MAY 28, 1996

        A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
   on Tuesday, May 28, 1996, in the Council Chamber, commencing at
   approximately 2:00 p.m.

        PRESENT:                 Mayor Owen
                                 Councillors Bellamy, Chiavario,
                                             Clarke, Hemer, Ip,
                                             Kennedy, Kwan (left at
                                             4:30 p.m.), Price,
                                             Puil and Sullivan

        CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:   Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager

        CLERK TO THE COUNCIL:    Maria Kinsella


        The proceedings in the Council Chamber were opened with prayer,
   read by the City Clerk.


        Council was advised there were matters to be considered "In Camera"
   later this day, including property and personnel matters.


   1.   Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
        (City Services & Budgets)
        May 9, 1996                       

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   2.   Minutes of Special Council Meeting
        (False Creek Flats)
        April 16/May 7 and 14, 1996       

   MOVED by Cllr. Ip,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Kwan,
        THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   3.   Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
        May 14, 1996                      

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   4.   Minutes of Special Council Meeting
        (Public Hearing)
        May 14, 1996                      

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
        THAT the foregoing Minutes be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole, Mayor
   Owen in the Chair.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               REPORT REFERENCE

   1.   Transportation Demand Management Issues               File:  5551-3

        Before Council was an Administrative Report dated May 21, 1996, in
   which the General Manager of Engineering Services submitted information
   concerning the current Transportation Demand Management activities
   through the GVRD.

        Mr. Ian Adam, Assistant City Engineer, Transportation Division,
   introduced the report, as well as Mr. Clive Rock, Administrator,
   Transportation Planning, GVRD.

        Mr. Clive Rock, with the aid of a slide presentation, provided a
   progress report on the regional Transportation Demand Management
   project.  The purpose of the TDM project is to identify a strategy for
   the phased implementation of a comprehensive TDM program for the Greater
   Vancouver region, which can achieve the changes in travel behaviour
   implicit in the various provincial, regional and municipal land use and
   transportation plans.  TDM will play a significant role in the Livable
   Region Strategic Plan and Transport 2021, and is expected to produce
   about a 10% reduction in the number of peak-hour vehicle trips by 2021. 
   Mr. Rock described the three policy levers identified in Transport 2021,

        -    manage land use;
        -    manage transport supply;
        -    manage transport demand.

        Mr. Rock also explained the relationship between transit and
   density, and what is needed to make transit work.  TDM measures consist
   of a balance of carrots and sticks, namely, incentives such as HOV lanes
   for car pools, or disincentives such as tolls and parking charges. 
   Collectively, the TDM measures can be used to change the amount of
   travel, the time of travel, and the mode of travel.  Based on a
   comprehensive overview commissioned by the GVRD, it was found the number
   one issue to people living in the Lower Mainland is traffic congestion. 
   It was also found the public feel a sense of urgency for upgrading and
   expansion of the transportation infrastructure.  While traffic
   congestion is a problem, people in the GVRD feel getting to work is not
   a problem, although this attitude may be changing.  There is also no
   sense of who is in charge of transportation.  In terms of air quality,
   GVRD residents feel there is a serious air pollution problem in the
   region and most of them attribute that to single occupancy vehicle use.


                           REPORT REFERENCE (CONT'D)

   Transportation Demand Management Issues (cont'd)

        Mr. Rock explained the TDM strategy and various components which
   come under the following five overall initiatives:

        -    travel reduction programs;
        -    comprehensive parking management;
        -    financial incentives for reduced automobile use;
        -    tolls/road pricing;
        -    encourage non-motorized modes.

        Mr. Rock concluded that TDM is essential to the future plans
   envisioned for the region.  A balance of carrots and sticks is
   essential, and stakeholder involvement is critical.  The project will
   pursue the potential to link TDM and transit supply.

        During discussion of the report, a member of Council referred to
   the annual general meeting of Canadian Pacific Railway, which was held
   on May 1, 1996, at which time the future of the Arbutus Rail Corridor
   was discussed.  It was the Councillor's understanding that CP Rail view
   condominium development as the priority for the future use of this
   corridor.  The Councillor requested staff to investigate and provide
   information in this regard.

