Agenda Index City of Vancouver



April 9, 2002

RTS No: 2652
CC File No.: 3107-1
Council: April 30, 2002



This report describes the activities of the Vancouver City Planning Commission in 2001, including:

· 17 specific issues addressed
· two reports to Council; one in the form of a letter and one by a verbal presentation
· two public events
· further research and participation in planning processes


The VCPC is pleased to submit the following report to Council which outlines the work undertaken by the VCPC in 2001.

The VCPC had an active year researching and responding to issues, in all cases attempting to place them in the context of the City's long range interest. Although often called upon to respond to immediate and pressing issues the Commission is aware that it has the most value to Council and the City if it can bring attention to longer-range developments. To this end the VCPC has been researching and attempting to develop a position in areas where it perceives the possibility of long range problems or potential future benefits for the City.

This report describes:

· The substantive areas addressed by the Commission.
· The output that has been produced during the year.

The VCPC relies on the assistance of the Planning Department and other departments in the City and is grateful for this assistance. Because of this the VCPC periodically meets with senior staff, specifically senior Planning staff, to understand their concerns and the future activities of their departments.


The VCPC is composed of 10 members appointed by Council, two appointed by the VCPC, two City Councillors, and individual representatives from the Park Board and the School Board.

In 2001 the Commission established four major subcommittees to deal with issues involving Public Realm, Regional Governance, Transportation, and Emerging Issues. Additional responsibilities involved members participating on the Urban Design Panel and the South East False Creek Stewardship Committee.


The VCPC made the following reports to Council in 2001:

The VCPC hosted two public events in 2001:

The Commission established a presence on the City's web site:


In 2001 the Commission considered the following issues and received presentations for background information from the speakers noted.


A major ongoing concern of the Commission is the essential need for improvements to the city's transportation systems. This includes all travel modes (private cars, goods truck traffic, rail, land-based public transit, ferries, bicycles and pedestrians). To this end the Commission had several presentations and discussions on transportation issues in 2001 including:

a) Sustainable Transportation Workshop

b) Proposed Redesigns to Stanley Park Causeway S Curve and West Georgia Street

c) Major Commercial Transportation System

d) Downtown Transportation Plan Update

e) False Creek Pedestrian and Cycling Crossings Study

f) Building Lines

Public Realm

a) Park Planning in Vancouver

b) Design Co-operation in the Public Realm

c) Street Amenities and Furniture Program

d) From Block Parties to Block Busters - A look at fun in Vancouver

Regional Governance

a) The Challenges and Opportunities of Regional Governance for the City of Vancouver

b) Metropolitan and Municipal Reforms in the Vancouver City Region - Can They Fly?


Financing Growth Review

Planners Ronda Howard and Randy Pecarski made a presentation on revenue projections and economic analysis of growth in the City over the next 20 years.

The VCPC shares the concerns of the City as we move from a period of rapid large project development to an era where it is anticipated that growth will be more even and small scale. The presentation satisfied the Commission that the potential problems were being anticipated. The VCPC expects that there will be further reports as the studies are developed and policies are determined.

Emerging Development Plans for False Creek Flats

Two presentations were received on this topic in 2001. Senior Planner Ian Smith gave a presentation on the development of the I-3 rezoned 300 acre site. Subsequently, in a second presentation by Director of Current Planning, Larry Beasley and Ian Smith, an overview on the evolving urban structure of False Creek Flats including existing, mid-range and long-range opportunities was given.

The VCPC's initial concern had to do with the late timing of information coming to the Commission to enable meaningful input. The Commission was also concerned with the apparent lack of a broader vision for this very important area of Vancouver. It is felt that issues of connectivity to the City at large, a broader mix of uses, layout of open space and configuration of roadways all need further development. It is hoped and expected that the Commission will be involved in a meaningful dialogue as work progresses.

The Economic Impact of Co-ops in Northern Italy

Bob Williams, Chair, VanCity Capital Corp., provided an overview on the history of economic development in a region of Northern Italy. He explained how collaborative and reciprocal agreements between government, industrial and social sectors resulted in development of community-based co-operatives to improve delivery of services.

