SPECIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE
                           ON CULTURAL COMMUNITIES   

                                 June 5, 1996


   1.   Immigrant Services Society Media Project

        Vancouver City Council at  its meeting on June 6,  1995, considered
   the  Cultural   Communities  Committee  1995-96  work   plan  objectives
   recommending  development  of  a  media  strategy  to  foster  a  better
   understanding of cultural communities  to counter cultural stereotyping.
   A  "Thumbs Up  -  Thumbs Down"  program  on media  coverage  designed to
   identify fair  and enlightened  coverage of cultural  communities versus
   biased  reporting  for use  in the  media  conference was  suggested and
   Council requested the  Committee report back with  detailed plans, which
   identify the objectives, needed resources and funding for this action.

        The Committee on June 6,  1996, heard a presentation from  Mr. John
   Borst,  Executive Director of The  Immigrant Services Society of British
   Columbia on  the Society's Multicultural BC  application called "Setting
   the Record Straight.

        The  proposal  suggests  a  collaborative  project,  with  partners
   including  the  Affiliation  of  Multicultural  Societies  and   Service
   Agencies  of  BC  (AMSSA),    the Provincial  Ministry  responsible  for
   Multiculturalism,  the United  Way of  BC., Citizenship  and Immigration
   Canada  (CIC),  and  if  interested,  the  City's  Cultural  Communities
   Committee.   The project's  main focus is  to survey the  current ethnic
   media coverage and  encourage both  the ethnic and  mainstream media  to
   circulate  positive economic  and  social stories  about immigrants  and
   multiculturalism  to the  public,  and  secondly  to  work  on  a  media
   strategy.   It is  also hoped the year-long  project will bring together
   the ethnic press  and help people  become aware of the  different issues
   experienced by each community.

        The budget has yet to be finalized, however, funding is anticipated
   from  the  United Way  by  July, as  well  as the  Province  and Federal
   Government.   The City of  Vancouver is not  being asked for  money, but
   rather  participation/partnership  of  the  City's  Cultural Communities

   Clause No. 1 (continued)

        Mr. Borst emphasized the  proposal is still in the  initial stages;
   however a number of workshops, led  by paid facilitators, are planned to
   educate  the  ethnic  and mainstream  media  on  the  value of  positive
   stories.   Meetings with Editorial  Boards of mainstream  media are also
   envisioned to establish dialogue  and encourage voluntary initiatives on
   the part of media groups.  An evaluation of the effect  of these actions
   on media coverage  over a specific period of time is included as part of
   the project.

        A  number of members expressed  positive feelings toward becoming a
   partner  with   the  Society;   however,  some  expressed   concern  the
   Committee's own similar project would be lost, as well as uncertainty as
   to  the level  of  involvement expected.    Most members  confirmed  the
   positive aspects of working  together on "Setting the Record  Straight",
   as follows:

        -    more  resources  would  be  made  available  toward  achieving
             essentially  the  same  objectives  the  Committee  originally
             envisioned, and

        -    the  project  would enhance  the  chances  of improving  media
             coverage with the broader scope and participation.

        The Committee  intends to pursue  measures, through its  liaison to
   the Setting the Record Straight project, to ensure the City maintains an
   adequate profile.

        The Special Advisory Committee on Cultural Communities therefore 


        A.   THAT the  Special Advisory  Committee on Cultural  Communities
             endorse,  in principle,    The Immigrant  Services Society  of
             British Columbia's "Setting the Record Straight" project.

   Clause No. 1 (continued)

        B.   THAT,  if   Vancouver  City   Council  agrees,   the  Cultural
             Communities Committee  will no  longer work  on its  own media
             conference  project,  but  rather   join  with  The  Immigrant
             Services Society  of British Columbia to  participate in their
             collaborative project currently underway;

             (Messrs. Prasad and Yuen requested to be shown
             opposed to this motion.)

             FURTHER THAT,  subject to approval of the above, Mr. Muneshwar
             Prasad  be  designated  the  Cultural   Communities  Committee
             liaison to the ISS project, with Ms. Yukiko Shiroki designated
             as alternate.

                                      "Eleanor Atienza", Chair
                                      Special Advisory Committee
                                      on Cultural Communities


   The City Manager reccomends approval of A and B.  Given that Council has
   already supported the Committee's  "Thumbs Up - Thumbs Down"  initiative
   through  the 1995  Work  Plan, continued  support  for a  collaborativae
   effort  involving other  levels  of government  and non-profit  agencies
   makes good sense.