REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING

         A regular meeting of the Council of the City of Vancouver was held
    on Thursday, May 16, 1996, at approximately 5:00 p.m. in committee Room
    No. 1, third floor, City Hall, following the Standing Committee on
    Planning and Environment meeting, to consider the recommendations of
    the Committee.

                   PRESENT:  Mayor Owen 
                             Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Hemer, Ip,
                                         Kwan, Price, Puil and

                   ABSENT:   Councillor Chiavario (Civic Business)
                             Councillor Kennedy (Leave of Absence)

    CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:   Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager

                   CLERK:    Lawrence Cantrell


    MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
    SECONDED by Cllr. Ip,
         THAT this Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole,
    Mayor Owen in the Chair.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                               COMMITTEE REPORTS

    Report of the Standing Committee
    of Council on Planning & Environment
    May 16, 1996                       

         Council considered the recommendations of the Committee as
    contained in the following clauses of the attached report:

         Cl. 1     Central Area Bridgeheads - Consultant Study
         Cl. 2     Downtown Vancouver Skyline - Consultant Study
         Cl. 3     Interim Zoning for RS-1 and RS-1S Areas
         Cl. 4     801 West Georgia Street - (Hotel Georgia)
                   'A' Lounge - Increase in Seating Capacity
         Cl. 5     Proposed CD-1 Text Amendment - 3250 Commercial
                   Drive - East Vancouver Farmers' Market


    Central Area Bridgeheads - Consultant Study
    Clause No. 1                               

    MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
    SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
         THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as set out in Clause 1
    of the attached report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

    Downtown Vancouver Skyline - Consultant Study
    Clause No. 2                                 

    MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
    SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
         THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as set out in Clause 2
    of the attached report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

    Interim Zoning for RS-1 and RS-1S Areas
    Clause No. 3                           

    MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
    SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
         THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as set out in Clause 3
    of the attached report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

    MOVED by Councillor Kwan,

         G.   THAT staff identify and report back within six months on what
              measures and resources are required to assist neighbourhoods
              with minimal or no organizational tools to engage in this
              process to ensure equitable application of staff resources
              with respect to interim zoning measures.

                                                                     - LOST

                (Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Price,
                     Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)


    801 West Georgia Street - (Hotel Georgia)
    'A' Lounge - Increase in Seating Capacity
    Clause No. 4                             

    MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
    SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
         THAT the recommendation of the Committee, as set out in Clause 4
    of the attached report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

    Proposed CD-1 Text Amendment - 3250 Commercial Drive
    - East Vancouver Farmers' Market
    Clause No. 5                                         

    MOVED by Cllr. Sullivan,
    SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
         THAT the recommendations of the Committee, as set out in Clause 5
    of the attached report, be approved.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


    MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
    SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
         THAT the Committee of the Whole rise and report.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


    MOVED by Cllr. Hemer,
    SECONDED by Cllr. Bellamy,
         THAT the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                           *     *     *     *     *

                         Council adjourned at 5:05 p.m.

                           *     *     *     *     *

                               REPORT TO COUNCIL

                         STANDING COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL
                          ON PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT 

                                  May 16, 1996

         A meeting of the Standing Committee of Council on Planning and
    Environment was held on Thursday, May 16, 1996, at 2:00 p.m. in
    Committee Room No. 1, third floor, City Hall.

                   PRESENT:  Councillor Price, Chair
                             Mayor Owen 
                             Councillor Bellamy
                             Councillor Clarke
                             Councillor Hemer
                             Councillor Ip
                             Councillor Kwan
                             Councillor Puil
                             Councillor Sullivan

                   ABSENT:   Councillor Chiavario (Civic Business)
                             Councillor Kennedy (Leave of Absence)

    CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:   Judy Rogers, Deputy City Manager

                   CLERK:    Lawrence Cantrell


         The Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee on Planning
    and Environment on April 25, 1996 were adopted as circulated.


    1.   Central Area Bridgeheads
         - Consultant Study                             File: 5751-3/8007-3

         The Standing Committee had before it a Policy Report dated April
    30, 1996 (on file), in which the Director of Central Area Planning
    recommended approval in principle of draft terms of reference for a
    consultant study of the Central Area Bridgeheads, subject to
    refinements made during the consultant selection process and that
    funding up to $12,000 from the Contingency Reserve be approved for the

         The General Manager of Community Services also recommended
    approval of the consultant study and the proposed funding.

