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Date: October 14, 1998
Author/Local: Guy Gusdal/6461
RTS No. 179
CC File No. 2612-8
Vancouver Liquor Licensing Commission
Chief License Inspector
1400 Robson Street
Empire Landmark Hotel and Conference CentreCONSIDERATION
A. THAT Council endorse the application by Global Gateway Corp., for an increase in seating capacity from 75 to 179 in the Class A Lounge at the Empire Landmark Hotel and Conference Centre, 1400 Robson Street, having considered the support of residents and business operators of the community as determined by neighbourhood notification and subject to a time-limited development permit or legal agreement; OR
B. THAT Council advise the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch it does not endorse the application by Global Gateway Corp., for an increase in seating capacity from 75 to 179 seats in the Class A Lounge at the Empire Landmark Hotel and Conference Centre, 1400 Robson Street.
The General Manager of Community Services submits the choice of A or B for CONSIDERATION.
Council policy requires that new liquor license applications and amendments to existing licenses be subject to a referendum if the premises are located in close proximity to residential accommodation. Council policy is to waive the requirement for a referendum for a new full service hotel or major complex located in the downtown core, provided it is illustrated that there is little or no community opposition as determined by the response to the pre-clearance notification.
For existing Class A Lounge/Pub, Class C Cabaret or Class D Neighbourhood Pub licensed establishments seeking extended hours or seating, Council has endorsed a process of requiring a time-limited development permit or a separate legal agreement outlining conditions of operation.
Global Gateway Corp., is requesting a Council resolution endorsing its application for an increase in seating capacity from 75 to 179 in the Class A Lounge at the Empire Landmark Hotel and Conference Centre, 1400 Robson Street.
Global Gateway Corp., recently purchased the Empire Landmark Hotel and Conference Centre. The applicant has provided information that in 1989 the previous owners, Sheraton Landmark Hotel, made renovations that reduced the four Class A Lounge licensed areas with total seating capacity of 179 to 97 seats in three licensed areas to accommodate an increase in the Class B Restaurant licensed area. Again, in 1993, the seating capacity was further reduced to 75 seats in two licensed areas.
The applicant is seeking to recover these 104 Class A Lounge seats which would then be redistributed between two existing lounge areas covered by Liquor Control and Licensing Branch License No. 28335. The maximum permitted seats for a Class A Lounge is 225.
The hotel also operates a 250-seat Class A Pub consisting of two licensed areas and a 2,080-seat Class B Dining Lounge, consisting of 24 licensed areas which includes the restaurant and banquet rooms.
Global Gateway Corp., has been issued a development permit (DP 403121 issued July 15, 1998) for renovations to the exterior and interior of the hotel, including enlarging the main floor restaurant, cafe and lounge, reconfiguration of the lounge and restaurant seating in the revolving restaurant and extensive reconstruction and upgrading to the front of the building which faces Robson Street. The building permit application is presently under review.
The new owners and management want to provide a more diverse selection of licensed lounges and restaurants within the hotel to enhance the service to international travellers and tourists. The owners hope to maintain or increase the present staff employment if the application is approved.
The subject premises are located in a C-6 Zoning District. The surrounding area is a mixture of retail, office, hotel and a significant amount of residential uses. The nearest residential property is located directly north across Robson Street and directly south across the lane (Appendix A).
There are three Class A Lounges (242 seats), one Class A Pub (250 seats) and approximately 25 licensed restaurants in the survey area. The closest Provincial Government liquor store is located at 1716 Robson Street.
Presently the hotel operates a 75-seat Class A Lounge and a 250-seat Class A Pub. The maximum permitted seats for these liquor license categories are 225 and 125 seats respectively. Thus the total possible seating capacity for a new hotel is 350 seats, under current Liquor Control and Licensing Branch regulations.
Should the increase in seating capacity be supported, this would result in a total seating capacity, including the Class A Lounge and Pub, of 429 seats, although the lounge capacity would be under the allowable limit of 225 seats.
There have been complaints along with a petition regarding noise from the Class A Pub called Sportscasters Bar and Grill. The issues relate to noise from live music, the doors being left open and outdoor speakers. The hotel management has met with area residents and Community Police Office staff to discuss these issues. The hotel management has agreed to address these concerns.
The Police Department has no comments at this time, pending resolution of the neighbourhood concerns.
The Planning Department has reviewed the application and based on the available information has no further comments.
The Environmental Health Division of the Vancouver/Richmond Health Board, the Social
Planning Department and the Housing Centre have no comments.The results of the neighbourhood notification process will be provided to the Commission at its meeting.
Staff is putting this application forward for consideration as lounges in full service hotels generally do not cause major problems for the neighbourhood. In this case, there are some issues raised by residents and the neighbourhood notification may result in considerable feedback for Council.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver