Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


General Manager of Engineering Services


Proposed Lease of a Portion of the Lane West of
Templeton Drive, North of Fourth Avenue




The authority for closing and disposing of streets and lanes is set out in the Vancouver Charter.


The purpose of this report is to seek Council authority to close, stop-up and lease to the abutting owner a portion of the lane at the rear of 1951 Templeton Drive.


On January 23, 1923 the City acquired, under title, all of Lot 20 of Blocks 2 to 5, Block A of Block 148, District Lot 264A, Plans 709 and 1771 ("Lot 20") at 1951 Templeton Drive. On August 7, 1945 Council established the West 20 feet of Lot 20 as lane, the formal resolution being filed in the Land Title Office as document filed 40494. On July 21, 1947 Council resolved to convey the balance of Lot 20 to private owners.

The subject portion of lane, the West 20 feet of Lot 20 is shown hatched on Appendix "A".

The subject portion of lane is land-locked, that is isolated, such that it does not connect to any other City street or lane.


The current owner of Lot 20 has sought to be able to fence and maintain the subject portion of lane. Staff have advised that we have no objection to such an arangement. However, the owner of Lot 20 seeks a more formal arrangement.

As the City cannot access the subject lane, staff support the lease, at a nominal fee, in exchange for maintenance of the area, as shown hatched on Appendix "A". The lease to allow use of the area, a fence, soft landscaping and a temporary garden shed. No permanent structures will be allowed in the lease area.

To give the applicant use of the area and provide the City with appropriate indemnities, it is necessary to close, stop-up and lease the subject area.

We will retain the right to reclaim the area on three (3) months notice if required for any municipal purposes.


The proposed lease will provide for the indemnification of the City and will require that the Lessee be responsible for the maintenance of the lease area. The future use of the lease area will be assured through the cancellation provisions in the lease. It is therefore recommended that Council approve the lease, subject to the conditions set out in this report.

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