Vancouver City Council |
MOVED BY Councillor
SECONDED BY Councillor
1. The City of Vancouver is the owner of:
Parcel Identifier: 009-001-891
Lot A, Block 1, District Lots 302, and 2064 Plan 11857,
Parcel Identifier: 016-669-011
Lot 48, District Lot 2064, Plan 5568,
Parcel Identifier: 016-673-506
Lot 49, District Lot 2064, Plan 5568,
Parcel Identifier: 016-674-464
Lot 50, District Lot 2064, Plan 5568,
Parcel Identifier: 016-674-995
Lot 50A, District Lot 2064, Plan 5568,
Parcel Identifier: 016-675-274
Lot 51A, District Lot 2064, Plan 5568,
Parcel Identifier: 016-675-355
Lot 52, District Lot 2064, Plan 5568,
Parcel Identifier: 016-675-380
Lot 52A, District Lot 2064, Plan 5568,
Parcel Identifier: 016-214-064
Lot 54, District Lot 2064, Plan 5568,
Parcel Identifier: 016-679-831
Lot 55, District Lot 2064, Plan 5568,
Parcel Identifier: 016-682-408
Lot 56, District Lot 2064, Plan 5568, and
Parcel Identifier: 006-865-968
Lot 139, False Creek, Plan 20090
2. It is deemed expedient and in the public interest to establish a portion of the lands
for road purposes;
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THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT all those portions of :
Firstly: Lot A, Block 1, District Lots 302, and 2064 Plan 11857;
Secondly: Lots 48, 49, 50, 50A, 52, 52A, 54, 55 and 56, District Lot 2064,
Plan 5568, Group 1, New Westminster District; and
Thirdly; Lot 139, False Creek, Plan 20090
as shown heavy outlined on plan of survey completed on the 9th day of January, 2003, attested to by Fred Wong, B.C.L.S., and marginally numbered LA307, a copy of which is attached hereto, be established for road purposes and declared to form and constitute a portion of road.
(Establishing Road on the South East Shore of False Creek)
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