Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Director of Current Planning


Heather Pavilion (2733 Heather Street) - Heritage Revitalization Agreement





This report seeks Council authorization to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) for the Heather Pavilion in fulfilment of a Council approved rezoning condition for the Vancouver General Hospital precinct.


The Heather Pavilion, listed in the "B" category on the Vancouver Heritage Register, is located in the middle of the VGH precinct. On December 6, 2001, Council approved the rezoning application by Mark Betteridge, development consultant for Vancouver Hospital and Health Science Centre, subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions prior-to enactment, including the following heritage conditions:

In addition to designation and entering into the HRA, the owner is also required to commit in writing to seek full funding of the premium cost of restoration and to enter into a separate agreement for a $3.1 million cash CAC graduated over time as a means to assist in the restoration. This CAC will be held by the City to be returned to the owner of the Heather Pavilion to complete the restoration work. The City also retains the option to spend these funds for emergency conservation (stabilization) measures if required.

This report seeks Council authorization to enter into the requisite HRA. The designation will be reported separately to Council at Public Hearing on November 5, 2002. The HRA resolution is being presented to Council in advance to allow time for the HRA to be registered in the Land Title Office before the CD-1 amendment enactment scheduled for November 7th. The November 5th Public Hearing does not allow enough time for registration to occur.


In fulfilment of the rezoning condition required by Council, staff have drafted the requisite HRA and are now seeking Council authorization to enter into it.

The owner is prepared to enter into the HRA and has accepted the rezoning of the lands as just and fair compensation for entering into the HRA and associated restoration agreement and for designation for the Heather Pavilion and waives any future compensation demands.
Staff recommend Council authorize the City to enter into the requisite HRA.

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