Agenda Index City of Vancouver


TO: Vancouver City Council

FROM: City Clerk

SUBJECT: Remembrance Day Pre-cenotaph Program




This report seeks Council's approval for a contribution of $2000.00 for a special memorial service which will be conducted prior to the annual Remembrance Day service at the Cenotaph. These funds are in addition to the funds provided by City Council to the City Clerk's Office for the Remembrance Day Observance Committee program at Victory Square.


This is the last Remembrance Day in this century and it is seen as an opportunity to acknowledge all the Fallen in the Twentieth Century. Because there are a number of Remembrance Day services held throughout the Lower Mainland, it was determined that an early morning event at the Beatty Street Armories would allow people to gather for this special service and then to attend the Remembrance Day service of their choice. The program will honour those who died in battles fought since the turn of the century.

His Honour Garde B. Gardom, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia has agreed to attend and to give a memorial address. Mayor Owen will also speak to those in attendance. A number of key community representatives will be invited to attend this function along with the general public. Those who wish may attend the City of Vancouver ceremony which follows at the cenotaph and will commence at 10:30 am.

The funds are required to pay for the rental of the public address system, podium and chairs and to provide funds to pay honourariums to the musicians.


An amount of $2000.00 is required to finance the pre-cenotaph program at the Beatty Street Armories. This is a one time request for funds for an 'end of the century' memorial service.

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