June 18, 1996

   Memo to:  Members of Council

   From:     Mayor Philip Owen

   Subject:  Appointment of Deputy Mayor

   Council, on December 6, 1993, appointed Councillor Kwan as Deputy Mayor
   for the month of June 1996.

   Councillor Kwan, as a recently elected member of the Provincial
   Legislature, will be attending the current session of the Legislature
   which started on June 17th and is expected to continue through July.  As
   a result, Councillor Kwan was given leave of absence without pay for the
   period June 24 to August 1, 1996 inclusive.

   In order to meet any Deputy Mayor commitments during the latter part of
   June, I RECOMMEND that Councillor Chiavario be appointed Deputy Mayor
   for June 24 to 30, 1996 inclusive.

   Philip W. Owen