    Clause No. 1 Continued

         Larry Beasley, Director of Central Area Planning, requested that
    Items 1 and 2 on the agenda, the two proposed consultant studies be
    addressed simultaneously.  The Chair allowed the two agenda items to be
    presented together.

         Mr. Beasley briefly reviewed the origins of the two requests for
    consultant studies, the contents of the two Policy Reports and changes
    which have taken place in the Central Area of the City since 1989.

         Mike Kemble, Planner, reported on starting dates and scheduled
    completion times of the two reports and of project management to be
    carried out by City staff.  He pointed out that computer models arising
    from the studies will be valuable in themselves and of use in meeting
    future city needs.

         Alan Herbert, a Vancouver resident, quoted an article in the
    National Geographic Magazine which said, if effect, that Vancouver is
    the city where the skyscrapers do not soar.  Height restrictions
    currently in place can be quite severe, leading to an undramatic
    skyline. Mr. Herbert advocated a skyline for Vancouver that would
    provide drama and inspiration. Should Council decide to modify the 
    skyline, such changes should be as a reward for design excellence.

         The following motions by Councillor Sullivan were put and CARRIED. 
    Therefore, the Standing Committee


         A.   THAT the draft terms of reference for a consultant study of
              the Central Area Bridgeheads (Appendix 'A' of the Policy
              Report dated April 30, 1996) be approved in principle,
              subject to refinements made during the consultant selection

         B.   THAT funding up to an amount of $12,000 be approved for the
              consultant study and public consultation expenses, including
              staff overtime, as outlined in the Policy Report of April 30,
              1996, with the source of funds to be  Contingency Reserve.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

    2.   Downtown Vancouver Skyline
         - Consultant Study                             File: 5751-3/8007-3

         The Standing Committee considered a Policy Report dated April 30,
    1996, from the Director of Central Area Planning recommending approval
    in principle of draft terms of reference for a consultant study of the
    Downtown Vancouver Skyline, subject to refinements made during the
    consultant selection process, and that funding up to $65,000 from the
    Contingency Reserve be approved for the consultant study, public
    consultation, staff overtime and computer resources.

         The General Manager of Community Services accepted that there is
    some public purpose in regulating heights and placement of buildings in
    order to protect significant views, but he was not convinced of the
    desirability or feasibility of sculpting the city's skyline.  He
    submitted the recommendations of the Director of Cental Planning to the
    Standing Committee for consideration. 

         Staff and public comments relating to this agenda item were
    combined with those for Clause No. 1 of this meeting's agenda (see

         The following motions by Councillor Sullivan were put and CARRIED. 
    Therefore, the Standing Committee


         A.   THAT the draft terms of reference for a consultant study of
              the Downtown Vancouver Skyline (Appendix 'A' of the Policy
              Report dated April 30, 1996), be approved in principle,
              subject to refinements made during the consultant selection

         B.   THAT funding up to an amount of $65,000 be approved for the
              consultant study, polling, public consultation expenses
              including staff overtime, and computer resources as outlined
              in the Policy Report of April 30, 1996, with source of funds
              to be Contingency Reserve.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

    3.   Interim Zoning for RS-1 and RS-1S Areas               File: 5301-3

         The Standing Committee had before it a Policy Report dated May 3,
    1996 (on file),in which the Director of Community Planning, in
    consultation with the Director of Land Use & Development, the General
    Manager of Engineering Services, the Director of Permits & Licenses,
    the Director of Financial Services and the Director of Legal Services,
    recommended approval of various measures for interim zoning in
    single-family areas in advance of CityPlan's neighbourhood visioning
    program, with $52,000 to be provided from  Contingency Reserve to cover
    1996 costs.

         The Director of Community Planning also offered for consideration
    that $28,000 be provided from Contingency Reserve for telephone surveys
    as part of Phase II programs in 1996.

         The General Manager of Community Services recommended approval of
    the proposed zoning measures, provided that they lead to interim zoning
    only.  He also recommended approval of funding for the Phase II
    telephone survey.

