NOVEMBER 18, 1997 A Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held on Tuesday, November 18, 1997, at 2:05 p.m., in the Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall, for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing to consider a proposed amendment to the Heritage By-law and a Heritage Revitalization Agreement.
PRESENT: Mayor Philip Owen Councillor Don Bellamy Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario Councillor Jennifer Clarke Councillor Alan Herbert Councillor Lynne Kennedy Councillor Daniel Lee Councillor Don Lee Councillor Gordon Price Councillor George Puil Councillor Sam Sullivan CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:Ken Dobell, City Manager
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor Owen in the Chair, to consider a proposed amendment to the Heritage By-law and a Heritage Revitalization Agreement.
- CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY1. 440 Cambie Street (Lot C, Block 28, District Lot 541, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan LMP35118)
Heritage Revitalization Agreement
An application by Architectural Institute of British Columbia; Bryson Chandler Holdings Inc.; Scottsdale Investments Ltd.; B.P.Y.A. 133 Holdings Ltd.; Richard F. Evans Architect Inc.; and Marie-Odile Marceau Architect Inc., was considered as follows:
The proposed Heritage Revitalization Agreement would:
-secure the rehabilitation and protection of the existing building, listed in the 'B' evaluation category on the Vancouver Heritage Register; and
-permit a heritage density bonus 3,251.5 m² (35,000 sq. ft.) for transfer off-site.
The Director of Community Planning, on behalf of Land Use and Development, recommended approval.
Staff Comments
Jeannette Hlavach, Heritage Planner, reiterated staff support for this application, noting it meets an important component of the draft Victory Square Plan, which is the retention of heritage buildings.
Applicant Comments
Robert Lemon, Architect, responded to questions from members of Council and described in greater detail the rehabilitation and protection of the existing building.
Summary of Correspondence
There was no correspondence received regarding this application.
Mayor Owen called for speakers for and against the application, and none were present.
Clause No. 1 cont'd
MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
A.THAT Council authorize the City to enter into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement to secure the rehabilitation and protection of the heritage building at 440 Cambie Street and to supplement Development Application DE402046, as varied by Minor Amendment DE402604, and the zoning, to permit a density bonus of 2.91 FSR (3 251.5 m2/ 35,000 sq. ft.);
AND THAT Council require a development limitation covenant to preserve the density bonus for transfer off-site;
AND THAT the density bonus may not be transferred until the rehabilitation is complete unless the owners secure the rehabilitation by a separate secured agreement;
AND THAT the agreements shall be prepared, registered and given priority to the satisfaction of the Directors of Planning and Legal Services; and
B.THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forth the by-law to authorize the Heritage Revitalization Agreement.
2. 1551 Angus Drive (Lot 8, Block 38, District Lot 526, Plan 4502)
Heritage Designation
An application by Cathy Ting/Ben Ling Architect, was considered as follows:
The proposed Heritage By-law amendment would:
-designate the existing building (former Thomas Shaughnessy House), listed in the 'A' evaluation category on the Vancouver Heritage Register, as protected heritage property;
-ensure the protection of the building from inappropriate alterations and demolition in the future; and
-be in exchange for relaxation of the maximum floor space from 0.45 FSR (1,096.71 m² [11,805.30 sq. ft.]) permitted to 0.49 FSR (1,184.64 m² [12,751.79 sq. ft.]) proposed, and a relaxation to the maximum height from 10.7 m (35 ft.) permitted to 12.4 m (40.66 ft.) proposed.
Clause No. 2 cont'd
The Director of Community Planning, on behalf of Land Use and Development, recommended approval.
Staff Comments
Jeannette Hlavach, Heritage Planner, reiterated staff support for the designation of this heritage building in exchange for a relaxation in floor space and height.
Applicant Comments
Ben Ling, Architect, advised the achievement of the designation of this important heritage building sends a strong message to the community that heritage designation can result in a win/win situation for both public and private interests.
There was no correspondence received regarding this application.
Mayor Owen called for speakers for and against the application, and none were present.
MOVED by Cllr. Price,
A. THAT the former Thomas Shaughnessy house at 1551 Angus Drive, listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register in the A evaluation category, be designated as a protected heritage property.
B. THAT the Director of Legal Services bring forward for enactment an amendment to the Heritage By-law.
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.
MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
SECONDED by Cllr. Kennedy,
THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted, and the Director of Legal Services be instructed to prepare and bring forward the necessary by-law amendments.
- CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The Special Council adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
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(c) 1997 City of Vancouver