ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: October 31, 1997
Author/Local: Pam Kemp/7259
File No. CREP084.wpd
CC File No. 2001
Vancouver City Council
Director of Finance
Disposal of Surplus Computer Equipment
THAT Council approve an additional $10,000 grant to the Vancouver School Board and a $100 grant to each of the following not-for-profit Vancouver community agencies for their acquisition of surplus personal computers and related software from the City of Vancouver, at the net price of $100 per system:
Acoustic Connection Music & Cultural Society
BC Persons with Aids Society
Dance Arts Vancouver
Firehall Arts Centre
Joe Ink Performance Society
Mid Main Community Health Centre
Mole Hill Living Heritage Society
St. James Community Centre
The Guatemalan Human Rights Commission
The Chinese Cultural Centre
The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing.
Council policy is to dispose of surplus equipment through public auction or the solicitation of offers.
Approval of grants requires eight affirmative votes of Council.
On May 6, 1997, Council approved a resolution that the Manager of Purchasing Services dispose of the Citys surplus personal computers and related software under a grant/purchase program in order to be in accord with the provisions of the Vancouver Charter.
Ninety percent (90%) of the surplus computers were to be allocated to the Vancouver School Board and ten percent (10%) to specific Vancouver non-for-profit community organizations, upon the recommendation of the Social Planning Department.
To date the Vancouver School Board has received 75 personal computers & Central Stores has 65 ready for pick up. Social Planning has reviewed the requests for distribution to the not-for-profit organizations who have requested surplus computers:
The grant/purchase program is working well and it is recommended that the City continue with this program and approve an additional $10,000 grant to the Vancouver School Board and a $100 grant to each of the Vancouver not-for-profit organization listed above..
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(c) 1997 City of Vancouver