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the foregoing presentation, together with the Administrative
   Report dated May 21, 1996, be received for information.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                           REPORT REFERENCE (CONT'D)

   2.   Report and Recommendations:  The Vancouver Task
        Force on Transportation Access to UBC and UEL           File:  3141

        On December 12, 1995, Council appointed a Task Force on
   Transportation Access to the University of British Columbia and
   University Endowment Lands, to look at transportation and traffic issues
   to and from UBC and UEL.  The Task Force was also asked to assess the
   impact of these issues on the surrounding neighbourhoods in light of the
   present situation and the situation which will result from the proposed
   Electoral A Official Community Plan.

        Accordingly, Council had before it a report dated May 8, 1996 from
   the Task Force on Transportation Access to UBC and UEL, containing 53
   recommendations related to transit, traffic calming, road allocation and
   other topics which have been gathered together.

        Also before Council was an Administrative Report dated May 16,
   1996, from the General Manager of Engineering Services, submitting the
   following recommendations:

        A.   THAT the members of the Task Force on Transportation Access to
             UBC and UEL be thanked for their efforts in preparing a
             thorough and constructive report in a very short time frame.

        B.   THAT the Task Force report be received and referred for public
             comment and discussion at an early meeting of Council.

        C.   THAT the Task Force report be referred to Engineering,
             Planning and the Transportation Planning Team for a staff

        D.   THAT, in the interim, the Task Force report be forwarded to
             UBC and the GVRD as a statement of community expectation for
             inclusion in the UBC Official Community Plan.

        Mr. Ian Adam, Assistant City Engineer, Transportation Division,
   introduced Mr. David Pasin, Co-Chair of the Task Force.

        Mr. David Pasin introduced other members of the Task Force in
   attendance at the meeting.


                           REPORT REFERENCE (CONT'D)

   Report and Recommendations:  The Vancouver Task
   Force on Transportation Access to UBC and UEL (cont'd)

        Mr. Pasin provided Council with an overview of the report and the
   recommendations contained therein.  Mr. Pasin drew Council's attention
   to the Statement of Principles contained in the report, which reflect
   the aims of CityPlan and of the community groups represented by
   individual members, as follows:

        -    the City of Vancouver should implement an immediate freeze on
             all vehicle movements at 1993 levels;

        -    there should be a reduction of 30% in vehicle movements by the
             year 2000;

        -    there should be immediate traffic calming measures implemented
             in neighbourhoods that require them, and existing traffic
             regulations be strictly enforced.

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the recommendations of the General Manager of Engineering
   Services, as contained in the Administrative Report dated May 16, 1996,
   and noted herein, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                              UNFINISHED BUSINESS

   1.   False Creek Flats Industrial Area           Files:  8010-26/5307-3/

        Council held a Special Meeting to hear delegations on False Creek
   Flats Industrial Area on the evenings of April 16, May 7 and 14, 1996,
   following which the decision was deferred to this meeting.

        The following reports were before Council:

        -    Policy Report dated March 27, 1996, entitled "False Creek
             Flats Planning Overview and Preliminary Concept Plan";

        -    Policy Report dated March 27, 1996, entitled "Proposed
             Rezoning of 940-960 Station Street (Trillium Site)";


                         UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D)

   False Creek Flats Industrial Area (cont'd)

        -    Policy Report dated March 27, 1996, entitled "Live/Work and
             Work/Live:  Vancouver Overview".

        Also before Council was a memorandum dated May 23, 1996, from Mr.
   Larry Beasley, Director of Central Area Planning, submitting a number of
   amendments which respond to the comments received from the public
   delegations, as follows:


   1.   On page 21 (Preliminary Concept Plan) amend 4.1.3 by adding as a
        last sentence:

             "Introduce a buffer to the east of the new right-of-way of
             either greenspace or light industrial use."

   2.   On page 21 (Preliminary Concept Plan) amend 4.1.4 by deleting and
        replacing with:

             "South of Terminal Avenue, encourage small industry and
             incubator industry west of Station Street.  Concentrate
             commercial uses along Main Street.  Future zoning or
             development in this area should not include housing."

   3.   On page 21 (Preliminary Concept Plan) amend 4.1.8 by deleting
        "where appropriate" and adding:

             "by developing a strategy for encouraging incubator industry."

   1.   On page 24 (Preliminary Concept Plan) amend RECOMMENDED DIRECTION

             Removing reference to "larger night clubs"; and

             Amending the first sentence to say "Reinforce the industrial
             character of Terminal Avenue while recognizing the commercial
             personality and providing opportunities for the day to day
             commercial needs of industrial workers.".


