Agenda Index City of Vancouver



Vancouver City Council


Chair, Development Permit Board


Development Permit Board Members' Alternates





Council Policy is reflected in By-law N0. 5869, attached as Appendix A, which is the current Development Permit Board and Advisory Panel By-law.


The purpose of this report is to recommend an amendment to the procedures of the Development Permit Board in the event that a Member and his/her Alternate Member(s) is unavailable to attend a Board meeting.


The current procedural limitations imposed on the Development Permit Board are posing an unusual challenge as a consequence of a Member and his/her Alternate Member being unable to attend the next scheduled meeting. Unless some greater flexibility is incorporated into the By-law, the Development Permit Board will be unable to proceed with its next meeting, and some future meetings may similarly be in jeopardy.

Under By-law No. 5869:

· the Director of Development Services is the Chair of the Board and a non-voting Member;
· there are three voting Members: Co-Director of Planning; General Manager of Engineering Services; and Deputy City Manager;
· two of the voting Members have only one Alternate Member; the other has two Alternate Members;
· any of the seven Members and Alternate Members may function as an Alternate Chair, if the Chair is unable to attend; and
· if, once a Board meeting is in progress, one of the voting Members (or their Alternate Member) is unable to continue, the Chair becomes a voting Member in the event the other two voting Members are unable to reach a common decision on the application before the Board.

The Co-Director of Planning has, as his Alternate Member, the other Co-Director of Planning. The Deputy City Manager has the General Manager of Community Services as his Alternate Member. The General Manager of Engineering Services has both the Deputy City Engineer and an Assistant City Engineer as his Alternate Members.

Unfortunately, both the Deputy City Manager and the General Manager of Community Services will be absent on July 8th, being the next scheduled meeting of the Development Permit Board.

In a recent instance, a Member was unavailable to attend and his/her Alternate Member had another commitment but was able to attend the Board meeting at the outset so it could be properly convened. The Alternate Member was then excused, with the Chair becoming a voting Member, pursuant to the By-law. The weakness in this procedure is that it requires either the Member or his/her Alternate Member to be available at the outset of the meeting, if only to then be excused.

This weakness, albeit rarely confronted, could be addressed by having more Alternate Members appointed. This approach is not recommended as a high level of continuity amongst those sitting at Board meetings is considered critical to the effective, consistent decision-making of the Board. A more effective approach would be to expand the circumstance in which the Chair becomes a voting Member, to enable this to occur when both a Member and their Alternate Member are unable to attend a Board meeting at the outset.

To achieve this additional procedural flexibility, Section 11 of the Development Permit Board and Advisory Panel By-law would best be amended by inserting an additional provisions as noted in bold italics below:

Council can be assured that Board Members take their responsibilities on the Board very seriously, doing their utmost to attend the meetings. Alternate Members, although usually available, are essentially only used during a Member's absence for reasons of illness or vacation. The amendment recommended to Section 11 will therefore not result in Members reducing their attendance; it will only enable the Board to convene and fulfill its responsibilities when a Member and his/her Alternate Member are unavoidably prevented from attending.


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