Vancouver City Council


Director of Facilities Design & Management in consultation with the Chief Constable


Lower Mainland Regional Force Options Training Centre - Award of Consulting Contract





Council approval is required to enter into consultant contracts over $30,000.


The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to award a consulting contract to DGBK Architects (Vancouver) in joint venture partnership with RPLB, to conceptually plan and estimate the proposed. Lower Mainland Regional Force Options Training Centre ("Centre") in conjunction with massing studies of VPD's proposed facilities on sites to be determined shortly.


The 2003 -2005 Capital Plan includes up to $9.0 million to provide City funding for a new Force Options Training Centre (the"Centre") for the Vancouver Police Department. This funding was necessary because the province has indicated its intention to close the outdoor firing range in Coquitlam that is currently used by the department for firearms qualifications purposes, requiring the provision of an alternate facility.

In March 2003, the Province, the City and the RCMP entered into a Letter of Understanding to develop a strategy to address force options training requirements for all law enforcement agencies in the Lower Mainland. This agreement focusses on the potential to provide greater efficiency and synergy in the provision of a training facility in the Lower Mainland area and represents a significant partnership between the Province, the City and the RCMP. The objective is to make the best use of available funding and to provide significant improvements to the overall effectiveness of law enforcement training in the region.


The Force Options Training Centre Project

The project will be completed in three phases.

1. Phase One - Project Initiation. Includes all development work leading up to an agreement in principle:

2. Phase Two - Preliminary design, approvals:

3. Phase Three - Design, Construction & Operation:

Assuming the objectives of developing common qualification standards for regional police agencies, of providing for the force options training needs of the agencies involved, and of finding an acceptable governance and financing arrangement, the regional centre concept will be pursued. If this agreement is not found, then the City will have to have discussions with the Vancouver Police Department about how these requirements can be provided in a VPD-only facility.

One of the sites proposed for the centre is in Vancouver. Whether the City proceeds with the regional model or on its own, it is necessary to undertake a review of site potential for the facility. As the department may be requesting funding for a new police precinct building on this same site in the future, it is important to understand how that proposal might be accommodated with either a regional or city-only facility.


By public invitation, proposals were sought from consultants to undertake a study comprising needs assessment and technical consultancy associated with the programming, planning and conceptual layout of the Centre. The consultant will also be required to analyse VPD's future spatial needs to a level suitable for preparing massing options on a site currently being considered by VPD and the RCMP for a joint facility.

This study will be completed by October 13, 2003 for consideration by the Project Steering Committee as part of Phase 2 of the work program.

Seven (7) proposals were received from archictects and public safety consultants. On the basis of our evaluation, it is recommended that the contract for the study be awarded to DGBK Architects (Vancouver) in joint venture partnership with Rebanks Pepper Littlewood Boyd Architects (Toronto), at an estimated fee, and disbursements of, $60,000.00 plus GST; source of funding to be 2003 Basic Capital Budget.

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