Date: May 20, 2003
Author/Phone: B.Taylor/604-871-6004
RTS No. 03420
CC File No. 2051
Meeting Date: June 12, 2003


Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets


City Manager


Juno Beach Centre - Memorial Donation



A. THAT Council approve a grant in the amount of $2,500 to the Juno Beach Centre Association as a contribution toward the costs of construction of the memorial centre and creation of the exhibition/education programs within. Funds to be provided from the Contingency Reserve.


There is no applicable policy.


This report is:

· to inform Council of the Juno Beach Centre Association initiative to create a memorial/education centre recognizing the contributions and sacrifices made by Canada and Canadians throughout the Second World War, for the liberation of peoples and the cause of peace; and,

· to present for Council's consideration the option to grant a financial contribution to the Centre, together with appropriate wording for the recognition brick.


The Juno Beach Centre Association has undertaken to build a memorial/education centre at Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy, France. Once code-named Juno Beach, this area was one of the key landing sites of the Normandy Invasion that launched the liberation of Europe and the beginning of the end of the Second World War.

Juno Beach was the focal point of Canadian land forces during the invasion, and while history records that Canadians were instrumental in the success of the invasion and the campaign that ensued, all too few are familiar with that history.

The intent is not to recognize only those who fought in this Battle. The Centre intends to commemorate Canada's role in World War II and educate visitors about the contributions and sacrifices Canadians made to liberate and secure peace for peoples in war theatres throughout the Second World War. Appendix A provides details of the project and contributors.

The Association has succeeded in raising a number of significant contributions to secure construction of the building project. However, a nation-wide community-based fundraising campaign continues, with a goal of $1 million, to provide for the centre's exhibitions and education programs.

The Juno Beach Centre Association is planning to open the Centre June 6, 2003 .


This request is not eligible for support from any existing program, and there is no policy framework on which staff can base a recommendation to Council. However, this is a rare request, offering a unique opportunity to add Vancouver's name to those who would declare Canada's appreciation to those who gave so much, and to demonstrate to the few who remain the reliability of our promise that: "We Will Remember".

It is also an opportunity to mark an historic moment for Canada, together with Canadians from all parts of the nation. The education programs offer a singular opportunity to proudly share with others this part of Canadian history. It is fitting for Vancouver to recognize the participation of Vancouver citizens in this event in particular and in World War II generally, with a declaration that "Vancouver Remembers" and we are grateful.

The unique nature of the initiative together with the extraordinary opportunity for Vancouverites to act in concert with Canadians nation-wide on the historic project, argue for an exception to be made and that Council consider the request. Should Council be willing, a grant in the amount of $2,500 to the Juno Beach Centre Association would be appropriate, toward the costs of construction of the memorial centre and the exhibitions/education programs within.


This request is not eligible for support from any existing program, and there is no policy framework on which staff can base a recommendation to Council. However, the unique nature of the initiative together with the extraordinary opportunity for Vancouverites to act in concert with Canadians nation-wide on a historic initiative directly related to Vancouver's past, argue that Council consider a grant in the amount of $2,500 to the Juno Beach Centre Association, toward the costs of construction of the memorial centre and the exhibitions/education programs within.

If Council adopts consideration A then staff recommend that Council approve one of the following optional statements to be inscribed on the brick recognizing the City's contribution:

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