Vancouver City Council |
Date: June 10, 2003
Author/Local: M. Thomson/7328
RTS No. 03439
CC File No. 5753
Meeting Date: June 24, 2003
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Engineering Services in Consultation
with the Director of Real Estate ServicesSUBJECT:
Closure of a Lane, Northwest Corner of Foster Avenue and
A. THAT Council close, stop-up and convey to the abutting owner all the lane north of Foster Avenue, west from Ormidale Street and all the lane west of Ormidale Street, north from Foster Avenue adjacent to Lot 1, Block 5, District Lots 36 and 49, Plan LMP2689, shown hatched on the plan attached hereto as Appendix "A", subject to the following conditions:
1. The abutting owners to pay $ 330,000 plus GST if applicable, for the 5580 square feet of lane to be closed in accordance with the recommendation of the Director of Real Estate Services;
2. The subject lane to be closed to be subdivided with the adjacent lands, including but not limited to:
a) Parcel Identifier: 017-624-657
Lot 1 Block 5 District Lots 36 and 49 Plan LMP2689
b) Parcel Identifier: 008-964-041
Lot A of Lot 4 Block F District Lot 36 Plan 12086
c) Parcel Identifier: 008-863-261
Block O Except: Part Dedicated Road on Plan LMP29644;
District Lot 36 Plan 12663to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services and the Approving Officer;
3. The applicant to be responsible for the relocation of all utilities in the lane, including the existing overhead B.C. Hydro and Telus facilities or alternative arrangements, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services;
4. The abutting owner to be responsible for any necessary plans, documents and Land Title Office fees;
5. Any agreements are to be to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services;
6. No legal right or obligation shall be created and none shall arise hereafter, until the documents are executed by the parties thereto.
B. THAT the $330,000 sale proceeds are to be credited to Streets Unallocated Capital Account 30006364 - Collingwood Village Traffic Measures for neighbourhood traffic mitigation measures including improvements to local streets, traffic calming and an upgrade to the left-turn bay at Vanness Avenue and Boundary Road.
If Council approves this report, the Formal Resolution to close all the lane north of Foster Avenue, west from Ormidale Street and all the lane west of Ormidale Street, north from Foster Avenue will be before Council later this day for approval.
The authority for closing and disposing of streets and lanes is set out in the Vancouver Charter.
Proceeds of the sale of surplus property, including City streets and lanes no longer required, are credited to the Property Endowment Fund.
In 1993, as part of the rezoning of Collingwood Village, Council instructed the City Engineer to develop a neighbourhood traffic plan for the Joyce Station area including funding.
The purpose of this report is to obtain Council authority to close, stop-up and convey all of the lane at the northwest corner of Foster Avenue and Ormidale Street.
The subject lane was dedicated by the deposit of Plan 10374 in September 1959. Lot 1, Plan LMP2689 was created in 1991 and included a small portion of lane closed by Council on November 14, 1991.
The lane and adjacent lands are part of the Collingwood Village Phase IV subdivision proposal now under review by the Approving Officer. The lane was identified for closure in 1993 as part of the area rezoning application. At that time, Council instructed the City Engineer to develop a neighbourhood traffic plan for the Joyce Station area.
Proceeds from sale of surplus streets and lanes are generally credited to the Property Endowment Fund. Exceptions have been made, on an individual basis, where Engineering Services has identified capital expenditures related to the subject closure, or development.
Concert Real Estate Corporation ("Concert") has made application to purchase the 5580 square feet of lane as shown hatched on the plan attached hereto as Appendix "A". The General Manager of Engineering Services has determined that the subject lane is no longer required and can be included in a comprehensive subdivision of the adjacent lands. The lane currently contains overhead B.C. Hydro and Telus facilities. These will have to be relocated at the applicants' cost. An interim right-of-way in favour of B.C. Hydro and Telus will be registered until such time as the facilities are relocated. These arrangements have met with the approval of B.C. Hydro and Telus.
The Director of Real Estate Services has negotiated a sale price of $ 330,000 plus G.S.T., if applicable. The Director of Real Estate Services advises that the sale price represents fair value.
The applicants will be responsible for all costs, plans, documents and Land Title Office fees required to complete the conveyance.
The Collingwood Village Phase IV Services Agreement obligates Concert to complete a traffic impact study to assess the impact of the development on the existing neighbourhood, and to install traffic mitigation measures, such as diverters and signage. The cost of various traffic mitigation measures will be shared by Concert and the City. This includes sidewalk on the west side of Tyne Street, speed humps on Euclid Avenue and Vanness Avenue, a traffic diverter at Tyne Street and Kingsway and a traffic bulge at Vanness Avenue and Melbourne Street. It also includes a major upgrade to the left-turn bay at Vanness Avenue and Boundary Road. The City will be, in addition to measures directly the result of the proposed development, undertaking upgrades to curb and gutter on Foster Avenue, sidewalk work leading to Melbourne Park and due to poor soils in the area reconstruction of Joyce Street.
Crediting the $330,000 sale proceeds to the Streets Unallocated Capital Account No. 30006364 - Collingwood Village Traffic Measures will allow this work to proceed in a timely manner and be ready with occupancy of Collingwood Village Phase IV.
The City Engineer is currently working on the designs and plans for the neighbourhood traffic mitigation and will be reporting to the Traffic & Transportation Committee for design approval in early 2004. The funding created through this report will not be allocated or spent until a report back to Council on the scope and cost of the project.
Council, in 1993, recognized the impact of the development on neighbourhood traffic and now has an opportunity to ensure funding of this mitigation measure as required. The General Manager of Engineering Services in consultation with the Director of Real Estate Services RECOMMENDS approval of the Recommendations A and B.
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