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FEBRUARY 10, 1998 A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, February 10, 1998, in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, for the purpose of hearing delegations on the proposed Funding and Governance for the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (GVTA).
PRESENT: Mayor Philip Owen Councillor Don Bellamy Councillor Jennifer Clarke Councillor Alan Herbert Councillor Daniel Lee Councillor Don Lee Councillor Gordon Price Councillor George Puil Councillor Sam Sullivan ABSENT: Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario (Civic Business) Councillor Lynne Kennedy CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:Denise Salmon
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy ,
SECONDED by Cllr. Price,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the Chair, for the purpose of hearing delegations on the Proposed Funding and Governance for the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (GVTA).
1. Review of the Proposed Funding and Governance for the
Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (GVTA)
Vancouver City Council met to hear from the public on the proposed Funding and Governance for the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (GVTA) and consider the recommendations contained in a Policy Report dated January 26, 1998.
Dave Rudberg, General Manager of Engineering Services, noted this matter had been discussed as a Report Reference at Council on February 3, 1998, and therefore provided only a brief review of the recommendations contained in the report. Clive Rock, Administrator, Transportation Planning, GVRD, was also present to answer questions from Council.
The Mayor called for speakers and a total of 12 persons addressed the Council over the course of the evening.
The majority of the following delegations spoke in general support of the recommended agreement; however, a number of issues were raised, and are included below.
·Simon Bancroft, Vancouver City Planning Commission
·Nathan Davidowicz
·Margaret Eberle, Clinton Neighbourhood Committee
·Diane King, Southwest Marine Drive Ratepayers Association (brief filed)
·Ellen Chesney, BCAA
·Graydon Hayward, Chair, Property Taxation Advisory Committee
·John Hansen, Assistant Managing Director and Chief Economist,
Vancouver Board of Trade
·Barbara Crompton, Director, Vancouver Board of Trade
·Doug Greville, Manager, Member Services,
B.C. Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association (brief filed)
·Cheeying Ho, BEST (brief filed)
·Sharon Schnurr
·Shaugn Schwartz, Transit Users Group (brief filed)
The delegations' points are summarized as follows:
·concern with down loading of debt and the dependability of ongoing revenue streams; GVRD need to clarify mechanics of implementing legislation and identify opportunities to address points of concern
·the need for further work and public consultation prior to approval of construction of a grade level LRT system terminating at Granville and Broadway; and the need to consider commitment to a line to UBC
Clause 1 Cont'd
·the need to maintain the Province's commitment to a 60/40 split of one billion dollars of capital spending on the transportation system
·the Lions Gate Bridge and other major bridges and highways should be included within the GVTA mandate; an effective regional transportation authority needs to have authority over all key components of the regional transportation system
·the need for the transit system to remain integrated and seamless and not be fractionalized into separate municipal systems
·support for the City of Burnaby's recommendations on the GVTA
·while Vancouver has only 20% representation (3 out of 15) on the GVTA, it has 50% of the ridership and 40% of the transit revenues
·legislative protection, mitigation and compensation for communities living adjacent major roadways needs to be addressed in GVTA agreement
·potential for conflict between the GVTA and Vancouver when funding costs incurred by municipalities for maintenance and operation of roads are considered regional in function
·the need to develop principles for defining the Major Road Network and a public consultation process prior to decision on designation of roads, with input from City's Transportation Planning Team, to ensure no overall increase in road capacity (no roads were identified as major roads in the City's Transportation Plan)
·concern with regard the GVTA's authority, mandate, financial and governance structure
·public transit does not meet the needs of all people, and the GVRD needs to seek a reasonable balance in managing both transportation demand and supply to ensure sufficient road capacity exist for the future
·concern with user-fees directed specifically at motorists
·concern GVTA members will be pressured to push for needs of area they represent, and the need for non-political representation on the Authority
·to date there has been limited public involvement in the GVTA decision making process, more time is needed to examine all implications of the agreement
·concern any shortfall in funding as set out in the proposed agreement could be made up through increased non-residential or residential property tax
·the proposed governance model, with a Board of Directors comprised entirely of politicians, is not the best for Greater Vancouver in the long-term
·currently the GVTA agreement focuses on movement of people, with no direct mention of movement of goods and services; this needs to be addressed
·the GVTA must treat the needs of economic development on a basis equal to all other needs mentioned in the "Powers and Responsibilities" section, i.e, mobility, community plans, and Livable Regional Strategic Plan
·one authority will provide better integration between transportation planning and funding, with local control; transportation plans will be coordinated with land use plans
Clause 1 Cont'd
·no mention is made of a regional cycling policy, funding or infrastructure plan in the proposal
·the proposed governance structure, where elected officials are appointed to the GVRD Board, then appointed to the GVTA, does not allow for accountability to the public
·the need for a regional cycling coordinator responsible for coordinating inter-city bike travel and specific plans for bike-transit intermodal services
·provision for creation of a citizens committee made up of individuals and transit users that would be involved in all aspects of transportation planning, development and implementation
·5% of the total GVTA budget should be used for cycling infrastructure and facilities
·note of a recent Japanese study indicating diesel exhaust is one of the worst carcinogens know to man, and the hope future bus purchases for the GVRD's expanded transit operations are not diesel
·the GVTA's proposal needs to include a commitment to promote and sustain citizen participation in transportation planning
·a suggestion at least two GVTA Board members must be at-large transit users, and other appointed Commissioners commit to using public transit on a regular basis
The following points were raised during discussion:
·A Rapid Transit ProjectOffice has just been established by the City; traffic options to UBC will be explored
·A major increase in the bus fleet would require larger service and maintenance yards and more drivers, resulting in a major financial problem for BC Transit
·Debts for SkyTrain relate only to the guide way structure, and for WestCoast Express, only the roadway
·No municipality will be required to upgrade their roads unless supported by that municipality; however the proposal provides the opportunity to obtain funding for maintenance and operation of the Major Road Network
·The proposed GVTA would be a relatively small policy making group, with overall operation undertaken by subsidiary companies, with smaller boards appointed by the Authority to oversee these subsidiary companies; those appointments could include stakeholders most suited to that subsidiary
·Although cars and trucks will drop from 77 to 72 percent of the transportation system by 2010, it is projected the number of cars will increase by approximately 60%
·The agreement attempts to follow provisions of the GVRD's Livable Regional Plan, wherein priority is given to walking, cycling, transit, goods movement, and then the single occupant vehicle, in that order
·GVRD is presently considering adding reference to cycling and goods and services movement into the Statement of Purpose
Clause 1 Cont'd
MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
THAT this matter be referred to the next meeting of Council, February 17, 1998, for discussion.
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
SECONDED BY Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.
- CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The Special Council adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
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