Date: October 7, 2002
Author/Local: P Underwood/7980
RTS NO. 3035
CC File No. 1370/1376
Council: November 26, 2002
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Corporate Services, in consultations with the Police Chief, the General Manager of Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services, and the General Manager of Human Resources.
Transfer of Computer Operator positions from the City of Vancouver to the Vancouver Police Department
THAT Council approves the permanent transfer of two Computer System Operator positions from the Corporate Information Technology Department to the Police Department's Information Technology Section.
The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval to transfer two Computer Systems Operator positions from the Corporate Information Technology Department to the Vancouver Police Department's Information Technology section.
Since 1992 the City of Vancouver's Computer Operators have provided operational support to two different operating environments:
- Computer Aided/Assisted Dispatch (CAD) and Record Management System (RMS) located at 312 Main and used by the Vancouver Police Department and Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services.
- The mainframe and local area network systems, located at City Hall and hosting corporate systems.
The operational support includes performing nightly production and backup routines and providing first level technical support.
Technology infrastructure and application changes at both the Police Department and the City and the unique business requirements of the Vancouver Police Department and Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services, have resulted in a change in the nature of the operational support required. Some of those technological changes are:
- the replacement of the CAD and RMS systems;
- development of wide and local area networks;
- the replacement of mainframe applications with stand alone applications;
- the development of new applications, including internet applications, at both VPD and the City.As a result of these changes and a rationalization of how the necessary support is provided in the new environments, it is recommended that two computer operator positions be transferred from the Corporate Services Information Technology group to the Police Department Information Technology section. This transfer will significantly enhance the ability of the Police Department to provide support for their systems, including the CAD and RMS systems. These resources will also be invaluable to the department following transition to the new E-Comm provided CAD/RMS systems for Police, and for continuing ongoing support for Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services, that will stay on the City's RMS system pending a replacement anticipated as early as next year.
Apart from the transfer of funding from Corporate Services to the Police Department, there are no financial implications of this change.
The two Computer Systems Operator positions to be transferred are currently under the jurisdiction of CUPE Local 15. At Vancouver Police, the positions will fall under the jurisdiction of Teamsters' Union Local 31. One of the positions is vacant. It has not been filled on a permanent basis in anticipation of this request. The staff member in the occupied position will have access to the Lay-off provisions identified in the CUPE 15/City of Vancouver Collective Agreement.
A copy of this report has been sent to CUPE Local 15, and Teamsters' Local 31.
By dedicating operator resources to the VPD, both the VPD and the City can focus Information Technology staff on their respective technical environments. This report recommends transfer of two existing Computer Operator positions at no cost to the City.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver