Agenda Index City of Vancouver


At the Council meeting of February 19, 2002, Councillor Louis submitted the following Notice of Motion, which was recognized by the Chair.

7. Regulation of Conversion and Demolition of Single Room Occupancy Residential Hotels in the Downtown Core (File: 4657)

WHEREAS, the City of Vancouver has experienced a significant reduction in the number of Single Room Occupancy (SRO) hotel units for low-income residents, and;

WHEREAS, the provincial government has frozen the development of new replacement non-market housing for low-income urban singles, and;

WHEREAS, Vancouver has submitted a bid for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, and;

WHEREAS, historically rooming houses and residential hotels are often converted for tourist use during hallmark events such as the Olympic games and as occurred during Expo 86 in Vancouver, resulting in eviction and displacement of low income residents, and;

WHEREAS, Olympic driven evictions are currently taking place in Salt Lake City forcing low income citizens out of their homes and providing no alternatives, and;

WHEREAS, many organizations, including the Olympic Bid Committee, have expressed their desire that this not occur again in Vancouver, and;

WHEREAS the International Olympic Committee has previously expressed its concern that host cities have sustainable and socially responsible plans for hosting the Olympic Games, and;

WHEREAS, the Vancouver Charter empowers City Council to regulate the conversion and demolition of Single Room Occupancy residential hotels;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Vancouver City Council direct staff to prepare a conversion and demolition by-law for SRO hotels that ensures there is no net loss of affordable housing, as is currently provided through these hotels, and;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this by-law regulate market driven conversion and demolition of SRO hotels by either denying permits to convert or demolish hotels or through a requirement of one for one affordable rental housing replacement for each unit that will be lost, and;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any replacement strategy must ensure the replacement units are available for occupancy prior to when the original units being converted or demolished are vacated.

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