1 MOTION At the Council meeting of March 26, 1996, Councillor Price submitted the following Notice of Motion, which was recognized by the Chair: Burrard Bridge MOVED by Cllr. Price, SECONDED by Cllr. THAT WHEREAS City Council is expected to make a choice with respect to a cycling lane on the Burrard Bridge from one of three options: - expand bridge outwards - remove a lane - maintain status quo AND WHEREAS there is no consensus on any single option, and there remains a lack of information on the possible effects of such a decision; AND WHEREAS other decisions affecting the bridge have not been made (The Hornby ramp, intersection design at both ends of the bridge, left- hand turn bays on Burrard Street); AND WHEREAS there is an immediate need to address problems on routes leading to the bridge, in particular the Seawall on the North Shore of False Creek and English Bay; BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council defer the decision on the Burrard Bridge until after a series of trials has been undertaken over the next six months to experiment with possible options and to monitor the impacts; AND THAT the Burrard Bridge Advisory Committee and Bicycle Advisory Committee be asked to develop a program of trials and to monitor their impact for a report back to Council; AND THAT these trials be held in conjunction with various events already scheduled as appropriate; AND THAT the City and Park Board immediately address those problems on routes leading to the bridge (in particular the Seawall on the North Shore of False Creek and English Bay).