STANDING COMMITTEE ON CITY SERVICES & BUDGETS - July 31, 1997 9:30 a.m., Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall Decisions (Minutes) of this meeting 1. 1997 Capital Grant Allocations File: 2005 2. 1997 Childcare Grants Allocation - Report 2 of 3 File: 2402 3. Renewal of Musqueam Service Agreement File: 1203 4. Corporate Information Systems Replacement File: 1186 5. Information Technology Infrastructure - File: 1186 1997 Expansion and Replacement Program 6. Geographic Information and Automated Mapping File: 1189 * * * * * STANDING COMMITTEE ON PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT - July 31, 1997 2:00 p.m., Committee Room No. 1, Third Floor, City Hall Decisions (Minutes) of this meeting 1. 711 West Broadway File: 2604 Development Application Number DE 402361 Expansion of Existing Casino 2. Planning Principles and Concept Plan for Mole Hill File: 5053 * * * * *