         Jacquie Forbes-Roberts, Director of Community Planning, offered
    introductory remarks on the Policy Report and an overview of its

         Bob McGilvray, Planner, described the two-phase form of the survey
    of neighbourhood residents.  Phase I is intended to determine if there
    is sufficient support among neighbourhood residents and property owners
    for some type of new zoning and to justify commencing Phase II.  The
    second phase of the program would be a more intensive survey of
    neighbourhood desires regarding various rezoning options.  Mr.
    McGilvray also commented on the eight neighbourhoods whose residents
    have already contacted the Planning Department to express interest in
    revising their zoning.         Craig Rowland, West Kerrisdale Residents Association, advised the
    Standing Committee that his organization has been active for about a
    year and is composed of approximately 300 members.  The Association has
    carried out lot-by-lot neighbourhood mapping and public opinion polls. 
    West Kerrisdale is perceived by its residents as having character, but
    they also note that many dwellings are old and relatively small in
    relation to lot size.  In the course of its door-to-door survey, the
    Association found that 90% favoured new zoning addressing design
    changes.  Mr. Rowland  supported the staff recommendations in the
    Policy Report of May 3, 1996.

    Clause No. 3 Continued

         Bill Farish, West Kerrisdale Residents Association, emphasized two
    themes: listen to the neighbourhoods and keep the process as simple as
    possible.  He suggested that the ballot shown in Appendix A to the
    Policy Report is really quite complicated.  He asked that it be revised
    and simplified.  While he had some doubts about the proposed telephone
    survey, he thought it worth trying.  Above all, he wanted to tell the
    members of his Association that the City Council has provided
    neighbourhoods with a tool to address the problems of the RS-1 zoning.

         Richard Nantel, describing himself as the only speaker present
    from the east side of the city, expressed strong disapproval for both
    present and past residential zoning policies.  He characterized the
    current proposal as special zoning for politically correct
    neighbourhoods.  He disapproved of expenditures in past years for study
    of RS-1 issues.  He took the current proposals as proof that the
    problems of residential neighbourhoods have gone unsolved for more than
    twenty years.  Mr. Nantel declared that the real issue is building
    size.  By approving higher FSRs, he said, Council has effectively made
    the city's smaller, affordable houses obsolete.

         Michael Paris, MacKenzie Heights Advocacy Group, told the Standing
    Committee that his Group was set up to address the demolition of
    existing homes and the building of poorly done  spec' houses.  Mr.
    Paris supported the proposals in the Policy Report.

         The following motions by Councillor Clarke were put and CARRIED. 
    Therefore, the Standing Committee


         A.   THAT Council instruct staff to proceed, in co-operation with
              neighbourhood groups, with a consultation process as outlined
              in the Policy Report of May 3,1996, to determine
              neighbourhood support for an interim zoning in single-family
              areas in advance of CityPlan's neighbourhood visioning

         B.   THAT Council direct staff to proceed with RS-6 as an interim
              zone available to RS-1 and RS-1S single-family

         C.   THAT, where there is demonstrated community support, Council
              instruct staff to include RS-5 as a possible interim zone for
              single-family neighbourhoods.

    Clause No. 3 Continued

         D.   THAT Council direct staff to amend the RS-5 zone to control
              the maximum area of impermeable materials on site, should any
              neighbourhood be rezoned to RS-5 as part of this interim
              zoning program.

         E.   THAT $52,000 be provided from Contingency Reserve to cover
              program costs in 1996 as described in Appendix C of the
              Policy Report of May 3, 1996.

         F.   THAT $28,000 be provided from Contingency Reserve for
              independent telephone surveys for four neighbourhood phone
              surveys as part Phase II of the program in 1996.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

    MOVED by Councillor Kwan,

         G.   THAT staff identify and report back within six months on what
              measures and resources are required to assist neighbourhoods
              with minimal or no organizational tools to engage in this
              process to ensure equitable application of staff resources
              with respect to interim zoning measures.