The Commission is very interested in the potential that this form of economic activity has to increase the economic well-being of Vancouver. Considerable differences of history, culture and government systems mean that further study is necessary and comparisons may be difficult. The Commission intends to follow this topic further.

Zoning Capacity Review

Ann McAfee, Director, City Plans, with Ted Sebastian and Trish French, planners, presented an overview of the City's projected housing capacity and its commitments to the GVRD growth strategy.

The Commission was interested in how the commitments made to the Livable Region Strategy were going to be met and explored the issue at length. The presentation was followed up with questions to staff such as How are the population targets revised over time? and Who is considering the "big picture" questions - namely how much of the increasing population should Vancouver be absorbing?

Vancouver's Economic Competitiveness

Linda E. Thorstad, Executive Director of the Vancouver Economic Development Commission gave a presentation on the VEDC's structure and mandate.

The Commission is very interested in the work of its fellow Commission and was given a thorough presentation. Because physical development of the City is so closely tied to its economic growth, the Commission continues to foster dialogue with the VEDC.



a) Transportation

b) Public Realm

c) Governance

d) Emerging Issues

2.Vancouver City Planning Commission 2002 Workplan

VCPC 1993 Mandate approved by Council


VCPC 2002 Workplan Summary
to Fulfill Mandate

To submit annually to Council a suggested workplan and budget.


This is the workplan summary for 2002. It is anticipated that elements of this programme will carry over to 2003. The Commission's 2002 budget request will be forwarded to Council by the Finance Department in Summer or Fall 2002 based on a more detailed work plan.

To represent ideas and opinions about the future of the city, as citizens of the City of Vancouver.


The Commission believes it can be of most value to Council by focusing on broad issues that affect the City's long-term development and Vancouver's global competitiveness. The Commission is a forum for discussion and debate of ideas influencing the City's social, physical and economic development. The Commission will focus particular attention on Vancouver's role as the metropolitan centre of the region. When framing its work, the Commission hopes to attract a range of opinion.

The Commission held a workshop to review its operating structure in 2002. It will continue with two subcommittees - Civic Realm and Transportation, and create a new subcommittee - Sustainable Vancouver, to respond to several key themes that have been identified as being important to the City over the long term.

    Sustainable Vancouver Noting that the GVRD is undertaking the Livable Region Strategic Plan review this year, and recognizing the City's obligations and interests to develop in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable way, the Commission will discuss, help articulate and advocate the City of Vancouver's priorities with respect to civic and regional sustainability goals. Within the framework of sustainable and healthy development, the Commission will evaluate: 1) housing, density and affordability; 2) economic development; and 3) open space and cultural facilities.
    Civic Realm The Commission will continue to advocate for investing in Vancouver's public realm and fostering the City's critical role in improving public life and the cultural and economic well being of the city. The Commission will promote a new vision for Vancouver's civic realm that includes both downtown and the many neighbourhoods where most of us live, work, study, and play. In addition to the physical planning and design of the civic realm, we will consider the social, cultural and economic issues that define and influence a strong and healthy vision for Vancouver and the region.
    Transportation The Commission continues to be interested in all modes of transportation within the city and how systems connect to the region.

A new Chair's Standing Committee has been created. Made up of the current and recent past VCPC Chairs, it will explore emerging long term issues which can be expected to affect the City. This standing committee will become an ongoing resource to future VCPC members.

To consider and report to Council on any proposal likely to have a significant effect on the future of the City.


Other site specific topics/proposals will be monitored such as:

    The Livable Region Strategic Plan Review
    False Creek Flats
    The 2010 Winter Olympics Bid Legacy (including South East False Creek)
    The East Portlands Planning Process
    Fraser River Industrial Lands (eg Eburne site)

In discharging its mandate to Council, the Commission will also optimize communication with Council and staff several ways:

    The executive will invite speakers to the Commission and this input will be incorporated into reports to Council. The schedule of speakers will be distributed as early as possible to Council and staff so that they may be able to attend meetings of interest to them.
    The subcommittees will prepare reports to Council and these will also be posted on the City of Vancouver website.
    The Commission will share its views and recommendations with Council on a regular basis, through reports, delegations to Council and Committee meetings, and regular communications with members of Council.

(signed) "Lance Berelowitz" (signed) "Reena Lazar"
Chair Vice-Chair


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