                         UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D)

   False Creek Flats Industrial Area (cont'd)

   2.   On page 25 (Preliminary Concept Plan) amend 4.3.2 by adding as a
        last sentence: 

             "Additional destination retail is not encouraged in this


   1.   Amend recommendation D of Live/Work and Work/Live Report by adding:

             ", other than M-2 sites and the Port CD-1 District proposed to
             remain after the I-2 zoning initiative."

   2.   On page 3 and 17 (Appendix A) amend 8.5.10 by adding:

             ", other than M-2 sites and the Port CD-1 District proposed to
             remain after the I-2 zoning initiative."

        Mr. Larry Beasley, Director of Central Area Planning, provided
   introductory comments with regard to the False Creek Flats Preliminary
   Concept Plan and the public process which has been followed.  Mr.
   Beasley also explained the various amendments proposed, which reflect
   the concerns and major issues presented to Council at the public

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT recommendations A and B, as contained in the Policy Report
   dated March 27, 1996, entitled "False Creek Flats Planning Overview and
   Preliminary Concept Plan", and quoted below, be approved:

        A.   THAT the False Creek Flats Preliminary Concept Plan with
             adjusted study area boundaries (Appendix A of the Policy
             Report dated March 27, 1996) be adopted.

        B.   THAT in accordance with the Proposals for Updating Industrial
             Zoning (February 6, 1996 discussion paper) the False Creek
             Flats M-1 and M-2 zoned areas be included in the proposed I-2
             zoning initiative, subject to further review as recommended in
             the Preliminary Concept Plan.


                         UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D)

   False Creek Flats Industrial Area (cont'd)

        FURTHER THAT recommendation D, as contained in the Policy Report
   dated March 27, 1996, and quoted below, be deferred:

        D.   THAT funding to complete the Trillium rezoning as set out in
             Appendix B be approved for a 10 month period at a cost of
             $253,000, of which $155,000 will be offset by Trillium's
             rezoning fees;

             FURTHER THAT the 1996 portion of this, in the amount of
             190,000, come from the Contingency Reserve Fund and the
             balance of $63,000 be included in departmental regular
             operating budgets in 1997;

             AND FURTHER THAT Planning, Engineering and Law Department
             staff for the Trillium rezoning be approved as set out in
             Appendix B, subject to job evaluation by the General Manager
             of Human Resources.

        AND FURTHER THAT the suggested amendments to the False Creek Flats
   Preliminary Concept Plan only, contained in the memorandum dated May 23,
   1996, from Mr. Larry Beasley, Director of Central Area Planning, and
   noted herein, be approved.

                                           - carried

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy (in amendment),
        THAT the foregoing motion be amended to include "larger nightclubs"
   on page 24 of the False Creek Flats Preliminary Concept Plan.

                                           - LOST (tie vote)

                (Councillors Chiavario, Clarke, Price, Sullivan
                         and the Mayor opposed)

          Councillor Puil was not present for the vote on this item.

        The motion to amend having lost, Councillor Clarke's motion was put

                         UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D)

   False Creek Flats Industrial Area (cont'd)

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the following reports be deferred for further consideration at
   a future meeting:

        -    Policy Report dated March 27, 1996, entitled "Proposed
             Rezoning of 940-960 Station Street (Trillium Site)";

        -    Policy Report dated March 27, 1996, entitled "Live/Work and
             Work/Live:  Vancouver Overview".

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT no vehicular roadway be considered for the future of the
   Grandview Cut.
                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   MOVED by Cllr. Kwan,
        THAT staff be requested to report back on a process to develop the
   Grandview Cut for pedestrian or rail use only.

                                           - deferred

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the foregoing motion be deferred.

                                           - CARRIED

                           (Councillor Kwan opposed)

   MOVED by Cllr. Kwan,
        THAT Council urge the Port of Vancouver to expedite the use of Port
   lands as a truck corridor.
                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   CIVIC RECOGNITION - Street Banners

        Mayor Owen unveiled the series of Vancouver street banners which
   have been selected for 1996.  This year's banners were designed by Mr.
   Alistair Bell and reflect a maritime motif which pays tribute to the
   nature of Vancouver as a city where the sea has  played a pivotal role
   in its development and prosperity.

        The Mayor thanked Mr. Bell for his contribution towards this year's
   banner production.

