint from the exterior brick, repair the original wood windows and include a partial seismic upgrade. The Nye's will continue to own the building, take great pride in its history, and appreciate the potential arising from the rehabilitated structure.
Compatibility of Conservation with Community Planning Objectives: The intent of the C-3A District Schedule is:
"to provide for a wide range of goods and services, to maintain commercial
activities, specialized services and some light manufacturing enterprises while
preserving the character and general amenity of the area and its immediate
surroundings, and to provide for dwelling uses designed compatibly with commercial
uses."The proposal to list, designate and rehabilitate the Nye Building responds to the intent of the District Schedule by retaining and restoring a neighbourhood landmark. Any subsequent changes to the building will be subject to a Heritage Alteration permit (HAP).
Economic Viability of the Conservation: The building has been well-maintained with no evidence of differential settlement or other damage to the building fabric. The owner is prepared to accept the single site covenant as fair compensation for designation, and will waive future claims for compensation.
Comments of the Vancouver Heritage Commission: The Vancouver Heritage Commission reviewed and supported the proposed listing, designation and rehabilitation on June 23, 2003.
The recommended designation fulfils Council's long-term policy to protect heritage resources through voluntary designation. If the Development Permit Board supports the single site covenant, it will make the heritage conservation economically viable. Therefore it is recommended that Council add the Nye Building to the Vancouver Heritage Register and designate it by by-law as Protected Heritage Property.
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