CS&B COMMITTEE AGENDA
                                                      APRIL 18, 1996       

                              ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT

                                                       Date:  April 2, 1996

     TO:       Standing Committee on City Services and Budgets

     FROM:     Director,   Community   Services  Division,   Social

     SUBJECT:  City    Childcare   Endowment    Reserve   Operating


          A.   THAT Council authorize  the Director of  Finance to
               establish  the  Childcare Endowment  Reserve  as an
               interest bearing fund.

          B.   THAT  Council  approve   the  childcare   operating
               agreement with the Vancouver YWCA (see Appendix  I)
               and authorize  payment of an operating  subsidy for
               the  period January 1 - December 31, 1996, of up to
               $72,000 for the infant  and toddler programs at the
               YWCA Leslie  Diamond Child Care Centre.   Source of
               funds: the City Childcare Endowment Reserve.

          C.   THAT  Council  approve   the  childcare   operating
               agreement with the Collingwood  Neighbourhood House
               Society  (see Appendix II) and authorize payment of
               an operating subsidy for the period of September 1,
               1995  - December 31, 1996, of up to $96,000 for the
               infant  and  toddler  programs at  the  Collingwood
               Village Child  Care Centre.   Source of  funds: the
               City Childcare Endowment Reserve.

          D.   THAT  Council  approve   the  childcare   operating
               agreement  with the Vancouver Society of Children's
               Centres (see  Appendix III) and  authorize payments
               of start-up funding of up to $48,900 and an infant/
               toddler  operating subsidy for the period September
               1, 1995 - December  31, 1996, of up to  $48,000 for
               the childcare programs at Library Square Children's
               Centre.  Source of funds: the City Childcare Endow-
               ment Reserve.


          The  General  Manager of  Community  Services RECOMMENDS
          approval of A, B and C.


     On  December  15,  1994,   Council  approved  the  terms  and
     conditions  of the Childcare Endowment Reserve, including the
     eligibility criteria and process for accessing these monies.

     Approval of grant recommendations requires  eight affirmative


     The City  Childcare Endowment Reserve report  of December 15,
     1994   required  that   Social  Planning   develop  operating
     agreements with the  three eligible  childcare operators  and
     bring these  agreements back for Council  approval.  Further,
     approval is being sought to put the Childcare Endowment funds
     into an interest bearing account.


     The creation of a Childcare Endowment Reserve was approved in
     May  1991, to  ensure  the availability  of the  start-up and
     operating  subsidies needed  to sustain  those new  childcare
     facilities being opened in  high density neighbourhoods, as a
     result of  rezoning negotiations or City  initiated projects.
     A Council report in December 1994 provided guidelines for the
     development   of  the   required  operating   agreements  and
     identified  the  eligible  childcare   projects.    It   also
     established the start-up funding rate at $2,000 per childcare
     space and  the ongoing  infant/toddler subsidy at  $3,000 per
     space per annum.  To date the Reserve has $443,381.89.


     When the Childcare Endowment Reserve was first introduced, it
     was envisaged  that contributions to the Reserve would be put
     into an interest bearing account  and that the interest would
     be accrued to the Reserve.  It was recognized that this would
     help  to extend  the  life of  the  Reserve and  ensure  that
     funding for start-up  and infant/toddler  subsidies would  be
     available   for   eligible  childcare   operations   for  the
     foreseeable future.  Current policy requires Council approval
     to  authorize the Director  of Finance to  make the necessary
     arrangements  for  interest  to  be  paid  to  the  Endowment

     The  new childcare  facilities at  Bentall  V/YWCA, Citygate,
     Collingwood  Village  and Library Square are now in the early
     months of operation.   The programs  are filling quickly  and
     the infant  and toddler programs already  have waiting lists.
     It  is  anticipated that  enrolment  for  the "3-5"  programs
     should be at capacity by September 1996 and that all start-up
     issues should be resolved by no later than September 1997.

     1.  Start-up Funding

         The operators of the  new childcare facilities at Bentall
         V/YWCA,   Citygate   and  Collingwood   Village  received
         approval for their full start-up funding contributions in
         December 1994.   Payments  related to start-up  costs are
         being released as required up until the end of 1997.

         The Vancouver Society of Children's Centres (VSOCC) which
         operates the  new Library Square  childcare facility  was
         only  approved for a Phase I start-up grant of $25,100 in
         1994.   It  is now  eligible to  apply for  the remaining
         $48,900.  Staff recommend that this amount be approved as
         the  final  start-up   contribution  for  Library  Square
         Children's  Centre  and  that  it  be  disbursed  at  the
         discretion of Social Planning up until December 31, 1997.

     2.  Infant/Toddler Operating Subsidy
         As  anticipated  in  previous Council  reports,  all  the
         infant  and  toddler   programs  in  the   new  childcare
         facilities  are  running  operating deficits  each  month
         because  the  young families  who  need  the care  cannot
         afford the full cost.  The expenses are primarily made up
         of staffing costs required to meet the 1:4 staff to child
         ratios  required for childcare  licensing regulations and
         the higher than usual building operating costs associated
         with   incorporating  daycare   centres  into   the  more
         expensive building types of high  density neighbourhoods.
         The monthly infant and toddler fees  being charged by the
         operators range from $780 to $850 per child  depending on
         the type of  care (provincial daycare subsidies of  up to
         $585  per month  are  available for  eligible low  income
         families).    As  well,   operators  are  accessing  some
         provincial  operating dollars through  the Childcare Wage
         Supplement  Initiative  and the  Infant/Toddler Incentive
         Program.  Even so,  access  to  the  Childcare  Endowment
         Reserve monies is still key  to maintaining the long term
         viability of the new infant/toddler programs.

         The Childcare Endowment Reserve operating agreements with
         the Vancouver  YWCA, the Collingwood  Neighbourhood House
         Society and Vancouver Society  of Children's Centres  are
         attached  in  the appendices.    Based on  the  terms and
         conditions approved  by Council  in December  1994, these
         agreements outline  certain requirements as  well as  the
         maximum contributions available to each operator from the
         Childcare Endowment Reserve until December 31, 1998.  The
         contributions are still subject to  Council approval each
         year and the actual  amounts paid out will be  based upon
         the review of the actual  expenses each quarter by Social
         Planning.  This will ensure that there  is no unnecessary
         draw-down of  the Childcare Endowment Reserve  funds.  It
         will also allow all parties to closely monitor the start-
         up  and operating costs of these new facilities so we can
         effectively  plan  for  the  development   of  other  new
         childcare  facilities   planned  for  the   high  density
         neighbourhoods of False Creek North and Coal Harbour.

         The  recommended maximum  annual contribution  levels for
         1995/1996 infant/toddler subsidy are as follows:

            Vancouver YWCA                               $72,000  
            Collingwood Neighbourhood House              $96,000  
            Vancouver Society of Children's Centres      $48,000

         As noted  earlier, Social Planning will  review quarterly
         financial  statements  submitted   by  the  agencies,  to
         determine the  actual amount  and timing of  the payments
         within  the contribution maximums established by Council.
         Social Planning  will report back on  the 1995/96 actuals
         when the 1997 contribution limits are being established.

     The  Childcare Endowment  Reserve funds  are now  required to
     ensure the ongoing viability of the new facilities  opened at
     Bentall V/YWCA,  Collingwood  Village  and   Library  Square.
     Social  Planning  recommends   the  approval  of  the   three
     operating  agree-ments  attached  in the  appendices  and the
     1995/96   maximum   start-up   and   infant/toddler   subsidy
     contribution levels  as contained in this  report. Council is
     also asked  to authorize the  Director of Finance  to arrange
     for the Childcare Endowment Reserve to earn interest.

                                *   *   *   *   *