        This was followed by a reception in the foyer.

                             *    *    *    *    *

           Council recessed at 4:30 p.m., for an "In Camera" meeting
              in the Mayor's Office, and reconvened at 5:10 p.m.,
             with the same members present except Councillor Kwan.

                             *    *    *    *    *

                               MANAGER'S REPORTS

   1.   Administrative Report
        (May 7, 1996)        

   Refuse Disposal Fees                                       File:  1755-3

        In an Administrative Report dated May 7, 1996, the General Manager
   of Engineering Services recommended lowering Vancouver's commercial
   tipping fee, increasing the residential drop-off fees for truck and
   trailer loads at the Vancouver Landfill, and changing the RDO fee
   vehicle category at both the Vancouver South Transfer Station and
   Vancouver Landfill.

        Also before Council was a memorandum dated May 23, 1996, from the
   General Manager of Engineering Services, noting the Corporation of Delta
   is questioning the need for the increase in one of the disposal fee
   categories.  As there is a need to proceed with the primary change to
   the regional rate by July 1st, the General Manager of Engineering
   Services recommended Council approve the recommendations at this time,
   and if the Corporation of Delta is not convinced of the need for the
   disposal fee increase, staff may need to seek further Council direction
   prior to implementing the one change.

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Engineering
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

          Councillors Chiavario and Kennedy were not present for the
                            vote on this item (A1)

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   2.   Administrative Report
        (April 29, 1996)     

   Distribution of Flow-Through Funding for
   the Vancouver Childcare Regional Delivery
   Model Pilot Project - Year Two                             File:  1501-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   3.   Administrative Report
        (May 7, 1996)        

   Extension of Contract #57-94-04:
   Supply & Delivery of Extra Strength
   Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe and Fittings                     File:  1801-5

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Engineering
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   4.   Administrative Report
        (May 10, 1996)       

   Continuation of UBC Supplemental
   Service Contracts which had been
   provided by the UEL Fire Department                        File:  3651-5

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Fire and Rescue
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   5.   Administrative Report
        (May 10, 1996)       

   Funding for Recruitment and the
   Fire Services Outreach Program                             File:  3651-5

        In an Administrative Report dated May 10, 1996, the Assistant Chief
   - Support Services, Fire and Rescue Services, requested Council approval
   for $81,000 to allow the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services to start an
   Outreach and Recruitment Program.

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Fire and Rescue
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT the General Manager of Fire and Rescue Services be requested
   to provide Council with an annual detailed accounting of the
   expenditures under the Recruitment and Fire Services Outreach Program.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   6.   Administrative Report
        (April 12, 1996)     

   Street Closures and Subdivision -
   Rupert Park                                          Files:  5807/4151-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Engineering
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   7.   Administrative Report
        (May 7, 1996)        

   Phase IIA Environmental Site Reports on
   Three Local Areas of the City-owned lands
   on the Southeast Shore of False Creek                     File:  8010-15

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Corporate
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.
                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   8.   Administrative Report
        (May 14, 1996)       

   Second Narrows Bridge Redecking                            File:  5751-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Engineering
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        Councillor Hemer was not present for the vote on this item (A8)

   9.   Administrative Report
        (May 15, 1996)       

   Strata Title Conversion:
   2025 and 2027 East Kent Avenue North                         File:  5313

   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        Councillor Hemer was not present for the vote on this item (A9)

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   10.  Administrative Report
        (May 15, 1996)       

   Grant Request -
   Municipal Officers' Association                       Files:  125/2004-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
        THAT the recommendation of the City Manager, as contained in this
   report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
                                             AND BY THE REQUIRED

   11.  Administrative Report
        (May 14, 1996)       

   1996 Community Public Art Funding                          File:  1601-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   12.  Administrative Report
        (May 15, 1996)       

   1996 Childcare Grants Allocation -
   Report 1 of 3                     

   MOVED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        A.   THAT Council approve five City-wide Childcare Support Service
             grants totalling $246,265, as listed in the Administrative
             Report dated May 15, 1996.  Source of funds:  1996 Childcare
             Grants Funds, 1996 Operating Budget.

        B.   THAT Council approve one Administration of City-owned
             Childcare Facilities grant of $52,400 to the Vancouver Society
             of Children's Centres.  Source of funds:  1996 Childcare
             Grants Funds, 1996 Operating Budget.


