Dated:  June 11, 1996

     TO:       Vancouver City Council

     FROM:     Director of Finance

     SUBJECT:  1996 Permissive Tax Exemptions -
               Community Care  Facilities


          A.   THAT Council approve the amendment to Bylaw No.7524 
               authorizing the extension of a property tax exemption to the
               Calling Foundation for 1996.

          B.   THAT Council approve the grants-in-lieu of general purposes
               taxes to Community Care Facilities as detailed in Appendix A
               and amounting to $196,779.24; source of funds to be
               Contingency Reserve.


          The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of
          A and B.


     The Vancouver Charter, Section 396, provides Council the authority to
     approve limited permissive tax exemptions.

     In February 23, 1995, Council approved the following tax exemption
     policy for senior s housing and community care facilities:

       -  senior s housing completed before March 31, 1974 continues to
          receive tax exemption;

       -  permissive tax exemptions to certain Community Care Facilities to
          be phased out in 1996 and 1997; and

       -  all other facilities to be fully taxable.


     The purpose of this report is to submit for Council action a grant in
     lieu of general purposes taxes for Community Care Facilities.  Also,
     there is a recommendation for an amendment to a bylaw recently
     approved by Council which exempts certain senior s housing properties
     from taxation in 1996.


     Prior to 1974, senior s housing projects that received any form of
     government assistance were exempted from taxation under Section 396
     (1)(c) of the Vancouver Charter, provided they otherwise qualified for
     tax exemption.

     In 1974, the Provincial Government amended the Vancouver Charter by
     adding section 396(1)(g), requiring new senior s housing projects in
     receipt of provincial subsidies after March 31, 1974 to either:

        - pay property taxes in the normal manner; or,
        - obtain a permissive property tax exemption
          from City Council.

     A number of seniors housing projects receiving assistance before April
     1, 1974, remained tax exempt under a 'grandfather' provision.

     In 1987, the Provincial Government amended section 396(1)(g),
     expanding on the types of properties that require annual approval of a
     permissive tax exemption, with the following results:

        - the 'grandfather  provision for seniors housing projects
          receiving assistance before April 1, 1974 was eliminated;

        - the forms of provincial and federal assistance which made
          projects eligible for exemptions were expanded;  
        - the outright exemption for community care facilities in
          receipt of senior government assistance was removed.

     On a number of occasions since the Charter changes discussed above,
     Council has been asked to approve permissive exemptions on senior s
     housing projects. To date, Council has maintained a policy of not
     approving these requests, but has continued the exempt status of the
     'grandfathered  seniors housing projects. A similar policy has been
     applied to Community Care Facilities in receipt of tax exemptions
     before the 1987 Charter change.

     On February 23, 1995, Council considered recommendations of the
     Director of Finance related to exemptions for senior s housing and
     community care facilities.  At that time, Council agreed to continue
     the tax exempt status of the 'grandfathered  seniors housing (those
     facilities completed before March 31, 1974).  However, Council decided
     to phase-out the permissive tax exemption for Community Care
     Facilities that had previously received this exemption and to not
     approve permissive exemptions for senior s housing which had not been


     Exemption for Seniors Housing

     On February 27, 1996, Council approved By-law No. 7524 providing an
     exemption for the 'grandfathered  senior s housing projects for 1996. 
     Those properties are listed on that Appendix I.

     There is one additional property omitted from the bylaw for which the
     tax exemption should apply.  This property had been improperly removed
     from the list. Legal Services has been asked to prepare and submit a
     bylaw that will amend Council s original approval by adding this
     property to the bylaw.

     Community Care Facilities

     When considering the report of the Director of Finance on February 23,
     1995, Council also approved the following recom-mendations related to
     Community Care Facilities:

          B.   THAT Council approve 1995 permissive property tax
               exemptions for the 'Community Care Facilities'
               properties (shown in Appendix II of that report.)

          C.   THAT Council approve a phase-out of the permissive tax
               exemptions on the 'Community Care Facilities'
               properties (shown in Appendix II of that report )
               commencing in the 1996 taxation year . . . and instruct
               staff to give the affected property owners appropriate
               notice of this change in policy.

     On  March 7, 1995 By-law No. 7395 was passed exempting these
     properties from municipal taxation for the 1995 tax year.

     For the 1996 taxation year, it was proposed that these Community Care
     Facilities (listed in Appendix A) would not receive a property tax
     exemption but would receive a phase-out grant equal to the municipal
     portion of their tax bill.   Administratively, this would be handled
     by refunding the City's portion of the  property taxes to the property
     owners in the form of a grant under Section 206 of the Vancouver
     Charter.  Approval of these grants would reduce the property owner s
     1996 property tax bill by approximately 50%.

     If this grant request is approved, the funds will be applied against
     the 1996 Property Taxes due on July 17, 1996( extended due date ) or,
     if already paid by the date of receipt, refunded to the  taxpayer. The
     1996 Property Tax statements for these properties were mailed the week
     of June 17th, 1996 together with a letter stating that this report
     requesting the grant would be heard at this June 25, 1996 Council


     The grants to community care facilities are put for Council
     consideration in Recommendation B and will require eight votes to
     pass. Should Council approve the grants, the cost will be $196,779.24
     with funding to be provided from Contingency Reserve.

                            *     *     *     *     *