CS&B COMMITTEE AGENDA
                                                      APRIL 25, 1996       

                        Office of the Director of Finance
                       Hugh Creighton, Director of Finance
                   Sam Kuzmick, Director of Operations Support

                                                             April 15, 1996
     Mayor P. Owen
       and Members of Council

          It is my pleasure to submit the Auditors' Report and the
     Financial Statements of the City of Vancouver for the year ended
     December 31, 1995.  These financial statements are prepared by the
     Accounting Services with the assistance of other staff of Corporate

          The statements reflect all civic operations for the 1995 fiscal
     year.  I have summarized below, by Fund, certain information on those
     matters that I feel may be of particular interest to Council.

                                  REVENUE FUND

          The Revenue Fund accounts for the general operations of the City. 
     Revenue for the year totalled $549.0 million and expenditures amounted
     to $548.7 million, resulting in an excess of revenue over expenditure
     of $0.3 million.  Included in revenues were transfers of $7.0 million
     from the Property Endowment Fund and $8.1 million from the Sinking
     Fund.  This surplus is transferred to Revenue Surplus, which now
     stands at $4.3 million.  This balance in Revenue Surplus is at a
     historically low level.

          The collection of current taxes amounted to $630.9 million or
     97.71% of the total current tax levies.  Arrears of taxes which
     totalled $22.1 million at the beginning of 1995 were reduced by
     receipts of $15.1 million during the year or 68.3%.  The following
     summary indicates the total receipts on a percentage basis of both
     current and arrears of taxes over the last five years:

                              1995    1994    1993   1992   1991

     Total receipts of current
     taxes as a percentage of
     current levy            97.71%  97.79%  97.45% 97.36%  97.75%

     Total receipts on current
     and arrears as a percent-
     age of current levy     100.05% 100.47% 100.27% 99.61% 100.13%

       Tax arrears as at December 31, 1995 totalled $23.4 million, an
     increase of $1.3 million compared to tax arrears as at December 31,
     1994.  As of the date of this report, the arrears have been reduced by
     approximately $8.3 million.  Basically, tax collections are stable.

       The City earned $11.5 million on short-term investments of the
     operating, capital and reserve funds, a decrease of $0.2 million from
     1994, reflecting a decrease in funds available for investment.  Most
     interest earnings go to general revenues and result in lower property

                                  CAPITAL FUND

       The Capital Fund accounts for all properties and equipment required
     for civic use and the related long term debt and funding sources. 
     During 1995, the City expended $180 million on capital works which was
     a reduction from 1994, primarily due to the completion of the Library
     Square project.  The following schedule summarizes these expenditures
     by funding sources.

                                             1995           1994
                                             (000)          (000)

          Capital Fund
           By-law funds (borrowed)
             - General                     $ 61,268       $ 78,037
             - Local Improvement              3,076          3,342

          Revenue budget provision
            for capital                      28,608         37,218

          Revenue Fund
            Reserves                          8,079         10,968
            Operations                        6,764          5,790

          Other Funds                           207            576

          Senior Governments                 12,364          4,197

          Property Endowment Fund               718         30,448

          Capital Financing Fund              7,045         16,921

          Mortgage                           13,603         31,163

          Other                              38,592         15,128

                                           $180,324       $233,788

          In 1995, the City issued $50 million of debentures to finance
     capital works.  Also local improvement debentures in the amount of
     approximately $2.0 million were issued and sold to the Sinking Fund.

          For purposes of comparison, the gross debenture debt outstanding
     historically has been as follows:

          Dollars of the Day               Constant 1995 Dollars
                                             (000)                (000)

       1980      $195,035                $397,272
       1985       283,578                 403,981
       1990       382,808                 448,888
       1995       464,314                 464,314

                                  SINKING FUND

       This Fund accounts for the accumulation of actuarial instalments
     generated from tax levies, which together with the interest earned
     thereon, provides for the retirement of the City's sinking fund debt
     at maturity.

       Securities held as Sinking Fund investments at December 31, 1995
     amounted to $166.3 million.  The Sinking Fund invests in City of
     Vancouver debentures and short term money market investments.

       In 1995, $26.8 million was paid from the Revenue Fund into the
     Sinking Fund for current instalments, which, together with other
     income of the Fund of $15.3 million, amounted to total revenue for the
     year of $42.1 million.  After providing $34.4 million for the
     actuarial requirements of the Fund and sundry costs of $0.2 million,
     the surplus was $7.5 million.  Council has appropriated this surplus
     for the general operations of the Revenue Fund in 1996.

                             PROPERTY ENDOWMENT FUND

       This Fund accounts for properties of the City not required for
     civic use.  The financial transactions are accounted for on a
     commercial basis and income includes gains or losses on disposal of

       During 1995, $7.0 million was transferred to the Revenue Fund to
     support general operations, and an equal amount will be transferred in

       These financial statements are provided for your information.

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                         H.E. Creighton
                                         Director of Finance