                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   Administrative Report
   (May 15, 1996) (cont'd)

   1996 Childcare Grants Allocation -
   Report 1 of 3 (cont'd)            

        C.   THAT Council approve two Childcare Research, Policy
             Development and Innovations grants totalling $9,702, as listed
             in the Administrative Report dated May 15, 1996.  Source of
             funds:  1996 Childcare Grants Funds, 1996 Operating Budget.

        D.   THAT Council approve two Program Development grants totalling
             $10,000 to assist with the costs of opening two new childcare
             programs, as listed in the Administrative Report dated May 15,
             1996.  Source of funds:  1996 Childcare Grants Funds, 1996
             Operating Budget.

        E.   THAT Council approve one Program Stabilization grant of $5,000
             to the Vancouver Life Skills Society to provide short term
             emergency support during the start-up period for their
             preschool/kindercare program.  Source of funds:  1996
             Childcare Grants Funds, 1996 Operating Budget.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
                                             AND BY THE REQUIRED

   13.  Administrative Report
        (May 15, 1996)       

   Fraser Pointe II - 3083 E. North Kent Avenue:
   Long Term Lease to VLC Leaseholds Ltd.                       File:  5118

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT Council agree to amend the lease as follows:

        (a)  to allow the tenant to terminate the lease at any time (rather
             than after the 60th anniversary) if damage exceeds 25% of the
             value of the building;

        (b)  to compensate the City for the concession in (a):

             (i)  the six month period for demolition following damage or
                  destruction shall be shortened to ninety days;


                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   Administrative Report
   (May 15, 1996) (cont'd)

   Fraser Pointe II - 3083 E. North Kent Avenue:
   Long Term Lease to VLC Leaseholds Ltd. (cont'd)

             (ii) if the lease is terminated because of damage to the
                  building, in addition to the payments already called for
                  in the lease and regardless of whether there is insurance
                  money available, the tenant shall also pay the City:

                  1.   the amount of the cumulative replacement (repair)
                       reserves as of the date of the damage (This is in
                       additional to paying a like amount to the extent
                       that insurance proceeds allow after paying off the
                       mortgage and clean up costs. This shall not apply to
                       a lender who comes to hold the lease.);

                  2.   an amount equal to 1/2 of the gross income of the
                       building for the last calendar year prior to the
                       damage; and

                  3.   if demolition is not completed within ninety days
                       then as of the 91st day and until demolition is
                       complete the tenant shall pay daily 8% of the
                       assessed value of the land and buildings for the
                       year prior to the damage divided by 365.

             None of (b) shall apply to CMHC if it comes to hold the lease;

        (c)  leasehold mortgagee to receive notice of termination for
             failure to commence or complete construction and right to
             participate in arbitration if affected.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

        Mayor Owen declared a conflict of interest and excused himself from
   the discussion and vote on the following item.  Deputy Mayor Hemer
   assumed the chair.

   14.  Administrative Report
        (May 14, 1996)       

   Public Art Capital Budget Allocations                      File:  1601-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Price,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
                                             AND BY THE REQUIRED

   15.  Administrative Report
        (May 16, 1996)       

   Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services,
   Drill Tower - Award of Contract                            File:  1801-5

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Corporate
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        A member of Council requested information concerning the
   possibility of establishing a sinking fund for the future replacement of
   the Drill Tower and Drafting Pit facilities.

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   1.   Policy Report
        (May 7, 1996)

   2790 Vine Street:  Amendments to
   CD-1 By-law No. 7461                                       File:  5001-5

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

            Councillors Chiavario and Kennedy were not present for
                     the vote on the foregoing item (P1).

   2.   Policy Report
        (May 3, 1996)

   Dundas-Wall Neighbourhood -
   Implementation of Development Cost Levies                  File:  5302-5

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

            Councillors Chiavario and Kennedy were not present for
                     the vote on the foregoing item (P2).

   3.   Policy Report
        (May 15, 1996)

   Proposed Rezoning of 303 Railway Street                    File:  5307-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

            Councillors Chiavario and Kennedy were not present for
                     the vote on the foregoing item (P3).

        A member of Council requested that comments on the proposed
   rezoning be obtained from the Urban Noise Task Force for consideration
   by Council at the Public Hearing.

