CS&B COMMITTEE AGENDA
                                                      APRIL 25, 1996       

                              ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                                      Date:  April 22, 1996

     TO:       Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets

     FROM:     Director of Finance

     SUBJECT:  1996 Operating Budget - Final Report


          A    THAT Council approve the final adjustments to the 1996
               Operating Budget Revenue and Expenditure estimates as
               presented in this report and summarized in Appendix 1.

          B.   THAT Council approve creation of 3.0 FTE positions at the
               Vancouver Public Library as detailed in this report; source
               of funding to be the 1996 Library Operating Budget.

          C.   THAT Council approve the purchase of new and replacement
               trucks and equipment for Engineering - Street Cleaning
               ($48,000 from the Workers Compensation Board); the Building
               Management Division ($40,000 from the Plant Account); and
               the Fire Department ($1.3 million from the Plant Account) as
               detailed in this report.


          The General Manager of Corporate Services RECOMMENDS approval of
          A, B and C.


     The Vancouver Charter requires the Director of Finance to present the
     estimates of revenues and expenditures to Council not later than April
     30 each year, and for Council to adopt a resolution approving the
     budget and a rating bylaw establishing general purpose tax rates as
     soon thereafter as possible.

     On April 16, 1996, Council approved the recommendations of the
     Director of Finance contained in the interim Report on the 1996
     Operating Budget. These recommendations provided final instructions to
     bring the budget into balance, including application of a 0.1% tax
     increase specifically targeted at passing through the increase in the
     Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District requisition.  The tax
     increase related to City controlled expenditures is 0%.


     The purpose of this report is to bring forward for Council approval
     the final adjustments necessary to ensure that all appropriate revenue
     and expenditure estimates are included in the 1996 Operating Budget.


     Since Council approved the interim estimates, the final steps to
     complete the 1996 Operating Budget cycle have been taken.  These
     include final adjustments to reflect the confirmation of Provincial
     Local Government Grant funding; the establishment of funding in
     General Government to provide for the computer replacement program
     approved as part of the interim estimates; adjustment to the provision
     for outside legal costs in Legal Services associated with rezoning
     work completed by outside counsel; and, final adjustments to
     Contingency Reserve.

     The estimates have also been adjusted to provide for the balance of
     the expenditures related to the CityPlan program.  This funding totals
     $220,600 and is provided by a transfer from Revenue Surplus
     ($141,700), completing the program approved by Council, and $78,900 in
     temporary help funding approved by the Corporate Management Team from
     within the budget.

     Subject to consideration of the Park Board global budget and added
     basic funding which are also on the Committee agenda this day, of the
     1996 Operating Budget will be ready for adoption by Council.

     The Operating Budget is summarized in Appendix 1, reflecting these


     The final estimates include a general provision of  $2.9 million in
     Contingency Reserve.  As noted at the interim report stage, this
     includes provision for a wage increases related to employee groups
     that have not settled contracts for 1996, as well as for several items
     that will be before Council in the near future.  The remaining of
     Contingency Reserve, estimated at $1.68 million will provide funding
     for Council to deal with emergent issues that arise during the year. 
     This provision is consistent with the level of actual expenditures
     provided from Contingency Reserve in 1995.


     These are two further items arising from the 1996 Operating Budget
     which require specific Council approval.

     Additional Library Staffing

     The Director of the Library has recommended conversion of funding to
     create new positions in four areas of the Library budget:

        -  0.5 FTE facility booking clerk is required to handle the rental
           space at Library Square.

        -  1.0 FTE maintenance position is required to assist with the
           automated book handling system.

        -  0.5 FTE System Librarian is required to convert an existing
           0.5 FTE to a full time position to handle the systems and
           telephone aspects of the Central Library operation.

        -  0.5 FTE Computer Lab position is required to ensure proper
           operation of the Central Library computer laboratory.

     Funding for all of these positions has been provided for from within
     the Library budget target, either by reallocation of existing
     resources or from new revenue sources.  Classification of these
     positions will be subject concurrence by the General Manager of Human

     Purchases from the Plant Account

     Submissions to the New and Non-Recurring program in the Operating
     Budget included requests for new equipment that would normally be
     funded from the Plant Account.  These included the following items:

           2 Litter Carts                                           $48,000
           Engineering - Street Cleaning

           As part of its early return to work program, the Worker s
           Compensation Board has agreed to purchase two additional litter
           carts to be used in the Street Cleaning program.  These
           purchases will allow two employees to return to work, in a
           "light duty" situation, earlier than would otherwise be
           possible.  While WCB will provide funding for the purchase,
           Council approval is required to make the purchase.  The
           additional operating costs are anticipated to be offset from
           savings in WCB levies.

           2 - 3/4 ton Vans                                         $40,000
           Real Estate and Property Management

           The Building Management group are currently renting three 3/4
           ton vans which are utilized in their maintenance operations. 
           Rentals were approved pending confirmation that there was
           sufficient ongoing work and economics to justify retention of
           this equipment.  It is now recommended that two of the three
           vans be purchased by the City as ownership is less expensive to
           the Operating Budget than outside rentals.  A decision on the
           third van will be made after the final resolution of Health
           building maintenance with the Health Board.

           Fire Apparatus and Vehicle Replacement                $1,300,000
           Fire and Rescue Services

           At the preliminary stage of the budget, staff recommended that
           the replacement of Fire and Rescue Services apparatus and
           support vehicles be transferred from the Operating Budget to the
           Plant Account to allow for a more programmed replacement.  The
           1996 program calls for replacements valued at $1.3 million.  As
           the General Manager of Fire and Rescue Services will be
           reporting to Council in the near future on new equipment
           configurations, it is proposed that this funding be approved now
           and that decisions about the specific equipment to be purchased
           follow from Council s action on those recommendations.

     It is recommended that this equipment be purchased from the Plant


     Completion of the 1996 Operating Budget will require a formal
     resolution by Council and adoption of the rating bylaw to establish
     1996 general purposes tax rates.  However, before that resolution can
     be approved, there are two issues that Council will be asked to

     On May 9, 1996, the Director of Finance will report to Council on two
     property taxation matters which must be decided prior to adopting the
     rating bylaws.  The first issue deals with a proposed Taxation
     Limitation Program for 1996 (tax capping), the second with
     consideration of any further shift of taxation burden from
     non-residential to residential properties.  While decisions flowing
     from consideration of these issues could impact the distribution of
     the taxation burden among the classes and the final tax rates, they
     will not change the general purposes tax levy presented in Appendix 1
     and will, therefore, have no impact on the 1996 Operating Budget
     position reflected in this report.

     Based on decisions from the May 9 meeting, the Budget Resolution,
     Special Resolutions related to taxation averaging and capping and the
     Rating Bylaws will be before Council on May 14 for final approval.

                                *   *   *   *   *