                                                                     - LOST

                (Councillors Bellamy, Clarke, Hemer, Ip, Price,
                     Puil, Sullivan and the Mayor opposed)

    4.   801 West Georgia Street - (Hotel Georgia)
         'A' Lounge - Increase in Seating Capacity            File: 2611-32

         The Standing Committee considered a Policy Report dated May 7,
    1996 (on file), from the Deputy Chief License Inspector, recommending
    that Council endorse an application by Georgia Place Ltd to increase
    seating capacity in an  A' lounge at the Georgia Hotel by 19 seats.

         The General Manager of Community Services also recommended

         The following motion by Councillor Bellamy was put and CARRIED. 
    The Standing Committee


         THAT Council endorse the application by Georgia Place Ltd to
         increase seating capacity by 19 seats in an 'A' lounge at 801 West
         Georgia Street, having considered the support of residents and
         business operators of the community, as determined by
         neighbourhood notification.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
    5.   Proposed CD-1 Text Amendment 
         3250 Commercial Drive:
         East Vancouver Farmers' Market                 File: 2501-3/5303-3

         Before the Standing Committee was a Policy Report originally 
    addressed to Council, dated April 30, 1996, from the Director of Land
    Use & Development, in consultation with the Director of Permits &
    Licenses, the Director of Environmental Health and the General Manager
    of Engineering Services, which offered for consideration that CD-1
    By-Law No. 5411 pertaining to the Croatian Cultural Centre be amended
    in order to permit a farmers' market, and further, that the Director of
    legal Services be instructed to prepare the necessary by-law and that
    the application and by-law be referred to a public hearing.  Finally,
    if the by-law is so amended, consideration be given to endorsing the
    guidelines established by the Director of Environment Health in
    determining which foods can be safely sold at the farmers' market.

         The General Manager of Community Services put forward all items
    for consideration by Council.

         During a meeting on May 14, 1996, Council referred the Policy
    Report to the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment for

         Rick Scobie, Director of Land Use & Development, provided a short
    overview of the Policy Report.  He advised the Standing Committee that
    parking is not an issue, so long as market activities are kept to
    weekends.  Mr. Scobie expressed some concern about the precedent being
    set, given that similar proposals may be submitted by other groups.

         Nick Losito, Director of Environmental Health, advised that the
    guidelines for food which may be safely sold at the market have been
    adhered to satisfactorily and that his concerns were minimal.

         Franco Ferrari, Vancouver East Farmers' Market Society, told the
    Standing Committee that the 1995 Market was a success.  60% of
    attendance at the Market was from the local catchment area.  The event
    fulfilled all the Society's requirements.  The community wants and
    likes the Market.  Mr. Ferrari said that he would prefer not to see
    mobile vending enshrined in a by-law,  He and the East Vancouver
    Farmers' Market Society would prefer that the Market eventually be
    moved to public land so that the city could exercise greater control. 
    He requested that the city establish a definition for a farmers'
    markets and specify where they may be set up.  On being advised that
    there is a definition of "Farmers' Market" on page 9 of the Policy
    Report, Mr. Ferrari suggested that it be extended to include a
    definition of "farmer operators".  

    Clause No. 5 Continued

         Devorah Kahn, East Vancouver Farmers' Market Society, offered
    thanks to Council and to city staff for the help her organization has
    received.  The process of preparing the Policy Report now under
    consideration has been a positive learning experience for the Society. 
    While the Society wants to stay at its present site at the Croatian
    Centre this year, it intends to take a pro-active part in seeking a new
    site for 1997.

         In the course of discussion, the question of establishing a
    precedent arose.  It was suggested that a precedent had already been
    set in 1995 with Council's decision to withhold enforcement on the
    farmers' market in that year.  It was noted that the only city land for
    public use is controlled by the Parks Board.  The Society was advised
    to establish communication with the Parks Board.

         The following motions by Councillor Kwan were put and CARRIED. 
    Therefore, the Standing Committee


         A.   THAT staff be instructed to withhold enforcement of CDŸ1
              By-Law No. 5411 with regard to the East Vancouver Farmers'
              Market at the Croatian Cultural Centre, 3250 Commercial
              Drive, until after Thanksgiving.

         B.   THAT staff be instructed to explore additional sites for
              permanent farmers' market operation.

                                                      - CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

                           *     *     *     *     *

                 The Standing Committee adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

                 *     *     *     *     *