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   4.   Policy Report
        (May 16, 1996)

   CD-1 Rezoning:  5592-5650 Oak Street                       File:  5306-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Community
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                  Councillor Kennedy was not present for the
                            vote on this item (P4).

   5.   Policy Report
        (April 23, 1996)

   Standing Authority to Execute
   Various Agreements                                           File:  1203

   MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Manager of Corporate
   Services, as contained in this report, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                  Councillor Kennedy was not present for the
                            vote on this item (P5).

   6.   Policy Report
        (May 6, 1996)

   Environment Week, June 2-8, 1996            Files:  3501-3/4201-3/2252-3

        In a Policy Report dated May 6, 1996, the Special Office for the
   Environment submitted the following recommendations:

        A.   THAT Council declare June 2-8, 1996 (Canadian Environment
             Week) as Environment Week in Vancouver and June 5, 1996 as
             Clean Air Day.

        B.   THAT Council endorse the Mayor's Environmental Achievement
             Awards Program as described in the Policy Report dated May 6,


                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   Policy Report
   (May 6, 1996) (cont'd)

   Environment Week, June 2-8, 1996 (cont'd)

        C.   THAT Council approve the development of environmental displays
             to be used in the City Hall lobby during Environment Week each
             year and throughout the City during the remainder of the year. 
             Funding to be from the Special Office for the Environment's

        Also before Council was a Policy Report dated May 10, 1996, in
   which the Special Office for the Environment submitted the following for
   Council's consideration:

        A.   THAT Council approve $250,000 for the continuation of the
             Environmental Grant Program; source of funds to be the Solid
             Waste Capital Reserve.

        B.   THAT Council revise the Environmental Grant Guidelines,
             section B.6 third sentence, to read: "Applicants must submit a
             detailed budget and financial statement upon completion of the
             program (audited financial statements are to be provided by
             grant recipients upon request)."

        C.   THAT Council revise the Environmental Grant Guidelines to
             include a new section B.9 which will read: "Applicants must
             submit a brief summary report upon completion of their project
             or program detailing what actions were undertaken.  The
             summary should include an evaluation of the success of the
             initiative and describe the environmental benefits achieved." 

   MOVED by Cllr. Price,
        THAT recommendations A, B and C, as contained in the Policy Report
   dated May 6, 1996, together with A, B and C, as contained in the Policy
   Report dated May 10, 1996, and noted herein, be approved.
                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        In a further Policy Report dated April 30, 1996, the Special Office
   for the Environment submitted the following recommendations:

        A.   THAT the Environmental Policy statement contained in the
             Policy Report dated April 30, 1996, as Appendix B be adopted.

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   Policy Report
   (May 6, 1996) (cont'd)

   Environment Week, June 2-8, 1996 (cont'd)

        B.   THAT the Environmental Agenda (Appendix D* of the Policy
             Report dated April 30, 1996) be endorsed and that staff be
             instructed to print and broadly circulate the document.

        C.   THAT the Special Office for the Environment investigate and
             report back on the feasibility, costs and benefits of
             enrolling the City of Vancouver in the international Local
             Agenda 21 campaign.

   MOVED by Cllr. Price,
        THAT the recommendation of the General Managers of Community
   Services and Engineering Services, as contained in the Policy Report
   dated April 30, 1996, and noted herein, be approved.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        During discussion of the foregoing report, Council requested that
   the Policy Report dated April 30, 1996, concerning the Environmental
   Agenda be loaded to a separate section on the City's Internet Home Page,
   together with the Mayor's Environmental Achievement Awards Program and
   application forms under that Program, so as to provide ongoing public
   access to these documents.

   7.   Policy Report
        (May 21, 1996)

   CD-1 Rezoning of 7400 Oak Street (Oakherst)                File:  5306-3

        Before Council was a Policy Report dated May 21, 1996, in which the
   Director of Land Use and Development assessed an application to rezone
   the former Oakherst private hospital site at West 59th Avenue and Oak
   Street, to permit the development of townhouses on the site, as well as
   in the heritage house at 950 West 58th Avenue.  The General Manager of
   Community Services recommended the application be referred to Public

        Mr. Tom Phipps, Planner, responded to a question from Council, and
   advised that Council could agree at the Public Hearing to reduce the
   amount of development on the site, or reduce the impact of the
   development on the neighbourhood in some way.  However, Council could
   not introduce significant changes to the built form at the Public
   Hearing, or substitute an alternate form of development, such as towers,
   without advertising and conducting a new Public Hearing.

