January 15, 1997

12:00 noon, Council Chamber, Third Floor, City Hall

Decisions (Minutes) of this meeting will be available within one week following the meeting

1. Draft Transportation Plan Briefing If you have any questions, please contact Denise Salmon at 873-7269. * * * * * NOTICE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING A G E N D A ROLL CALL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORTS OF COMMITTEE I. Standing Committee of Council on Transportation and Traffic January 15, 1997 Receive the Report of the Standing Committee. CITY MANAGER'S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 1. Local Improvements by Initiative - March 27, 1997 First and Second Step Report RISE FROM COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ADOPT REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MOTIONS A. Allocation of Land for Road Purposes (All that portion of Lot 5, except: (A) and West 2 Feet now Lane, and (B) part in Explanatory Plan 6045, Block 2, District Lot 714, Plan 5139 Group 1, NWD) B. Allocation of Land for Road Purposes (All that portion of Lot B, Block S, Town of Hastings Plan LMP _______.) OTHER BUSINESS * * * *