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Date: July 4, 2002
Author/Local: Terry Brunette/(604) 871-6467RTS No. 02849
CC File No. 1401-46
Public Hearing: July 23, 2002
Vancouver City Council
Director of Current Planning
Heritage Revitalization Agreement and Designation - 732 & 750 Princess Avenue
A. THAT Council authorize the Director of Legal Services to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the property at 732 and 750 Princess Avenue to:
· secure the protection and on-going maintenance of these two "C" category Vancouver Heritage Register buildings; and,
· vary the RT-3 District Schedule of the Zoning and Development By-law so that no zoning non-conformities are created or exacerbated by the proposed subdivision.B. THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forth the by-law to authorize the Heritage Revitalization Agreement; and,
C. THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forth by-laws to designate the two heritage houses as Protected Heritage Property.
The General Manager of Community Services RECOMMENDS approval of A, B, and C.
Council's Heritage Policies and Guidelines state in part that "the City's long-term goal is to protect through voluntary designation as many resources on the Vancouver Heritage Register as possible and that legal designation will be a prerequisite to accepting certain bonuses and incentives."
The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval of a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) and designation to secure the conservation of the two "C" category houses on the Vancouver Heritage Register at 732 and 750 Princess Avenue by varying the zoning by-law to enable subdivision to occur.
Proposed Subdivision
The site is located at the corner of Princess Avenue and Union Street in the RT-3 zoning district and is comprised of two 7.6 m (25 ft.) by 37.2 m (122 ft.) parcels. (See Appendix "A" for Site Map.) The two existing heritage houses both straddle the lot line oriented in a north-south direction between parcels. The heritage houses and lands are owned by two families under joint title with a "tenants-in-common" sub-agreement. The houses are being maintained as single-family dwellings, and have been carefully restored by the families in anticipation of the HRA.
The joint owners have submitted a preliminary subdivision application proposing to re-subdivide the land along an east-west axis in order to provide a separate parcel for each heritage house. (See Appendix "B" for proposed subdivision plan.) In exchange for the protection of the two heritage houses, they request Council authorize the proposed HRA enabling re-subdivision and thereby creating freehold ownership. The subdivision officer cannot approve a subdivision that would create or exacerbate zoning non-conformities. The HRA will vary the Zoning By-law so that no non-conformities exist thereby allowing subdivision to occur. The houses are not being relocated on the property and are not being enlarged or altered.
Heritage Value
732 Princess Avenue: This heritage house was constructed in 1907 and is listed in the "C" category of the Vancouver Heritage Register. Its massing and detail are typical of the "classic Edwardian box" form of single-family dwelling: hipped roof, central dormer, cubic volume, asymmetrical bay and front verandah. The house possesses a high degree of authenticity and integrity and makes a significant contribution to the streetscape and character of the Strathcona neighbourhood.
750 Princess Avenue: This heritage house was also constructed in 1907 and is listed in the "C" category of the Vancouver Heritage Register. Of the two houses, it is slightly larger with more sophisticated detailing, responding to the corner site at Princess Avenue and Union Street. Massing and detail are also typical of the "classic Edwardian box" form of single family dwelling: hipped roof, central and side dormers, cubic volume, asymmetrical front and side bay windows with diamond latticed mullions, and paired columns to the front verandah. This house was the recipient of a "True Colours Award" in 2001.
Compatibility of Conservation with Community Planning Objectives
The intent of the RT-3 District Schedule is to:
"Encourage the retention of neighbourhood and streetscape character, particularly through the retention, renovation and restoration of existing character buildings. Emphasis is placed on the external design of additions to existing buildings and new buildings to encourage the preservation of the historic architectural character of the area."
Both heritage houses possess a high degree of authenticity and integrity with regard to original materials, detail and finishes. All original materials including siding and windows have been repaired or matched where required. Front and back exterior steps and verandahs have been repaired to replicate original detailing. Original colour schemes have been researched and both houses painted in their original palette (750 Princess Avenue under a "True Colours" grant). The proposed HRA and designation will ensure that zoning objectives are met.
Zoning Variances
The HRA would vary RT-3 (Zoning) District Schedule regulations so that non-conformities are not created by the subdivision of the property i.e. the following variances result from the "existing" size and location of the houses in the context of the new reoriented parcels.
4.4 Front Yard Depth
1.34 m (4.40 ft.)
0.79 m (2.60 ft.)
4.5 Side Yard Width (North)
1.50 m (4.92 ft.) min.
0.03 m (0.10 ft.)
4.6 Rear Yard Depth
8.20 m (26.90 ft.) min.
0.18 m (0.60 ft.)
4.7 Floor Space Ratio
(0.75 conditional)*0.62
(0.75 conditional)*4.17.2 External Design (Principal Facade)
6.10 m (20.01 ft.) max.
6.54 m (21.45 ft.)
4.3 Height
10.70 m (35.10 ft.) max.
10.73 m (35.20 ft.)
4.4 Front Yard Depth
0.79 m (2.60 ft.)
1.34 m (4.40 ft.)
4.5 Side Yard Width (South)
2.27 m (7.45 ft.) min.
1.98 m (6.50 ft.)
4.6 Rear Yard Depth
8.20 m (26.90 ft.) min.
0.03 m (0.10 ft.)
4.7 Floor Space Ratio
(0.75 conditional)*0.66
(0.75 conditional)*4.17.2 External Design (Principal Facade)
6.10 m (20.01 ft.) max.
7.17 m (23.54 ft.)
* Relaxable to 0.75 at the discretion of the Director of Planning as per section 4.7.1 of the RT-3 District Schedule
Support to Enable Conservation
The Manager of Real Estate Services advises that the proposed subdivision, retention and restoration of the heritage houses on their existing sites, including all variances previouslydescribed, would not provide the owners with an extraordinary profit based on an analysis of this proposal. The owner is committed to enter into the Heritage Revitalization Agreement and designation with the City and waive future claims to compensation.
Review & Notification
The Vancouver Heritage Commission reviewed and supported the proposed subdivision and the requisite HRA on June 24, 2002.
Notification letters were sent to 40 immediate neighbours. No responses were received.
The heritage houses at 732 and 750 Princess Avenue are valuable heritage resources in the Strathcona area. The recommended Heritage Revitalization Agreement and designation will secure the long-term protection and conservation of these " C" listed Vancouver Heritage Register buildings by enabling subdivision to correspond to the location of the two heritage houses.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver