ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Date: April 1, 1996 Dept. File: pra\aidsconf.rtc TO: Vancouver City Council FROM: Chief Constable SUBJECT: International Conference on AIDS - Policing Costs (Contingency) RECOMMENDATION THAT Council approve funding of up to $60,000 for estimated policing costs associated with the International AIDS Conference to be held in Vancouver from July 6-12, 1996; source of funds to be the 1996 Operating Budget. CHIEF CONSTABLE'S COMMENTS The Chief Constable RECOMMENDS approval of the foregoing. COUNCIL POLICY There is no applicable Council policy. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to obtain contingency funding for direct policing costs associated to the International Conference on AIDS occurring on July 7th through July 12th, 1996. BACKGROUND The International conference on AIDS was first held in Washington D.C. in 1988. Demonstrations at this conference were aimed at public awareness of the lack of government funding towards research and a cure for HIV. Police in Washington confronted demonstrators wearing medical masks and surgical rubber gloves, which outraged Conference attendees. Subsequent conferences have been targeted for demonstrations aimed at confrontation. In San Francisco, 1990, the demonstrations resulted in violent confrontations with Police. In contrast, the 1989 Conference in Montreal was virtually uneventful. In planning for policing this event, which has 15,000 attendees, general public safety is the highest priority. DISCUSSION This Conference is the largest ever held in Vancouver. The Conference has traditionally been a venue for optimizing media coverage of the HIV issues in the scientific, political and public arenas. The group "ACTUP", from San Francisco, is known to be attending. This group has been extremely confrontational with both the public and police and at times resorts to violence. To ensure the City is adequately prepared, contingency plans and deployment models must be prepared and in place prior to the event. The approval of necessary funding will allow a pro-active policing plan to be developed and result in minimal impact on the Police Department's ability to provide service during the Conference. In order to police an event of this magnitude, which has several venues, over six days, the following extraordinary costs have been identified. These costs are over and above the day-to-day policing of the city and represent a projected maximum level of deployment, for example, inclusion of the Crowd Control Unit. - Basic Deployment Level - Patrol, Traffic, Reserve Police: one Squad per day for 6 days $45,000 - Transportation 3,000 - Crowd control Unit: called in for major demonstrations where the event is known from intelligence sources. Staff project two major demonstrations at $6,000 each: 12,000 TOTAL $60,000 This option assumes prior knowledge of a major demonstration to allow for pre-deployment. Spontaneous demonstrations requiring additional resources may result in further increases policing costs. CONCLUSION The International Conference on AIDS, to be held at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre, attracts public and media attention worldwide. This conference is the largest to be held in Vancouver. At previous conferences violent confrontations have occurred between demonstrators and police. The Police Department, through the special event planning section (OAS), will make every effort to proactively mitigate any confrontational demonstrations. Past experiences have shown this is not always possible. It is therefore recommended that Council approve basic policing costs of $48,000 and the Crowd Control Unit standby deployment for the two projected demonstrations, at $12,000, totalling $60,000. This will ensure the City is adequately prepared for any emergent incident at the venues of the International Conference on AIDS. * * * * *