A10 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: May 15, 1996 TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: City Clerk, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager SUBJECT: Grant Request - Municipal Officers' Association RECOMMENDATION THAT Council approve a grant of $2,000 to the Municipal Officers' Association towards hosting the 1996 MOA Conference to be held in Vancouver, June 4-6, 1996; source of funds to be Contingency Reserve. CITY MANGER'S COMMENTS The City Manager RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY On December 16, 1993, Council approved the following policy: A. THAT Council adopt the following policy guidelines governing financial support to local conferences in the form of a City grant: . that the topic of the conference must be particularly relevant to the business of the City as a corporation; . that senior staff, serving in their professional capacity, are directly involved in the hosting and organizing of the conference; . that the financial support be limited to a maximum contribution of $4.50 per paid delegate, and a maximum contribution of $5,000; . that the conference organizers demonstrate that the conference budget includes a significant level of financial support from other government or private sector organizations; . and that appropriate recognition of the City's financial and other support be provided in the conference program. B. THAT the maximums for paid delegate support ($4.50) and total support ($5,000) be adjusted annually, commencing in 1994, by the inflation factor which is used to adjust ceilings on the City's Other Grants Budgets. Grant approvals require eight (8) affirmative votes. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to request a grant of $2,000 to assist the Municipal Officers' Association with the hosting of the 1996 MOA Conference in Vancouver, June 4-6, 1996. BACKGROUND The Municipal Officers' Association is made up of senior officials in local government within British Columbia. These include City Managers, Administrators, Clerks and Treasurers from Cities, Towns and Villages, as well as seniors managers of Regional Districts. The Association has approximately 520 regular and affiliate members across the Province, representing 180 municipalities and regional districts. DISCUSSION The Association holds its conference at different locations from year to year, and in 1996 the conference will be held in Vancouver. The conference is expecting to attract 450 - 500 delegates. A number of senior staff in the City of Vancouver are members of the MOA, and this year, two City employees are actively assisting with organizing the many arrangements for the conference. The costs associated with the conference are paid for through registration fees, as well as through sponsorships from companies which provide services to local government. These sponsorships enable the Association to provide a top quality conference for its members. The provision of a grant to the MOA to assist with this year's conference will help to offset the costs of hosting the conference, and is consistent with established City policy. The amount requested is based on 450 delegates at $4.50 per delegate. The theme for the conference is "The Municipal Officer in the Global Village", and is intended to highlight the need for global thinking and breaking the traditional mode of operations. The program includes as its keynote speaker Diane Francis, Editor of the Financial Post. Delegates will also receive a presentation from David Baxter, a leading strategic planner in Vancouver, examining the causes, extent and consequences for communities of changing demographics. Recognition of the City's financial support will be provided in the conference registration kits, and through appropriate signage at the conference. * * *