                          MANAGER'S REPORTS (CONT'D)

   Policy Report
   (May 21, 1996) (cont'd)

   CD-1 Rezoning of 7400 Oak Street (Oakherst) (cont'd)

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
        A.   THAT the application by Moodie Consultants Ltd., to rezone
             7400 Oak Street (Lots 1-3 of 5 and Rem. Lot 5; Block 16A; D.L.
             526; Plan 5858 and Lot 4; Block 16A; D.L. 526; Plan 11318)
             from RS-1 to CD-1, to permit 128 dwelling units in multiple
             dwellings at 0.90 FSR, be referred to a Public Hearing,
             together with:

             (i)  plans received April 16, 1996 and May 13, 1996;

             (ii) draft CD-1 By-law provisions, generally as contained in
                  Appendix A; and

             (iii)the recommendation of the Director of Land Use and
                  Development to approve, subject to conditions contained
                  in Appendix B.

             FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to
             prepare the necessary CD-1 By-law for consideration at Public

        B.   THAT, subject to approval of the rezoning at a Public Hearing,
             the Subdivision By-law be amended as set out in Appendix D;

             FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to
             bring forward the amendment to the Subdivision By-law at the
             time of enactment of the Zoning By-law.

        C.   THAT the Parklane building (950 West 58th Avenue) be
             designated as protected heritage property, and added to
             Schedule 'A' of the Heritage By-law.

             FURTHER THAT the Director of Legal Services be instructed to
             prepare the amendment to the Heritage By-laws for
             consideration at Public Hearing.

        D.   THAT, Council instruct the Director of Legal Services to bring
             forward a Heritage Revitalization By-law at Public Hearing to
             allow for the Development Cost Levy (DCL) By-law variances, as
             set out in draft form in Appendix F.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   MOVED by Cllr. Bellamy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Clarke,
        THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


   1.   A By-law to amend By-law No. 3507, being
        the Gas Fitting By-law, By-law No.
        5563, being the Electrical By-law,
        By-law No. 5964, being the Plumbing
        By-law, and By-law No. 6134, being the
        Building By-law (1996 Trade Permit Fees)

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Clarke,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Sullivan,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               BY-LAWS (CONT'D)

   2.   A By-law to amend By-law No. 4531,
        being the Refuse By-law
        (New Can Limit for Duplexes)      

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Puil,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Hemer,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   3.   A By-law to designate heritage property,
        and to amend By-law No. 4837, being the
        Heritage By-law (1200 Homer Street)     

   MOVED by Cllr. Price,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the By-law be introduced and read a first time.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

        The By-law was read a first time and the Presiding Officer declared
   the By-law open for discussion and amendment.

        There being no amendments, it was

   MOVED by Cllr. Price,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Chiavario,
        THAT the By-law be given second and third readings and the Mayor
   and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the By-law.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                (Councillors Kennedy and Puil were excused from
                              voting on By-law 3)


   A.   Closing Portions of Kitchener Street,
        Grant Street, Skeena Street, Graveley
        Street, the lane north of Kitchener
        Street within Block 100, the lane south
        of Graveley Street within Block 104
        and the First Avenue On-ramp on to the
        Trans-Canada Highway                                  File:  5753-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Ip,

        1.   The City of Vancouver is the owner of all the streets and
             lanes lying within the limits of the City of Vancouver;

        2.   The City has agreed to transfer to the Ministry of
             Transportation and Highways, all those City-owned properties
             and the City streets and lanes which form a part of the
             Cassiar Connector of the Trans-Canada Highway, between First
             Avenue and Charles Street;
        3.   The agreement requires the closure of portions of Kitchener
             Street, Grant Street, Skeena Street, Graveley Street, the lane
             north of Kitchener Street within Block 100, the lane south of
             Graveley Street within Block 104, and the First Avenue On-ramp
             onto the Trans-Canada Highway;

        4.   The said streets and lanes to be closed are no longer required
             for City road purposes;

        5.   The Ministry of Transportation and Highways will subdivide the
             streets and lanes to be closed with the abutting lands to form
             a single parcel which will continue to contain the
             Trans-Canada Highway;

        6.   The City and public utility companies will have the right for
             utilities to remain within the streets and lanes to be closed.

        THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT all those portions of:

        1.   Lane dedicated by the deposit of Plan 3672 and adjacent to
             those portions of Lots 8, 13, 14, 18, 23, 24 and 25, shown as
             Trans-Canada Highway in Highway Plan 62 and Lots 9 to 12 and
             19 to 22, all Block 100, Section 29, Plan 3672;



   Closing Portions of Kitchener Street,
   Grant Street, Skeena Street, Graveley
   Street, the lane north of Kitchener
   Street within Block 100, the lane south
   of Graveley Street within Block 104
   and the First Avenue On-ramp on to the
   Trans-Canada Highway (cont'd)           

        2.   Roads and lane dedicated by the deposit of Plan 3104 and
             adjacent to those portions of Lots 98 and 99 of Section 29 and
             Lot 103 of Section 28 in Highway Plan 62, Plan 3104; That
             portion of Lot 30 in Highway Plan 62, Block 102, Section 28,
             Plan 3672; Lots 1 to 5 and 24 to 28 and those portions of Lots
             6, 7, 29 and 30 shown as Trans-Canada Highway in Highway Plan
             62, all Block 104, Section 28, Plan 3672;

        3.   Road dedicated by deposit of Plan 22684 and adjacent to Lot A,
             Block 113, Sections 28 and 29, Plan 17192;

   all as shown heavy outlined on a Reference Plan of survey completed on
   the 15th day of November 1994, attested to by George B. Miller, B.C.L.S.
   and marginally numbered LB649, be closed, stopped-up and conveyed to the
   Ministry of Transportation and Highways; and

        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the said portions of streets and lane
   so closed be subdivided with the abutting lands to the satisfaction of
   the Approving Officer.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

   B.   Closing Portions of the lane west of
        Yew Street, between 10th Avenue
        and the lane south of 10th Avenue                     File:  5753-3

   MOVED by Cllr. Kennedy,
   SECONDED by Cllr. Ip,

        1.   The City of Vancouver is the owner of all the streets and
             lanes lying within the limits of the City of Vancouver;

        2.   There is a proposal to redevelop Lot 1, Block 363, District
             Lot 526, Plan LMP 24360;


                               MOTIONS (CONT'D)

   Closing Portions of the lane west of
   Yew Street, between 10th Avenue
   and the lane south of 10th Avenue (cont'd)

        3.   The proposed development requires the closure of a portion of
             the lane west of Yew Street, between 10th Avenue and the lane
             south of 10th Avenue;

        4.   A portion of the lane dedicated by the deposit of Plan 21395,
             west of Yew Street, between 10th Avenue and the lane south of
             10th Avenue, adjacent to Lot 1, Block 363, District Lot 526,
             Plan LMP 24360, is no longer required by the City for lane

        THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT all that portion of lane dedicated by
   the deposit of Plan 21395, west of Yew Street, between 10th Avenue and
   the lane south of 10th Avenue, adjacent to Lot 1, Block 363, District
   Lot 526, Plan LMP 24360, the same as shown heavy outlined on a Reference
   Plan of Survey, completed on the 11th day of April, 1996, attested to by
   Dieter Soukup, B.C.L.S. and marginally numbered \24\4711A96, be closed,
   stopped-up; and

        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the said portion of lane so closed be
   consolidated with the said Lot 1, to the satisfaction of the Director of
   Legal Services; and

        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Statutory Right-of-Way registered
   against the titles of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 363, District Lot 526, Plan
   LMP 24360, under charge number R 87921, be modified to the satisfaction
   of the Director of Legal Services and the City Engineer.

                                           - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                          ENQUIRIES AND OTHER MATTERS

   1.   Transit Tunnel at Beatty Street                       File:  5551-3

        Councillor Chiavario advised it is her understanding that BC
   Transit are intending to fill in the transit tunnel at Beatty Street,
   and requested staff to investigate and provide information in this
   regard to Council.  The Mayor so directed.

   2.   Abbott Street - Two-Way Traffic                       File:  5762-5

        Councillor Price noted that, on November 7, 1995, Council passed a
   motion directing that the portion of Abbott Street between Pacific
   Boulevard North and Pender Street, be changed to two-way traffic.  To
   date, this traffic change has not occurred, and Councillor Price
   requested information as to when this change to two-way traffic on this
   portion of Abbott Street can be expected.  The Mayor so directed.

                             *    *    *    *    *

                      The Council adjourned at 5:40 p.m.