Date: November 18, 1997
Author: N.E. Peters, B.C.L.S.
Local: 7328
File No. 000 184
CC File No. 5753
Vancouver City Council
General Manager of Engineering Services
Proposed Closure of Portion of the Lane East of Wall Street between the Lane South of Oxford Street and Lakewood Drive
THAT all that portion of the lane east of Wall Street shown within the bold outline on the plan attached as Appendix "A", be closed, stopped-up and placed in the care and custody of the Board of Parks and Recreation subject to the following conditions:
1)The City to retain a utility right-of-way over the entire area of closed lane;
2)The Board of Parks and Recreation to be responsible for costs of any necessary utility modification, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services;
3)The Board of Parks and Recreation to be responsible for the costs of closing off the subject portion of lane, including any necessary boulevard and curb restoration, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Engineering Services;
The authority for closing and disposing of street and lanes is set out in the Vancouver Charter.
The purpose of this report is to seek Council authority to close and stop-up and place in the care and custody of the Board of Parks and Recreation, the portion of the lane east of Wall Street between the lane south of Oxford Street and Lakewood Drive.
The City has acquired the property on both sides of the subject portion of lane, see plan attached as "Appendix A". The Park Board has developed Oxford Park on a closed portion of Oxford Street at Wall Street and wishes to extend the park across the lane east of Wall Street, to incorporate Lot 9 on the east side of the lane.
Engineering Services has no objection, provided satisfactory arrangements are made for the utilities presently in this lane and that a right-of-way is retained over the area of closed lane to accommodate these utilities, and any new utilities which may be placed there in the future. In addition, the Park Board is to be responsible for the costs of physically closing the lane and restoring the boulevard, curb and sidewalk.
Subject to the conditions set out in the recommendation, the General Manager of Engineering Services recommends the subject portion of lane be closed and placed in the care and custody the Board of Parks and Recreation.
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(c) 1997 City of Vancouver