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DATE: Thursday, November 5, 1998
TIME: 9:30 a.m.
PLACE: Committee Room No. 1
Third Floor, City Hall
Adoption of Minutes
The Minutes of the Standing Committee on City Services & Budgets meeting of October 8, 1998, were adopted.
1. Warning to Prospective Purchasers -
5948 Berkeley Street File: 2701-1
That the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the Certificate of Title to the Property at 5948 Berkeley Street in order to warn prospective purchasers that there is a contravention of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-law related to this building.
2. Warning to Prospective Purchasers -
83 East 22nd Avenue File: 2701-1
THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the Certificate of Title to the property 83 East 22nd Avenue in order to warn prospective purchasers that there is a contravention of the Zoning and Development and Vancouver Building By-law related to this building.
3. Warning to Prospective Purchasers -
498 East 19th Avenue File: 2701-1
THAT the City Clerk be directed to file a 336D Notice against the Certificate of Title to the property 498 East 19th Avenue in order to warn prospective purchasers that there is a contravention of the Vancouver Building By-law related to this building.
4. Transfer of Community Services Grant from
HispaSeniors to South Granville Seniors Centre File: 2151
THAT responsibility for the administration of the 1998 Community Services Grant to the Hispano American Seniors Society be transferred to the South Granville Seniors Society, together with the funding for the final two quarters of the 1998 grant, amounting to $6,120.
5. 1998 `OTHER' Grant Requests File: 2201
A. THAT a grant of $47,162 be approved to the Vancouver City Planning Commission; source of funds to be the 1998 `OTHER' Grants Budget.
B. That a grant of $100,000 be approved to the Vancouver Symphony Society to offset the rent payable under the lease with Civic Theatres for the period of January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998; source of funds to be the 1998 Cultural Grant - Theatre Rent budget.
C. THAT a grant of $6,000 be approved to the BC Bicycling Association (1997 funding level); source of funds to be 1998 `OTHER' Grant budget.
D. THAT a grant of $26,800 be approved to the SPCA - Vancouver Regional Branch (1997 funding level); source of funds to be 1998 `OTHER grants budget.
E. THAT a grant of $3,500 (1997 funding level) be approved to the Chinese Benevolent Association of BC; source of funds to be 1998 `OTHER' Grant budget.
F. THAT a grant of $2,800 be approved to the Vancouver Block Parent Program (1997 funding level); source of funds to be 1998 `OTHER' Grants budget.
1. Transportation Priorities and Resource Needs -
Overview Report File: 5559
A. THAT Council approve funding for the Phase I: Boundary Road to VCC; Phase II: VCC to Arbutus and Phase III: Arbutus to UBC, Rapid Transit Study in the amount of $1,343,800; source of funds for the 1998 costs to be Contingency Reserve ($33,000) and for 1999 costs, a reallocation of the Capital from Revenue provision in the 1999 Capital Budget ($1,310,800) as detailed in the Administrative Report dated October 19, 1998.
B. THAT the Rapid Transit Project Office be requested to share in the cost of the Engineering Services associated with the planning, design and implementation of the East-West Rapid Transit Line and the cost of providing planning information to the Rapid Transit Project Office and the Special Commissioner - SkyTrain Review.
C. THAT Council approve funding for the Rapid Transit Technology and Alignment Review, for the alignment west of Commercial Drive, coordinated with the extension to UBC, in the amount of $200,000; source of funding to be a reallocation of the Capital from Revenue provision in the 1999 Capital Budget as detailed in the Administrative Report dated October 19, 1998.
D. THAT Council seek cost sharing for the Rapid Transit Technology and Alignment Review, west of Commercial Drive, from the GVTA and the Rapid Transit Project Office.
E. THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of Central Area Planning report back in January 1999 on:
a) the detailed work program and funding to complete the Downtown Transportation Plan; and
b) a review of Downtown Transportation work items that may be undertaken prior to completion of the Downtown Transportation Plan.
F. THAT the General Manager of Engineering Services and the Director of City Plans report back in 1999 on a detailed work plan and cost for a Transportation Plan Monitoring Program.
G. THAT Council approve initiation of the "pilot" phase of the Building Line Study in 1999 and request staff to report back on a detailed work plan with existing staff and funding (est. $5,000) for review and approval.
H. THAT, should Little Mountain Neighbourhood House be in a position to proceed with replacement of its facilities in 1999, Council will find the necessary funding.
2. Rapid Transit Work Program - Phase I, East -
West Boundary Road to Broadway Drive and
Phase II Along Broadway to Western Terminus File: 5559
A. THAT Council approve the Phase I East-West Boundary to Broadway Rapid Transit Work Program and the preliminary work program for Phase II Broadway Corridor to Arbutus, as outlined in Appendix C of the Policy Report dated October 27, 1998.
B. THAT when further information is available on Phase II of the East - West Rapid Transit line (Broadway Corridor to Arbutus) staff report back with a detailed work program and public consultation process.
C. THAT Council request that the date for a response from the City to the Rapid Transit Project Office on the City's preferred route, station locations, and mitigation requirements for Phase I be extended from December 1998 to March 1999; and
FURTHER THAT the March date be contingent on the early receipt of ridership and related information from the Rapid Transit Project Office.
D. THAT Council request that the date for a response from the City to the Rapid Transit Project Office on the City's preferred technology, alignment, station locations, and mitigation requirements for Phase II be extended from March 1999 to December 1999; and
FURTHER THAT the December date be contingent on the early receipt of ridership and related information from the Rapid Transit Project Office and completion of the City's study of appropriate technology.
3. Rapid Transit Project - Independent Consultant Review File: 5559
THAT the terms of reference for a comparative study of rail technology options for the western portion of the Broadway-Lougheed Rapid Transit Project be approved.
FURTHER THAT the terms of reference be expanded to include the implications of the decision on the technology for the western portion in relation to the eastern portion line (east of Commercial Drive/VCC).
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
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(c) 1998 City of Vancouver