Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Engineering Services


New Chess Street Works Yard Award of Tender for
Mechanical Systems





The policy of Council is to award contracts for the purchase of equipment, supplies and services that will give the highest values based on quality, service and price.

Construction contracts with a value over $300,000 are to be awarded by Council.

This report seeks authorization to award a construction tender for Mechanical Systems for the New Chess Street Yard.


· Development of the new Chess Works Yard is part of the 2000 - 2002 Capital Plan.
· On July 31, 2001, Council approved awarding the design and construction management contract for the yard to Omicron Consulting Group.
· On November 20, 2001, Council approved implementing LEEDTM sustainable practices into the two main buildings in the yard.
· Council has previously approved award of contracts for piling, earthworks, concrete, structural steel and pre-engineered buildings.
· Construction management is being used for the works yard development which involves sequential tendering for the main building components.


This report recommends award of Mechanical Systems for the new Chess Works Yard project. This contract covers the building heating and cooling system as well as the building plumbing and fire sprinklers.

From a public invitation for expression of interest for prequalifications, four contractors were pre-qualified and picked up documents. Tenders were opened on September 27, 2002. Of three tenders submitted, the following two complete tenders were received (which include PST and GST):

Mechanical Systems
Contract No. 1515000

Fred Welsh Ltd.


Brighter Mechanical Ltd.


The consulting engineer's estimate for this work is $2,683,530. The low bid is below the engineer's estimate and fits within the overall budget for the project. On the basis of best value, it is recommended that the Mechanical Systems contract be awarded to Fred Welsh Ltd., the low bidder, in the amount of $2,616,722.00, including PST and GST.

All tenderers have been notified of these recommendations.


The overall budget approved for this project is $21.884 million. This tender award is below the engineer's estimate. Funding for the project is approved in the 2000 - 2002 Capital Plan and Capital Financing Fund Loans. Funding for this tender which totals $2,616,722.00 is available in Yards Basic Capital account no. 30005178.


Contracts covered by this tender incorporate a number of sustainable features. A energy efficient ground source heat pump system uses the constant temperature of the earth to heat and cool the buildings. Low flow water fixtures will be used including dual flush toilets and waterless urinals. A Construction waste management program has been specified for these tenders with a goal of recycling in excess of 80% of all construction waste.

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